TKD Dobak or Starfleet Uniform?

While I am not for sexualizing uniforms, I'm all for a an option of uniform thats actually cut for a woman -- as opposed to simply recycling a man's uniform and calling it "unisex". To be honest, I'd be more comfortable training in a uniform like this than any of the other styles I've had to wear.

I agree that it would be nice to have a uniform top that's cut for a woman - my anecdotal and personal experience is that women, especially ones with large breasts, need to adjust their uniform top a lot more then men do. Mine's always trying to pull up out of my belt.

But I still would not want to wear this outfit. I'd be plenty happy with a dobak top that's just cut a little roomier in the chest area.
So this uniform is made of lycra, right? So how does it "pop" when you're doing a form? Or are we just doing to forget about that?
So this uniform is made of lycra, right? So how does it "pop" when you're doing a form? Or are we just doing to forget about that?

Sorry dear, your job is just to look pretty now, leave that tough martial artsy stuff to the boys, oh, and bow lower....
I agree that it would be nice to have a uniform top that's cut for a woman - my anecdotal and personal experience is that women, especially ones with large breasts, need to adjust their uniform top a lot more then men do. Mine's always trying to pull up out of my belt.

But I still would not want to wear this outfit. I'd be plenty happy with a dobak top that's just cut a little roomier in the chest area.

Uniform pants, too. The deep rise and low gusset is not suited for many women's frames and can even interfere with lower leg movements. When I had to wear a uniform, I found I could move better in a child's size 2 pants that were a bit too snug than a men's size 3 that just fit wrong. That may not bother some folks but it bugged the hell out of me...much like I'm sure clothing cut for a woman would bug many men.