The "Real" Von Trapp Family of "The Sound of Music" Fame.

Jonathan Randall

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
I just purchased the 40th Anniversary Edition of The Sound of Music on two DVD's. There are over six hours of extras, including the A&E Documentary on the Von Trapp Family itself. Very interesting. Apparently, in exact opposite to the musical, Maria was the strict one and the Captain was very laid back and easy going with his wife and children. Also, the children were much older than they were in the movie and the oldest was a boy (who was already a practicing MD at the time the family fled Austria), not a girl. One thing that was true for both - the Von Trapp's principled and courageous opposition to the Nazis. What precipitated the real Von Trapps fleeing (to Italy, not Switzerland as in the movie) was their order by the Nazis to perform for Adolf Hitler at his birthday party. Really interesting real life stuff - far more, even than the movie. Also, BTW, the flag incident DID actually occur and was even more dramatic in real life than in the movie (in the movie, Christopher Plummer removes the Nazi flag - in real life the Cpt. Von Trapp told the assembled Nazis, after removing it, that they should replace it with one of the family's Afghan rugs as they were "more colourful". After the war, Maria mobilized the family, now living in America, to provide relief to the vanquished and destitute Austria that had turned its back on them. The documentary included did go into some family strife and discord, but, IMO, what family outside of fiction, is free of discord? What a story!
The details are interesting - I knew there was a real von Trapp family that had inspired the movie, but none of the rest of it. Thanks for sharing that.
Very interesting stuff JR. I also did not realize the Sound of Music was based on a real family. And, I'm embarrased to say, I have never seen the movie. Everyone who has seen it tells me how good it is, but I do not typically enjoy musicals. Now you have my interest peaked in the story. I may have to check it out.
Wow...I knew that the Von Trapps were a real family, but I did not know that their actions against the Nazi party were *that* defiant. It took a LOT of courage to be able to stand up against Hitler like that. Really brings another perspective to "The Sound of Music". Thanks for sharing that interesting bit of info! I might have to check out the new DVD set myself. :)
Hollywood does have that nasty habit of taking "artistic liberties" with the lives of real people. But in some cases they become into some of the greatest films of all time. This lengthy review which would be a good one for those that are resistant to "musicals" and are worried about falling asleep 1/4 of the way through the DVD.
The Rogers and Hammerstein score is as always with the two... magnificent.

Perhaps someone will take treatment of the Von Trapp story to heart and write a "based on true events" screenplay. Courageous family was this.


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It's been a great pleasure knowing some of the Von Trapps. Maria's grandaughter Elizibeth is a fine singer and grandson Toby grows the best organic vegetables ever.
TonyMac said:
It's been a great pleasure knowing some of the Von Trapps. Maria's grandaughter Elizibeth is a fine singer and grandson Toby grows the best organic vegetables ever.

I'm guessing that you know some of the Von Trapp's grandchildren personally?
Yes. Elizibeth was the choir director at my church and I frequently purchaced produce for work from Tobias' farm in Waitsfield. Elizibeth has a few CDs out there . I have "Wishful Thinking" which is awesome.
TonyMac said:
Yes. Elizibeth was the choir director at my church and I frequently purchaced produce for work from Tobias' farm in Waitsfield. Elizibeth has a few CDs out there . I have "Wishful Thinking" which is awesome.

That is so cool! My older sister met several, IIRC only one was an actual Von Trapp (the family used many singers during their final decade, apparently), when she was a music conservatory student years ago.