The Outsider



I'm sure that there are some out there in Martial Arts land that have encountered the dreded nowhere to go sickness. You have left your school / Master Instructor, either to relocate to another part of the country or you became shall we say "not welcomed" (for political reasons), nothing sinister mind you. Your upward mobility was no longer available. In either case, because you are lets say 3rd Dan or higher, you are having a hard time trying to find a school / Instructor that will accept you and opening your own school is not an economic possibilty. What would/could you do or have done to overcome this problem? I have seen a few wandering nomads through the years. Just wondering what somebody else thinks...... :asian:
put out an ad or sign up sheets near grocery stores or something like that to form a training group.

not opening up a school but just a group of people to get together and train somewhere like a park, backyard etc.

you would probably have to train them a bit but you can also work on what you need to as well with them..don't worry that they don't understand etc. because it is really for your benefit.

Another option is just to do solo training which can only go soo far but it is still something until you can find a better solution.


Maybe a local park or community center has a recreation program in need of martial arts?
Maybe you live near a university with a recreational activities program that's open to the community?

I think you're going to have to start your own class somehow, unless you can find a teacher.
One option would be starting a new art via seminars and a study group. Putting up signs like others said may be a good way. Out in the big cities you can advertise via for free and just meet in a park, backyard, or rec room.

Another would be just to start totally new in something else. Forget about rank in your other art and just go as a beginner.
Local club or community college

You meet all types of people to train with... Boxers, TKDists, wrestlers, judoka, and the like

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