The Whip.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Terre Haute, IN
A recent scholarly article in Physical Review Letters by two U. of Arizona mathematicians states that the cracking sound of the whip is made not by a sonic boom of the tip, as long believed, but by one of the loop in the whip, which can travel at a speed as much as 10x that of the whip tip. This is attributed to the tapering of the whip.
The whip is a Western weapon! It's also used in Sayoc Kali, for example. As to knowing why it makes that sound, well, that's just a bonus!
Fellow Artists,
The loop is indeed all important to the crack, but it need not be present. I'll post something over at whip enthusists about this. I sense a great disturbance in the force. Arnisador, could you get me the link?
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Originally posted by Hollywood1340

I'll post something over at whip enthusists about this.

What is this site?

Arnisador, could you get me the link?
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I read it in the Chronicle of Higher Education. It was in the 17 June 2002 issue of Physical Review Letters (under Nonlinear Dynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Classical Optics, etc.). The abstract is here but sounds different than the summary from the Chronicle. You'll need a university library to get the article for free.
I downloaded the article at the college. In the midst of systems of differential equations and conservation of momentum it cites a whip videotape by Mark Allen! Their conclusion: The loop causes the sonic boom, as it travels down the length of the whip. It can make the tip finally move up to 32 times the initial velocity of the whip in the hands of a skilled whip user. They concentrate on "noise-making" whips as used to herd cattle. The tapering of the whip is crucial.
Yes, yes, we've known that for years. Without a loop you have no crack. Sadly the loop still eludes we with my ten foot latigo in multiple sequences, but I'll find it! No prob with either of my eight footers.
arnisador "The whip is a Western weapon! It's also used in Sayoc Kali, for example. As to knowing why it makes that sound, well, that's just a bonus!"

the latigo is also a weapon of the filipino martail arts althought today it is mainly found in family systems, different types of whip material are used, from horse whips to the buntot pagi, which is a stingrays tail... the buntot pagi in zamboanga is also a mystical weapon believed to be able to scare and harm evil spirits.


I've bene thinking about a comment a Sayoc Kali instructor made, that training in the whip helps develop useful attributes for knife fighting. I want to experiment with that.
I've bene thinking about a comment a Sayoc Kali instructor made, that training in the whip helps develop useful attributes for knife fighting. I want to experiment with that.

i dont know, maybe i think everything invovlving combat benefits each other most of the times, but whip and knife, there is also latigo y daga, remember the whip is a long range weapon and the knife a short range weapon.....
I think the theory was about how it strengthens the wrist/forearm and improves the quickness/"snappiness" of movements.
I have hard the term boom and also the use of 32X and or 10X.

I thought the noise came from passing of one item over another and creating a vacuum effect, not a sonic boom. The sonic boom would occur at the speed of sound is about 343 meters / second. This is fast. IT is about 750 mile / hour. This means the arm would have to be moving 20 miles per hour at the 32 X and 75 miles per hour at the 10 X.

I always thought the sound came from the same effect as snapping our fingers. It is the air filling a small space that has been empty relatively quick. Now I do not know about whips. just had this idea or explanation in my head. I never ever thought that the tip of the whip would go that fast.

Just my thoughts
Start with the shoulder, bend the elbow snap the wrist, form the loop, break the sound barrier and make it crack. Or wrap. Or cut. Much fun to be had by all. Want to learn more? Click HERE
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Originally posted by Hollywood1340
Start with the shoulder, bend the elbow snap the wrist, form the loop, break the sound barrier and make it crack. Or wrap. Or cut. Much fun to be had by all. Want to learn more? Click HERE
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You see I understand the physics of speed and the larger the circle the faster it goes.

I understand the principal of the whip and the downhill efect of the weapon as it goes out.

I just never thought it was fster than the speed of sound.
hi guys

here in OZ there are plenty of stockmen who use whip cracking to help round up their cattle and there are plenty of shows every year which involve whip cracking as part of the competition,
i will ask one of them what they think about the cracking effect..

also isnt there a cracker or popper attached to most of these type of whips?, what does this do?


Originally posted by arnisador
Yes, the popper magnifies the sound considerably.

This is why I thought of only the Vacuum theory. THe popper displaces the air and snap / pop is from the air from the standard air pressure, entering the "Empty Space" just left by the popper.

That's the first time I've heard that theory as it relates to whips. There is a pretty good section on the physics of whips at the site I linked to above.
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I have been training with 6 footers for a little bit. It is very humbling. When I first tried I nearly destroyed Ray Dionaldo's dojo:eek:.

You can learn alot about common whipping like abanikos and how much you muscle your technique.

The whip senses fear and knows a fool so please use safety glasses, a long sleeve shirt, and long pants when you practice.

Once you learn the basic cracks then the challenge is to make combinations, which is what I am working on now.

If anyone is interested in obtaining 6ft Florida style nylon whips, let me know and I relay the details.
