The Secret Government by Bill Moyers

This video is from 1987 and starts with a breakdown of the events that led to the Iran/Contra affair. Mr. Moyers then traces the development of the "secret government" from its origins in 1947 with the national security act. The secret government, according to Bill Moyers, are the small groups of people within the government, protected by secrecy and are unaccountable to any constitutional oversight.

Mr. Moyers is very prescient in his prediction that if this government was allowed to persist, it would become more and more sophisticated to the point where it would become out of control. This conclusion is supported by the historical accounts of the actions of the secret government and the increasingly spare amounts of information that these cladestine organizations produce.

From the early 1950s to 1987, the secret government and its wing the CIA have committed atrocity after atrocity all in the name of ideology. These atrocities have increased in magnitude until at the time of this video, you have the US government supporting death squads in Central America and tens of thousands of innocent peasents are being massacred with US taxpayer dollars.

So, where are we 20 years later? Where are we when invite many of the same men that controlled the cabal that supported the death squads to run the highest levels of over government? Where are we when the President himself declares that the Constitution is "just a god damned peice of paper?"

And what now could this now highly sophisticated and insulated secret government do?

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