TKD Self-Defense Story.

Excellent. I don't care what art a woman uses but everytime I hear about a woman beating the poop out of a would be attacker it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

Excellent. I don't care what art a woman uses but everytime I hear about a woman beating the poop out of a would be attacker it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

I hear ya Mr. Mavis! The reason why I have my daughter training in the martial arts is because I want to feel totally confident that she will be able defend herself if ever necessary. I know I can't always be at my little girl's side to defend her, so our Art is the next best thing.

I think she'll do okay, she just tested for her black belt. In our large, extended family she's the very first female to work for and earn her black :karate:

I'm a very proud Pops :p
Great! Ya god help any daughters I have... they will be ninjas by the time they are 10 years old. I can just hear my future daughter whining and complaining now but to me martial arts training for girls is more important than anything they will teach in school or anywere else for that matter. The world is NOT a safe place and people are always shocked and horrified when their daughters get raped or assaulted and I'm always boggled at that reaction. I see and hear about it in the news all the time so why didn't they take the necessary precautions to insure they protected their daughter? bleh... I feel like we as a society raise our children to think the world is a kind safe place to exist in and that we basically lie to them until something awful happens but by then it's too late. With so many assaults and rapes going on every day it would only be prudent to teach a young woman how to fight so that she has a chance at defending herself instead of being a victim waiting to happen.

Ya I could rant about this all day.... it's a REAL sore spot with me but I'll just call it quits right here. I'm so glad to hear your daughter is taking martial arts!

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Mr Mavis,

For what its worth, I agree with you. People do tend to be too cavalier about their safety in society. A lot of the assault could have been prevented if people simply take their personal safety more seriously. It is the parents' responsibility to instill that awareness in their children, and to enroll them in MA schools.

lol I am even more adamant in this department. I have been advocating that all women and girls should be licenced to carry handguns and take compulsory shooting lesson. LMAO. My sister has more guns than the Al Qaeda! She and her husband buy each other guns for birthdays and X'mas. :rolleyes:

Kenneth Ku
Ya even though I'm not a big fan of guns I totally prefer a woman carry a handgun then not have any defence whatsoever. What I like about martial arts for young women isn't so much the actual physical aspect to defend themselves but the mental aspect that helps deter a situation even before it begins. Martial arts women won't be as prone to put themselves in a unsafe situation and the confidence they put out without even thinking about it can sometimes be enough to avoid conflict.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Yes. Not getting into dangerous situation is the first line of self-defence. But realistic self defence training works. A strike to the throat, jab to the eyes, slap/clap to the ears, knee to the groin, stomp to the feet. These could be life saving technique. But the training must be realistic. Else if the adrenaline stress kicks in, the response may be unpredictable.