This is how some ryu kyu guy sees EPAK



From ryukyu kenpo website

What is “Kenpo Karate”?

Founded by James Mitose, most of what is taught in the U.S. is based on the teachings of Ed Parker. Kenpo teaches a highly theoretical art of kicking and punching. The techniques are flashy and overkill is abundant. However, a distinct lack of knowledge of counters to grappling techniques is evident, as is a lack of weapon knowledge. The entire system is a long drawn out kick-punch art that merely combines blocks, punches, and kicks in ever increasing complexity without ever delving into the deeper knowledge available. Many times, instructors must resort to incorporating material from other systems to increase the knowledge base.
Yeah .. seems most ken/mpoists view EPAK that way.
Are you EPAK guys/girls going to take that. *fans flames*
Originally posted by fist of fury
Are you EPAK guys/girls going to take that. *fans flames*

That's their personal point of view, and are entitled to it. They should have done a little more research before forming that opinion, though.
What particular aspect of the statement is incorrect?
Originally posted by fist of fury
Are you EPAK guys/girls going to take that. *fans flames*

why should us EPAK people be upset about some loser having a website?

can't you tell from some of the threads in the kenpo/kempo board that we're all too busy arguing with each other to argue with anyone else? :D
Originally posted by Kenpo Yahoo
What particular aspect of the statement is incorrect?

Most of it. Let me break it down. :cool:

Kenpo teaches a highly theoretical art of kicking and punching.

He forgot striking, trapping, manipulations, weapons, and groundwork. And Kenpo is primarily based on principles, not theories.

The techniques are flashy and overkill is abundant.

Overkill? I call it contingency planning!

However, a distinct lack of knowledge of counters to grappling techniques is evident, as is a lack of weapon knowledge.

Ex-squeeze me? Two of the components of the Web of Knowledge are defenses against Grabs and Defenses against Holds. Weapons? What, because we're not running around with spears and nunchuka, we know nothing about weapons? No knives, sticks, staffs, huh?

The entire system is a long drawn out kick-punch art that merely combines blocks, punches, and kicks in ever increasing complexity without ever delving into the deeper knowledge available.

I suppose the authot of this is a seasoned expert on American Kenpo, right? I wonder if he's ever heard of a Sequential Flow of Motion?

Many times, instructors must resort to incorporating material from other systems to increase the knowledge base.

I love how he uses the actions of individual instructors in an attempt to make a generalization on the entire system/art which he's competing with.

And you can quote me on that. :cool:
While I will state that I have never formally studied kenpo at all, I have known many kenpo practicioners in my day. It seems that whoever wrote that quip has never been exposed to it - he should delve deeper into kenpo before he makes judgement calls.
Well, after reading what the author had to say about some other arts, they apparently just like to talk bad about everything other than ryukyu kenpo. They should come by the kenpo studio I study at and see how effective our theoretical art of kicking and punching can be.
Well, you know what they say... "Those that can, do. Those that can't, usually just badmouth everyone else."

Founded by James Mitose? I don't think so!
Originally posted by fist of fury
Are you EPAK guys/girls going to take that. *fans flames*

Mr. Trejo has a "Continuous Fighting Division" at the IMACC if I'm not mistaken. As well as one allowing sweeps and takedowns.

When this guy finishes competing in those divisions, I will listen more closely to him.

Kenpo has always had it's detractors...
and always will.....
God Blessem, the little buggers.
:rolleyes: :D

Never stopped me from loving/training and singing the praises of MY favorite martial art.

Your Brother
I must say as a teacher of Kenpo,I take offense to that statement made by that ryu kyu guy.In my opinion Kenpo is a complete system,just because we chose not to go to the ground doesn't mean we can't be effective from there.Kenpo is not based on ground fighting,this much is true, but technically neither is Judo or Jujutsu.In Judo you learn how to put your opponent on the ground,that doesn't mean you have to follow him down.The same goes for Jujutsu (traditional),and saying Kenpo doesn't deal with weapons come on,give me a break! We can slice and dice with the best of them.I have personally studied Kenpo,Judo,Jujutsu,and Kali,not in that order.I started with Judo,and Jujutsu,then went to Kenpo to improve my striking ability,at the same time I was studying Kenpo I cross trained in Kali.All of these systems are good but saying that one is not good simply because it does not emphasize on a specific area is an utter lie.They compliment each other,not insult each other.Any martial arts training can only enhance your knowledge.Just my opinion though.

With honor and respect,
the link to that site from here keeps getting rejected...
I'm halfway tempted to email the webmaster of that site to give him/her a piece of my mind concerning their blatant innaccuracy, however I doubt it would do any good.
After checking out the link I found that article to be purely self serving. The author paints his style Karate in the best possible light and list flaws in others. I would like to think their motivation for posting this dribble was naivity, but I doubt it. If someone has written an objective and complete article on Kenpo it would be nice to submit as a counter. Matter of fact It would be nice if someone from each of the listed arts would do the same.