The "Look! Look at my cool workout!" thread

Planning my next training cycle, this one will be more consistent/straight-forward. I just call it a "deadlifts, dips+chins (chinups) cycle". Cutting out superfluous exercises and keeping it super simple. Just those with higher volume than I'm used to. Maybe a couple of quick accessory exercises at the end. Deadlifts on each of the two days will alternate between heavy (3-6 reps) and lighter (6-15 reps). Deadlifts reeeeally tax me hard so trying to manage that haha.
Sounds awesome, have you read David Groggins? He gives some good advice on chins and dips. The other thing to bear in mind is that bodyweight exercises like chins and dips seem generally to be tolerated at much higher volumes and frequency than, say, deadlifts.
Sounds awesome, have you read David Groggins? He gives some good advice on chins and dips. The other thing to bear in mind is that bodyweight exercises like chins and dips seem generally to be tolerated at much higher volumes and frequency than, say, deadlifts.
No I haven't! Was looking for this Groggins fellow but you may have meant Goggins 🤣. Ahh yes definitely, even though those exercises feel pretty taxing they're in a different league to deadlifts.
No I haven't! Was looking for this Groggins fellow but you may have meant Goggins 🤣. Ahh yes definitely, even though those exercises feel pretty taxing they're in a different league to deadlifts.
The thing to do is probably one heavy deadlifting session and one optional one where you work with lighter weights for more reps, at a guess
Warmup: Leg swings in all 3 positions

Main part:
3 turkish getups each side @10kg
1 turkish getup each side@20kg
1 pushup on dumbbells
pinan nidan
2 pushup on dumbbells
pinan shodan
Pinan sandan
pinan yondan
pinan godan
Taeguek yuk jan
1 turkish getup each side @ 20kg
Tired last night after dragging wood up a hill all day
1 knuckle pushup, walk across the room, 2 knuckle pushups pushups, etc up to 7 (known as a ladder)
5 Turkish getups/side @10kg
all the pinans
10,000 total steps
Yesterday, 11,000 steps and run through all kata I know once, frogg stand for 1 total minute

Too wet to walk, yellow weather warning in force
Warmup: I call it the karate technical warmup, which I'd like to share composed of:
General mobility: leg swings in all postitions and marching arms, until midly fatigued did 10 each
Initial pulse raiser: jumping jacks, until mildy fatigued, did 40
Specific mobility: knee raises, lying leg snaps, roundhouse chabers, roundhouse leg snaps, 10 to start with, aiming for 40-100 each eventually,
Final warmup: 3 turkish getups @ 10kgf, usually do stepping exercises as well but could not be ersed

Main workout:
I basically rotate through a very small number of exercises, once it stops working I will move on to something mildly more elaborate
ladder up to 8 knuckle pushups
5s itups
2 Turkish getups @20kg. the aim is to hit 5 reps a set rather than 5 total reps, then step it up to 25kg
2 Turkish getups @20kg
stretch round 1 composed of straddle position stretches, forward bend position streches, all held for 1 min, bound angle pose
kushanku, naihanchi, seishan, chinto, passai, taeguek yukj jang
1 Turkish getup @20kg
3x1 chins, 45 seconds rest between reps. The idea is to progress by graudally lowering the rest interval. This works great until you hit about 9 reps, which is my aim atm

Cool down: put dumbbells away, stretching round 2 composed of straddle position stretches, forward bend position stretches, bound angle pose, lying hero pose/seishan, downward and upward dog, all held for 1 min
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I always default to this workout. It requires little motivation, contains its own warmup and covers all the bases.
2 mins warmup- alternate cross body toe touches
2 mins alternating single arm hang clean and bent presses (my pet lif)
1 minute ab exericse- in this case ab wheel rollouts
1 minute pushups
6 minutes alternating kata and dumbbell swings with same dumbbell as the presses
Beat the sugar out of my bag
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