Thought Provoking Phases of Friendships

Originally posted by TheRustyOne
how bout just i'll take beatings like the underbelt i am...

ok.. that works.. I haven't had anybody to beat on in a week.. though I did see the goober the other night.. he needs alot of 'lopper pinches' to make up for it.
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
Wow, dats gotta suck. Inventive way of getting the lady outta yer way, tho :p

...and for the "or will you say halt again" bit, have you been watching a bit too much robin williams :p

i really REALLY despise shopping, but LOVE mallratting!

I do not mean to take away from anyone's job as a security guard, as I have done it. Yet many times I felt after all the things they told me I could not do, this is all I was allowed to do was yell Halt again. And I ahve been saying it for years. Maybe I and some of my wrk friends have also picked it up from Robin Williams. Not sure.

She was not hurt, other than in the pride of having her legs leave the ground.

No by Mall ratting if you mean hanging out and playing hackey sack to some tunes that would make everyone look at you funny, then I am in. Well At least I used to be. I just cannot get myself to wear those pants around my knees and all that metal in my face. Nothing against it, just seen it used against people in a fight and it not for me. And the pants around the knees makes it hard to run or kick the hacky sack ;)

Not good at it tough I used to enjoy wastng many an evengin doing it. I went to last GENCON in Wisconsin, and I joined in wiht some of the guys there, adn they were suprised that this clean cut 'Older' guy not only wanted to play, he also knew the rules and, was dogging people just like them as they walked by :D.

Originally posted by Rich Parsons

Not good at it tough I used to enjoy wastng many an evengin doing it. I went to last GENCON in Wisconsin, and I joined in wiht some of the guys there, adn they were suprised that this clean cut 'Older' guy not only wanted to play, he also knew the rules and, was dogging people just like them as they walked by :D.


LOL. The image formed by that thought is funny...

I can't hackey, but I can loaf around with the best of them! for metal in my face...only if the fillings count! peircing is prolly too painful (i am a severe enemy of pain!) and peircings and kenpo just don't seem to mix :D
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
LOL. The image formed by that thought is funny...

I can't hackey, but I can loaf around with the best of them! for metal in my face...only if the fillings count! peircing is prolly too painful (i am a severe enemy of pain!) and peircings and kenpo just don't seem to mix :D

Yes it is a funny image.

As to Martial Arts in general does not mix well with metal in the face ;), unless you end up getting more in your teeth :eek:

And Yes I am against pain. You can lock me or hit me and I am fine. Jus tdo not pinch my ear lobes, where the peircing would go. Boy does that hurt!:(

Glad I could make you laugh
Originally posted by Rich Parsons

And Yes I am against pain. You can lock me or hit me and I am fine. Jus tdo not pinch my ear lobes,...............

*makes a a note in my rememberance journal.. "Rich doesn't like his earlobes pinched.. and he's against pain.. *casts a glance at my title*
Originally posted by KenpoTess
*makes a a note in my rememberance journal.. "Rich doesn't like his earlobes pinched.. and he's against pain.. *casts a glance at my title*

Training Pain is just fine. Broken Knuckles from sticks, the occasional hand or foot strike to the head, are all just fine.

No Pain No Gain ;)

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