The Blue Gi

MichiganTKD said:

Good point. Just because you can doesn't mean you should, to paraphrase "Jurassic Park". In our fast paced, materialistic, go-go world, everyone tries to outdo each other with the biggest car, highest paying job, fanciest clothes. That has, unfortunately, filtered down to many aspects of martial arts practice. A simple white uniform is not good enough. To make me stand out I have to have a blue, black, red, gold lame, or American flag styled uniform. Why? What purpose do they serve? Excitement? If you want excitement, practice until you are the most exciting person who ever stepped out on a mat.
It is my belief that Instructors who advocate colored uniforms, whether judo or any other style, do so because they are weak or poor instructors and this is how they keep students' interested. My rule of thumb: The fancier the uniform, the worse the technique and manners.
Then that probably explains the rude hecklers defending the baby blue gi on this forum, they are exhibiting a serious castration complex.
Then that probably explains the rude hecklers defending the baby blue gi on this forum, they are exhibiting a serious castration complex.
Including the women?!?!

Step off.
No, penis envy.
Oh, you are my new pet troll! How did you know the words women love to hear?!? So impressive. And so relevant to explaining your obsession with uniform color. That must be why I don't agree with you! Wow.
Feisty Mouse said:
Oh, you are my new pet troll! How did you know the words women love to hear?!? So impressive. And so relevant to explaining your obsession with uniform color. That must be why I don't agree with you! Wow.
I apologize to you Feisty Mouse, I thought you were a mature worldly martial artist capable of understanding Freudian terminology in an objective and detached manner.
Indeed, I am a scientist very familiar with Freudian terminology, and its many meanings. I am also a woman who understands that to tell someone they have penis envy or a castration complex because they disagree with you or ask you to back up your arguments is taking the conversation down several notches and is insulting.

You are one to talk, calling a different colored gi an "abomination"! lol!

Is this how you intend to further your arguments, and the art/sport of Judo, with snide comments? I know that if an instructor made insulting and derogatory remarks like that in a studio, representing his or her art, they wouldn't have students very soon.

But here I go, being baited by trolls again!
Feisty Mouse said:
Indeed, I am a scientist very familiar with Freudian terminology, and its many meanings. I am also a woman who understands that to tell someone they have penis envy or a castration complex because they disagree with you or ask you to back up your arguments is taking the conversation down several notches and is insulting.

You are one to talk, calling a different colored gi an "abomination"! lol!

Is this how you intend to further your arguments, and the art/sport of Judo, with snide comments? I know that if an instructor made insulting and derogatory remarks like that in a studio, representing his or her art, they wouldn't have students very soon.

But here I go, being baited by trolls again!
Please search through this Kodokan website and try and find anywhere a blue gi?

The Japanese do not use the blue gi abomination on their native soil.
bignick said:

These photos are from the World Championships?

The World Championships are an IJF sanctioned event. I've already established that the Japanese only wear the blue gi in international events. Why are you wasting your self with this truism?

Show me an AJJF sanctioned event in Japan were the blue gi is worn in competition?

Nice effort though, I've seen those pictures before.
MichiganTKD said:

I, for one, admire your courage and principles in defending your belief. Judo and the martial arts need more people like you. I don't practice judo myself. But if I did, I would NEVER wear a blue uniform. I don't beleve for a second Kano would have approved it, and yes it does matter.
As a Tae Kwon Do practitioner, I deal with people who think black, blue, red, and multicolored uniforms are perfectly acceptable. They are not. They are, as you say, abominations promoted by low class "Instructors" to gullible students to make them feel cool. Name me one student whose technique and ability improved because of a blue, red, or black uniform? You can't do it.
Why does someone want a black, blue, or American-flag uniform? because it looks cool. In other words, to satiate their ego. Something against what traditional martial arts stands for.
You ever notice how many people in black uniforms think martial arts are just about hitting people?

If this sounds harsh, I appologize, but I can't think of any other way to say it. I don't mean any disrespect, but here it is:

Because you don't practice Judo, or know too much about it, you do not understand exactly what the blue gi is about. You are being mislead by someone who is clearly nuts. The blue gi is not a 'Macho' issue, like you think the black gi is. It's about being able to distinguish between two Judoka, especially in world champianships. It also makes it easier to make out what is happening when the players get close, especially on the ground. It is sometimes impossible to make out who's leg is who's in still-shots if there isn't a blue gi.

So, yes, the blue gi is for the practitioner. It is a recent innovation to our Art. But 'Patrick' says that it is the begining of the end, which it clearly isn't. Judo's been changing throughout its history, and this is just another way it does so.
auxprix said:

If this sounds harsh, I appologize, but I can't think of any other way to say it. I don't mean any disrespect, but here it is:

Because you don't practice Judo, or know too much about it, you do not understand exactly what the blue gi is about. You are being mislead by someone who is clearly nuts. The blue gi is not a 'Macho' issue, like you think the black gi is. It's about being able to distinguish between two Judoka, especially in world champianships. It also makes it easier to make out what is happening when the players get close, especially on the ground. It is sometimes impossible to make out who's leg is who's in still-shots if there isn't a blue gi.

So, yes, the blue gi is for the practitioner. It is a recent innovation to our Art. But 'Patrick' says that it is the begining of the end, which it clearly isn't. Judo's been changing throughout its history, and this is just another way it does so.
Yes, judo has been changing through out history, the somboists have changed it, the free style wrestlers have changed it, the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu people are changing it, yet Kodokan judo remains relatively stable.

Any variation of Kodokan judo tends to be carefully scrutinized by the Kodokan, to insure the integrity of judo. The euphemism of 'enhancement' and 'evolution' to indicate improvement in judo is just so much sophistic relativism. Kodokan judo is fine the way it is and needs no improvement by outsiders, like the IJF changing the rules to $portify judo.
Good - I need a drink! :)

As an aside - since when did restating a belief become a discussion? It seems to be spreading throughout the forums....
Patrick Skerry said:
Yes, judo has been changing through out history, the somboists have changed it, the free style wrestlers have changed it, the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu people are changing it, yet Kodokan judo remains relatively stable.

Any variation of Kodokan judo tends to be carefully scrutinized by the Kodokan, to insure the integrity of judo. The euphemism of 'enhancement' and 'evolution' to indicate improvement in judo is just so much sophistic relativism. Kodokan judo is fine the way it is and needs no improvement by outsiders, like the IJF changing the rules to $portify judo.

I see very few people in the US getting rich off Judo. Even the greats, like Pedro, aren't making much off of it. If the motivation for sportifying Judo (oh, sorry, $portifying. How cleaver and origional.) is money, they are failing miserably.
Feisty Mouse said:
As an aside - since when did restating a belief become a discussion? It seems to be spreading throughout the forums....
Ya see feisty, when these lil' critters get cornered they can get a bit what they'll do is fall back on main theme of tha post...and accuse us 'unters of 'etting off topic
auxprix said:
I see very few people in the US getting rich off Judo. Even the greats, like Pedro, aren't making much off of it. If the motivation for sportifying Judo (oh, sorry, $portifying. How cleaver and origional.) is money, they are failing miserably.
The money made in the $portification of judo is not for the players themselves, but like at any $ports event here in the U.S., the money made is attracting ticket buying spectators and in the concensions: they charge like $5 a beer and $3 a hotdog in Fenway park to watch a professional baseball game. The same reason to $portify judo, to attract a lot of money.
Patrick Skerry said:
The money made in the $portification of judo is not for the players themselves, but like at any $ports event here in the U.S., the money made is attracting ticket buying spectators and in the concensions: they charge like $5 a beer and $3 a hotdog in Fenway park to watch a professional baseball game. The same reason to $portify judo, to attract a lot of money.
LOL - Are you serious?

The purpose of the blue gi is to sell Beer and hot dogs. Now I've heard it all...