Thought Provoking Phases of Friendships

Originally posted by KenpoTess
Thanks so much Letch :)
I sure hear you about the being alone part.. I have never had problems with entertaining myself.. not quite the same as being alone in a truck cab all those long hours.. but during the day Seig sleeps, he gets up at 5.. we eat dinner.. then on weekdays.. off to class, come home he changes and leaves for work for the midnight shift.. so yeah I'm alone 90 plus percent of the time. The 'Blahs' I'm glad to say never go further than just that.. I have tempered my emotions through the years to not allow anything deeper than blahs to touch me..

I'm not a great communicator outside of the keyboard.. so realize alot of my issues with keeping in touch with people is my own fault.. I despise talking on the phone.. (my car accident few years back caused mega nerve damage in my thoracic (ribcage etc region) so holding a phone.. my hand not only goes numb.. but the arteries under my arm get impinged and that causes lots of problems .. plus had reconstructive jaw surgery and well yapping alot.. hurts~!
Typing sure alleviates that problem :) Plus with my rather quiet lifestyle.. There's not a whole hellova lot to talk about to others~!
Now people who commonalities with me.. Same likes such as MA's Art, Photography, same type of book-likes, sculpting, sailing, Art of all kinds, now then maybe I can carry on a half-way decent conversation.. :)
all in all.. I am not one to get together with the 'girls' *even if I knew any my own age* to go shopping.. *much rather find it on the net and buy it without facing madhouse 'Mauls' I'm not into 'women's gatherings' or egad, Bridge, or tupperware parties.. *snickers* I don't belong with the college crowd.. and not ready for shuffleboard.. I guess I'm kinda lost at this ridiculous young age.

Sorry for the ramblage.. :eek:

We're here for you, Tess!:asian:
We're here for you, Tess!
We're supposed to be making her feel BETTER.:rofl: Just kiddin' with ya. I have found that this forum (the only one I frequent) can be a real santuary when I'm really down. There is no physical contact, the conversation is in lag time vice real time so you can think about what you want to say instead of simply react and a problem/concern is generally met with support instead of mean spirited snipes. Granted, there are limits to what should/can be discussed here but generally, yeah, what Ricardo said holds true.... we're here for ya, regardless of who you are.
Originally posted by theletch1
We're supposed to be making her feel BETTER.:rofl: Just kiddin' with ya. I have found that this forum (the only one I frequent) can be a real santuary when I'm really down. There is no physical contact, the conversation is in lag time vice real time so you can think about what you want to say instead of simply react and a problem/concern is generally met with support instead of mean spirited snipes. Granted, there are limits to what should/can be discussed here but generally, yeah, what Ricardo said holds true.... we're here for ya, regardless of who you are.

*smiling* and I do feel better.. :)
I used to chat alot in a group that I've known for bout 6-7 yrs.. it used to be fun but anymore all they seem to do is gossip, and tear each other apart.. that holds absolutely no interest to me.. We've held get- togethers and met some of the other chatters, which was kinda nice.. but all in all I tend to stay behind the scenes cuz there's too much latitude out 'there' when it comes to people communicating and the net sure has a way of allowing some to just say what they want without thought that the recipient is alive on the other side of the monitor and has feelings..
*where that diatribe came from I dunno *G*
Hugs Letch.. you're a good man~!
Originally posted by KenpoTess
I am not one to get together with the 'girls' *even if I knew any my own age* to go shopping.. *much rather find it on the net and buy it without facing madhouse 'Mauls' I'm not into 'women's gatherings' or egad, Bridge, or tupperware parties.. *snickers* I don't belong with the college crowd.. and not ready for shuffleboard.. I guess I'm kinda lost at this ridiculous young age.

Sorry for the ramblage.. :eek:

Well, if you wanna go mall rat, tess, i've got a cell phone you can ring and tell me to get my skinny butt over there and pick you up. i think it'd be fun! and i promise to drive safely! :D

i'm sure my college experience would be way different without you, or anyone at MMA! *big squeezy Kenpo hugs, keeps head tucked in incase of Striking Serpent's Head...*
aww thanks Abbey :) *refrains from 'thrusting prongs' on ya *snortles*

Malls and I are a bad combination~!! Unless I get to use my kenpo on the hoards~!! Puhleeeeeease~!!!! heheee now that would be most amusing methinks...mayhaps I would get into much mischief.. but it would be most fun.. yesh~!
Originally posted by KenpoTess
aww thanks Abbey :) *refrains from 'thrusting prongs' on ya *snortles*

Malls and I are a bad combination~!! Unless I get to use my kenpo on the hoards~!! Puhleeeeeease~!!!! heheee now that would be most amusing methinks...mayhaps I would get into much mischief.. but it would be most fun.. yesh~!

Save the prong thrusting for when chad is a bad boy...or the ookie...whichever...

hmms, mad kenpo skillz + mall filled with rushing rednecks = maybe getting kicked out, but mega fun! yay!~

i'll be back in state on monday. I is not driving sunday night. And I heard WV is gettin snow!!! Just rain here in MD/DE
bah.. I don't wanna wait til Chad's a bad boy.. course he always is.. soooooooo... *angelic look* Snow.. oh don't you dare utter that 4 letter word in my presence... Ack.......
No no no.. I 'fuse S*#@*~!!! *blinks*
Originally posted by KenpoTess
aww thanks Abbey :) *refrains from 'thrusting prongs' on ya *snortles*

Malls and I are a bad combination~!! Unless I get to use my kenpo on the hoards~!! Puhleeeeeease~!!!! heheee now that would be most amusing methinks...mayhaps I would get into much mischief.. but it would be most fun.. yesh~!

It was a few days before Christmas and I was out shopping and returning a duplicate gift. Well there before me my eyes could not believe, a crowd just talking. Nothing more nothing less. The excuseme. The please move. The casual push or nudge only received me the Glare of death. I was trapped in between all these little women. (* Note when you are 6'3" most women are shorten then me :) *), well I was caught and was frustrated, and I had been polite and all.

What could a young male do now?

I picked up the young lady in front of me by the elbows and moved her to the side. This cleared a path for me. All of a sudden I was a leper and no one wanted to hold up my progress of trying to leave.

Just before I made my escape out the door, a long came the saviors. The local security guards came up yelled Halt. (* And I thought or what you will yell halt again? ;) *) I stopped. They then proceded to tell me that I had to leave. This took about 5 minutes :rolleyes: . They finally were down with their lecture, and I headed in the direction I had been heading. They yelled Halt again. You must leave. (* Picture this I am about 75' from the door and I am headed directly to it. No store entrances in between me and the exit.*) I replied that I was trying to. Then I as lectured too again. I asked if they would accept escorting me to my car. They agreed :D . I then walked out the door with a guard in tow, and walked all the way down the isle to my car. The other guards were watching from the door way. As I got into my car, the guard asked me if this was my car. I replied I had teh keys and the title and insurance for it. He said, ut-oh! You are not the guy we followed from the tapes. :eek: He ran back to his friends. I guess they were not after me for my incident.

I absolutely hate the holiday crowds. People yelling screaming and fighting and expecting me to be nice back to them.

So, I shop on line or in foreign countries :cool:

This was years ago, back when I was a hot head and all. You know like when I still had teens in my age. ;)

Originally posted by KenpoTess
bah.. I don't wanna wait til Chad's a bad boy.. course he always is.. soooooooo... *angelic look* Snow.. oh don't you dare utter that 4 letter word in my presence... Ack.......
No no no.. I 'fuse S*#@*~!!! *blinks*

hims is always bad. he was in my dream last night...tis disturbing cuz he's NICE to me then...

i sorry for mentioning the 4 letter word of doom. *begs forgiveness*
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
It was a few days before Christmas and I was out shopping and returning a duplicate gift. Well there before me my eyes could not believe, a crowd just talking. Nothing more nothing less. The excuseme. The please move. The casual push or nudge only received me the Glare of death. I was trapped in between all these little women. (* Note when you are 6'3" most women are shorten then me :) *), well I was caught and was frustrated, and I had been polite and all.

What could a young male do now?

I picked up the young lady in front of me by the elbows and moved her to the side. This cleared a path for me. All of a sudden I was a leper and no one wanted to hold up my progress of trying to leave.

Just before I made my escape out the door, a long came the saviors. The local security guards came up yelled Halt. (* And I thought or what you will yell halt again? ;) *) I stopped. They then proceded to tell me that I had to leave. This took about 5 minutes :rolleyes: . They finally were down with their lecture, and I headed in the direction I had been heading. They yelled Halt again. You must leave. (* Picture this I am about 75' from the door and I am headed directly to it. No store entrances in between me and the exit.*) I replied that I was trying to. Then I as lectured too again. I asked if they would accept escorting me to my car. They agreed :D . I then walked out the door with a guard in tow, and walked all the way down the isle to my car. The other guards were watching from the door way. As I got into my car, the guard asked me if this was my car. I replied I had teh keys and the title and insurance for it. He said, ut-oh! You are not the guy we followed from the tapes. :eek: He ran back to his friends. I guess they were not after me for my incident.

I absolutely hate the holiday crowds. People yelling screaming and fighting and expecting me to be nice back to them.

So, I shop on line or in foreign countries :cool:

This was years ago, back when I was a hot head and all. You know like when I still had teens in my age. ;)


Wow, dats gotta suck. Inventive way of getting the lady outta yer way, tho :p

...and for the "or will you say halt again" bit, have you been watching a bit too much robin williams :p

i really REALLY despise shopping, but LOVE mallratting!
heheee that's a great story Rich~!!! And a great way to get outta the mall alive~! I truly despise shopping unless there's less than 10 cars in the parking lot ( the entire mall lot that is ~!!) and then I only frequent 2 stores.. Books and Software.. that's it.. though once when Seig and I were getting new tires put on at Sears. .we had not much choice but to amble about.. course being Sears.. He was quite enthralled with the TOOL section.. so I towed alongside.. poking and prodding strange looking objects ..trying pipe clamps on for bracelets and giggled at the itsy bitsy ones that fit as rings.. donning welders helmets and wielding lethal looking pipe wrenches.. and saying something quite out loud about .. "ahhh smell the Testosterone in the air" :D Finally made my way to the exit ... Seig, spittle at his lips at the indignity that I was making him leave... Having another 30 minutes to kill... I sniffed something pleasant to my senses.. and attempted to enter Bath and Beyond.. we were immediately accosted at the doorway.. my wrist physically snatched by a woman *whom I hoped worked there* some vile lotion squirted onto me.. with babbleage from her lips about the newest scent .. some concoction I think is used in Monkey shampoo~!! Of course Seig retorted .. ahhh Smell the Estrogen in the Air.. " ~! Much louder than I ever whispered about the testosterone ~!! heheee.. needless to say.. I turned tail and got outta there without spending a penny
Originally posted by KenpoTess
heheee that's a great story Rich~!!! And a great way to get outta the mall alive~! I truly despise shopping unless there's less than 10 cars in the parking lot ( the entire mall lot that is ~!!) and then I only frequent 2 stores.. Books and Software.. that's it.. though once when Seig and I were getting new tires put on at Sears. .we had not much choice but to amble about.. course being Sears.. He was quite enthralled with the TOOL section.. so I towed alongside.. poking and prodding strange looking objects ..trying pipe clamps on for bracelets and giggled at the itsy bitsy ones that fit as rings.. donning welders helmets and wielding lethal looking pipe wrenches.. and saying something quite out loud about .. "ahhh smell the Testosterone in the air" :D Finally made my way to the exit ... Seig, spittle at his lips at the indignity that I was making him leave... Having another 30 minutes to kill... I sniffed something pleasant to my senses.. and attempted to enter Bath and Beyond.. we were immediately accosted at the doorway.. my wrist physically snatched by a woman *whom I hoped worked there* some vile lotion squirted onto me.. with babbleage from her lips about the newest scent .. some concoction I think is used in Monkey shampoo~!! Of course Seig retorted .. ahhh Smell the Estrogen in the Air.. " ~! Much louder than I ever whispered about the testosterone ~!! heheee.. needless to say.. I turned tail and got outta there without spending a penny

Sounds like me when dad drags me somewhere....mainly home depot. but of course, i'm the jerk who grabs a bunch of things from one place in the store and relocated them :D

....see the comment "Bath and Body Works, for when the guy can't afford a diamond" somewhere below....i figured, might as well add Godiva to that list...
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
hims is always bad. he was in my dream last night...tis disturbing cuz he's NICE to me then...

i sorry for mentioning the 4 letter word of doom. *begs forgiveness*

He's just a goober

well ok.. but I'm gonna expect extreme grovelage Monday.. :D
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
Sounds like me when dad drags me somewhere....mainly home depot. but of course, i'm the jerk who grabs a bunch of things from one place in the store and relocated them :D

....see the comment "Bath and Body Works, for when the guy can't afford a diamond" somewhere below....i figured, might as well add Godiva to that list...

I have a 3 carat diamond set in Platinum.. and where Can I wear it??? Guess Bath and Body works prolly is better for a Martial Artist eh *G*
Originally posted by KenpoTess
He's just a goober

well ok.. but I'm gonna expect extreme grovelage Monday.. :D

how bout just i'll take beatings like the underbelt i am...

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