The ultimate level of martial arts skill?


And here I've been training all this time to not get kicked there.

This was actually slowed with high frame rate cameras. The guy on the left is the FASTEST KICKER IN THE WORLD.

The reason the guy on the right doesn't respond is that the person on the left is kicking FASTER THAN HUMAN THOUGHT.

or maybe he's wearing the mother of all cups =)
My instructor was talking about this kind of thing one day. He had seen a demonstration once and voluntered to do the kicking but they wouldn't let him. He theroized that they do a "punt" type kick, he wanted to do a snapping front kick, so the person being kicked can roll their hip up and take most of it in the butt. Don't know if this works or not cause I'm not going to try it.

Originally posted by Klondike93

My instructor was talking about this kind of thing one day. He had seen a demonstration once and voluntered to do the kicking but they wouldn't let him. He theroized that they do a "punt" type kick, he wanted to do a snapping front kick, so the person being kicked can roll their hip up and take most of it in the butt. Don't know if this works or not cause I'm not going to try it.



I have heard and also seen the exact description you have stated. It is a demonstration against one technique.

Nothing I practice :)

This particular video clip looks contrtived...but, there are people who can take full shots to the don't discount it.

I have not had the "balls" to let soemone actually kick me there... so, I'm not an expert...but my Sifu witnessed an amazing man in the midwest who would allow ANY kind of kick to the groin from anybody (no, he hadn't had them surgically removed)...this same guy allowed full strikes to the throat and temple from people in the crowd...

Now, I have had the occasional "opportunity" to take shots to the throat (not by choice)...and although I escaped serious injury, I am still not ready for the "punt."

How do you train for that anyway?

I mean, ...well never mind...

My God, do he have a cup on? If I got kicked that hard I would be in a lot of pain. The man got kicked so hard, his feet left the
ground. If I could take that kick I will never where a cup.

Thank You
