The Basic Problem of Modern Arnis and the Future



Bob Hubbard wrote the following:

I've sat back a bit and watched this thing go --way-- in a direction I never intended it to go.

All I was wondering about was some of the history.

It got political, it got personal and it got ugly.

enough for now.

Datu Hoffman will be making his information public shortly.
I believe Paul has the answers he wanted for the moment.
I think that while there are still a few unanswered questions, this thread is best locked, and those topics either taken to PM and email, and the positive parts posted, or at the least, new threads more closely focused on the topics should be made.

If you choose the later, please, keep it civil, and try not to get blood on the walls. The cleaning bill around here latelys been getting a bit nuts.

Thank you.


Therein is the real problem with Modern Arnis and the future. Many people want to make their claims yet soundly reject and deny the claims of others based on what Professor is alledged to have said. There is a long history of charge & counter-charge
plus a considerable amount of duplicity within Modern Arnis and I have seen quite a bit of it since 1981 when I first got into training with my instructor Sifu Don Zanghi. I got out of the mess in 1994 after one too many incidences started by Professor himself.

The problem for you, Bob, is that no matter what you or anyone else tries to start, including myself, the vicious, the ugly and the nasty elements that are at the bedrock of the Modern Arnis organizations will always come bubbling to the surface.

Due to two deaths in my family and the necessity to get involved in the things that accompany that situation, I did not participate in the thread on Who's Who after a couple of early posts. But the comments that I read and given the posts of Paul Janulis, Dan Anderson and David Hoffman in particular, you can see the issues emerge and develop. Closing the thread is your option to exercise, however, the grit, grime and dishonesty will not disappear.

I have received 15 private e-mails telling me in various ways that I have taken on a thankless task in organizing the Symposium. ALL of the writers acknowledged that the Symposium was a good idea and a necessary item, however 11 of the writers were not going to attend because of one or two people who are on the instructional program. The "politics" of the past has infected their thinking processes and their anger at someone has deprived these people of their ability to see beyond the immediate moment.

Think about it Bob, 10 - 30 people were considered for leadership of Professor retired. That's a lot of people for an organization that very little structure in the first place. Think about all of the titles that have floated around in Modern Arnis under Professor.
The only one with any longivity was "Datu"!!! That and the numers 10 - 30 should be a real eye-opener for a lot of people, but I doubt that it will actually happen! Why? Because it is easier to take the self serving positions based on what Professor is alledged to have said to this person or that. The drama continued right up to his death.

If I read the comments of Datu Kelly Worden correctly, in his article published last month in CFW's "Filipino Martial Arts" Professor left the Grand Mastership of Modern Arnis to his grandson!!! That sure as hell puts a whole new light on the relevance of Marppio, the MoTTs and Mr. Delaney from an organizational perspective doesn't it?

I was not one bit surprised that the Who's Who thread got heated. It was to be expected. There are too many claims out there regarding leadership and who is or is not preserving the art as taught by Professor Presas. That bunch of titles, all the promises and statements, the 10 to 30 people slated as possible future leaders of the art are clear are compelling information to me with regard to the future of Modern Arnis and the picture is not a pretty one.

I organized the Symposium on one very compelling premise - Skill is the final arbitor of Real and significant Rank. My second premise is that people need to come together to talk to one another and listen carefully to what is being said. The politics will not end but the intensity can be diminished if people understand where the real sources of the problems are in Modern Arnis.
My third premise is that no one will emerge from the Symposium as the new consenus leader of the new "Post-Professor Era" of Modern Arnis, however, we all will have an opportunity to 'cross-train' within the art because of the 12 instructors who will be present and teaching. My fourth and final premise is that the Symposium is a significant historical event within Modern Arnis because it represents the frist time that there has been a collective collaberation between so many instructors and they cross over the sub-organizational divisions and independents within art.

I recognize that the last premise is difficult and uncomfortable for some people who still want to idealize Professor and stick to the predictable summer camp mode of days gone by. However for those willing to take some chances, the Symposium offers a viable opportunity to see what others have and currently are doing to make the art grow3as a living entity.

It will be very interesting to read what David Hoffman has to say when his post comes out, but I am moving forward with the Symposium because that is the future not the past. We will make histroy within the art and those who miss it will have to settle for written accounts, photos and videotape...

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.


Brown Belt
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Oct 12, 2001
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If I read the comments of Datu Kelly Worden correctly, in his article published last month in CFW's "Filipino Martial Arts" Professor left the Grand Mastership of Modern Arnis to his grandson!!! That sure as hell puts a whole new light on the relevance of Marppio, the MoTTs and Mr. Delaney from an organizational perspective doesn't it?

Well, I know what Kelly has written.
Roland Dantes was there too and told the story with a slight different touch:

The way Roland told it, it sounded more that the Grandpa asked is Grandchild with a loving smile: "So you will be the future Grandmaster?"

To me this sounds totally different than a statment: "You will be the new Grandmaster".

Anyway, nobody of us was there, so we can talk and write until our fingers bleed, we will never know, what Remy´s plans were, if he really had other plans than making people happy. (i don´t me4an this negativly)
Not that this whole thing is too important, because only Jeff Delaney claims successorship and Gradmaster status up to now and nobody else.

And maybe, one day, when Carlos is trained well, why not, we will see what the future will bring.

I just wanted to share this version, that has a slightly different touch.

Regards from Germnay and I hope to see many of you in Buffalo in 10 days.
I will be there.

Dieter Knüttel
Datu of Modern Arnis

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Feb 9, 2002
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Bridal Veil, Oregon
A couple of comments. First I agree with DrB's four main premises for having the Symposium. I also agree it is a thankless job to put it on so prior to even having the event, I'll be the first to thank him here in print.

People tend to really adhere to their first "stable datum." You can look at a stable datum as that datum you use to align other random elements of a confusion. As that is the datum used, people can get rather contentious when that datum is shook or rattled. "What Remy said to me... (wanted, envisioned, meant, insert your own words here)" is a stable datum for most. That becomes the datum to stave off confusion or be a guiding light if you will. Rattle that and you'll have upset. Note: prior training can be a stable datum. Try an teach a student who has trained elsewhere. You know what I mean.

The first thing that occurs when you bring order into an area is that confusion in that area blows off. The manner in which Remy Presas conducted affairs was somewhat of a confusion to others and his death really left a confusion afterwards. WMAA, IMAF, Inc., IMAF, WMAC, MARPPIO, Modern Arnis 80, Modern Arnis Philippines, DAV, the 2003 Modern Arnis Symposium are all efforts to bring order into an area. And they are succeeding. Look at all the confusion blowing off. As I have said to anyone who will listen, the dust will settle in the next 3-5 years. You'll see.

Paul Janulis said in a recent post on another thread that he likes the flavor of WMAA Modern Arnis over IMAF Modern Arnis. This is the most sanely stated way of saying what will happen with Modern Arnis in the future. I have seen Modern Arnis done by the above stated styles/organizations with the exception of Modern Arnis Philippines and they all have a different flavor to each. Kelly's MA has a different flavor to Tim's MA. Insert any other name into the first section of the sentence and the same in the last part and there you have it. Who is going to get into a big upset because they like dark chocolate over milk chocolate?

Extend that concept to Modern Arnis and there you have what it really is. Modern Arnis is not science, it is a fighting art. Science tells you if the wheel is not round you are going to have a bumpy ride. Art is personal expression and personal preference. Remy's art was different that Anciong's art.

My own personal expression of what Remy Presas taught me is, whether anyone agrees or not, is Modern Arnis 80. Tim likes to call it "Dan's slant on Remy's art." That's fair enough. The WMAA curriculum is Tim's slant on Remy's art. Are either of us wrong? No. There's my 47 cents on this matter.

On a totally different note, my condolences to DrB regarding the two deaths in his family. I hope things are sorting out. See you in Buffalo, Jerome.

Dan Anderson

David Hoffman

Hello Dieter,

You are correct in your assessment of what Professor intended for Nonoy (Carlos). You will note that Nonoy hardly knew his grandfather and had never trained with him. He told me he had been “abandoned.” Nonoy had made a post in eskrima digest trying to get in contact with Professor when he heard from my announcement that he was ill. I then corresponded with him and arraigned a telephone call which occurred from our hotel room where Professor was recovering from surgery. I was present and heard everything Professor said and discussed it with him later. What happened was, Nonoy showed interest in learning Arnis, Professor was very happy about this as none of his children had shown any interest in training with him for last 26 years or attended any of his camps or seminars. I am not judging them for this choice, this is simply how it was. Professor invited him to a future camp. I and others were to give him special attention at the camp so he could learn the art. Nonoy was invited to attend for free as well. This was a warm and sincere invitation. Professor always told young people at seminars that they could be the next Grand Master. The same thing was said to young Kevin, Lisa’s son. She too has chosen to interpret this as a nomination which it was not. It was how he was and indeed, Professor believed everyone had unlimited potential. Obviously there is a long road from young beginner to Grandmaster. Never did Professor nominate Nonoy as the next Grandmaster, he merely welcomed him back and encouraged him to learn. In my opinion, some of those returning to the art after ten, twenty five or more years, will find themselves much more welcome if they did not make claims that disregarded the entire last twenty five years of the development of the art and its leadership structure. I support the adult children in their desire to carry on the family lineage. However, I can not accept the re writing of history or the dismissing of the true history and development of the art and leadership structure.

Datu David Hoffman

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Feb 9, 2002
Reaction score
Bridal Veil, Oregon
Originally posted by Dieter
so we can talk and write until our fingers bleed, we will never know, what Remy´s plans were... Regards from Germany and I hope to see many of you in Buffalo in 10 days.
I will be there.

Dieter Knüttel
Datu of Modern Arnis

Somebody must be making lots of money in bandaids from all of the bloody fingers.
Yep, see you in Buffalo.

Dan Anderson

PS - David, you coming?

Master Black Belt
Dec 27, 2001
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This really hits at the heart of the problem; we are focused on the idea that there will be, or somehow should be, a unified Modern Arnis.
Whether this should be the case is irrelevant; it simply is not going to happen.
Before anyone goes off on what follows please understand a few things. I had as much respect, concern, and admiration for Professor as anyone. I was hooked on Modern Arnis from the first seminar. I have, then and since, done my part to try and share and spread the art.
That being said, Modern Arnis by its nature will never have the tightness of various other systems. Too many gifted players came in from other backgrounds, had split loyalites, had other influences in their arnis. This is the essence of the art within your art, and it is the strength of Modern Arnis as Professor taught it; it blends with, supports, and improves any system. But when we speak of a successor what are we really saying? Successor to the art, or to a system?
IF there had been a coherent organization then perhaps someone could ultimately take the helm, but the IMAF was never more than a logo on a patch or a certificate. To speak of someone being Professor's successor calls for a higher level of skil (on many levels) than I believe we have availible. What is left? Successor to the art?
Sorry, that is both all of us and none of us. We all took something of what Remy Presas gave and made it our own. In a very real sense, because of the variation that he allowed and encouraged, there is no one standard version of the art. This is where many groups are trying to "develop" a curriculum where there was none in a formal sense (indeed almost trying to develop a group after leadership has been set up).
Tim Hartman often reminds us that Professor did, and got away with doing, certain things because he had a rare blend of attributes. This is important to remember as we move forward with the art. None of us can be Remy; those leaders who succeed in bringing themselves and their groups into the future will ultimately do so by nurturing and cultivating the art, not merely by trying to preserve it.
There has been much appeal to promises made a dying man, to what RP would have wanted. Well my friends, the bottom line is that Remy Presas would have wanted his art, his life's work to flourish and move ahead. Ultimately the wills, the death bed promotions, and all the rest were merely his attempt to ensure that that was what would happen. The debate is really a hollow one at the present time. Let's be honest; say a will comes out tomorrow naming a board of 25 (or 15 or 17 or 29 1/2; take your pick). It isn't going to happen. It just isnt. The future of the art lies with the groups now teaching it, large and small.
I think it is about time to forget about the past and look ahead.

Brian Johns

Black Belt
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Oct 8, 2001
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The debate is really a hollow one at the present time. Let's be honest; say a will comes out tomorrow naming a board of 25 (or 15 or 17 or 29 1/2; take your pick). It isn't going to happen. It just isnt. The future of the art lies with the groups now teaching it, large and small.
I think it is about time to forget about the past and look ahead. [/B]

Chad really hit on the nail in his last post. I really feel like that all the debating that has been going on is hollow. I feel that all the debates and the Symposium will not really do anything to resolve any of the issues. As Chad said, the future of the art lies with the various groups teaching it. Find a group that you like and go with the flow. To be honest, I really am tired of all the debate regarding who's who in Modern Arnis. The Symposium isn't going to change anybody's minds. I think all of this is really pointless.

Take care,


Apr 17, 2002
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At an OP in view of your house...
:erg: :anic: :eek:

Just to add my 2 cents regarding little "grandmaster" Nanoy or Kevin.

When I had Professor over my house in 2000, he and my little 13 year old brother Jimmy were screwing around with the canes (no serious training) and Professor grinned at me and said, "Faulino, your frother is ver-y good! He will be the next Grandmaster!" Then we all had a pretty good laugh.

This backs up Mr. Hoffmans point.

Professor had a habit of saying things to make people happy, and he often didn't intend people to take his words, or even actions as gospel.

Jimmy isn't a grandmaster anymore then those other two kids. To claim successorship or Grandmastership based off of a non-serious, on-the-side comment is ridicules. I feel bad for young McManus and Nanoy in this circumstance. It is not their fault that they are being crowned a false prince by influences who should know better.

Oh well....more crap to clog the toilet, I guess.

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
Personally... and this is my -personal- opinion here...

Lets just train. Tims my instructor, and I think he's a darn good one. That doesn't mean that I can't pick up some tips, or even new techniques from anyone else. Most of y'all have been hangin n bangin for a lot longer than I've been dabblin. The politics and 'rattan' measuring just turns folks like me off. I wanna bang sticks with as many folks as I can. Its the only way I see me getting as full a picture as I can.

When I have the $$ and time, I have every intent of hitting events put on by everyone. Just seems more fun that way, ya'know?



Apr 17, 2002
Reaction score
At an OP in view of your house...
Originally posted by WhoopAss
Chad really hit on the nail in his last post. I really feel like that all the debating that has been going on is hollow. I feel that all the debates and the Symposium will not really do anything to resolve any of the issues. As Chad said, the future of the art lies with the various groups teaching it. Find a group that you like and go with the flow. To be honest, I really am tired of all the debate regarding who's who in Modern Arnis. The Symposium isn't going to change anybody's minds. I think all of this is really pointless.

Take care,


Brian! You used the "S" word! TWICE!

I can hear the Doctor lurking now......:borg:

Brace yourselves everyone; we are about to be hit with a huge, objecting post! :redeme:


Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free

you be nice.

I'd hate to have to have you pretzel me as I attempt to put ya over my knee.



Apr 17, 2002
Reaction score
At an OP in view of your house...
I want to just come out and say that there is a repeating pattern occuring here.

1. Someone starts a thread on something non-confrontational.

2. Like a wave of fire, flames start rising, and arguements and disagreements ensue.

3. Then someone says something like, "Hey, does all this really matter. Lets just move forward and blah bla blah!"

4. Then everyone else says: "Blah bla baah blah; I agree!!!!"

5. Then the thread calms down or gets locked. Only for it all to start up again in a different thread at a different time.

The question is; WHY DOES THIS OCCUR?

The reason is because there is too much to "argue" about. In other words, there are still a lot of unanswered questions out there for a lot of people. There is too much being "claimed" as well, with many doubts to the truth of such matters. Until many of these questions get answered, we are doomed to continue our cycle of behavior.

I have been moving forward, as have many of you. This isn't going to put an end to disagreements, though. Questions need to be answered.

This is unfortunate but true. Hopefully, in time, people will come clean, and there will be no more arguements. I hope I live to see the day.....


Master Black Belt
Dec 27, 2001
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. Then someone says something like, "Hey, does all this really matter. Lets just move forward and blah bla blah

Well, wait till I say a bit about how we should move forward. Honestly I am just sick of hearing about everything Professor told eveyone while he was on his death bed. Look, we all know he had the gift of taking a room full of people and making each person feel like they were the most special one in that room. that was his magic, and the secret to his skill as a teacher. What I have had it with is "I know the truth" " No, I do!" "No, me, me, me."
It cheapens his memory.

This is unfortunate but true. Hopefully, in time, people will come clean, and there will be no more arguements. I hope I live to see the day.

I hope you do too. But I wont hold my breath.

Note to the dense: not an attack on Paul.

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Feb 9, 2002
Reaction score
Bridal Veil, Oregon
Originally posted by WhoopAss
I feel that all the debates and the Symposium will not really do anything to resolve any of the issues.

The Symposium isn't going to change anybody's minds. I think all of this is really pointless.

Take care,

The Symposium is going to be a joint seminar, not an issue solvent. Chad's post is a good one as well as Paul's Evolution of a thread post. The discussions are interesting as they do really bring up good points amongst the flames. These points do lead to resolution, even if it is internal.

Dan Anderson

Brian Johns

Black Belt
Founding Member
Oct 8, 2001
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Originally posted by Dan Anderson
The Symposium is going to be a joint seminar, not an issue solvent. Chad's post is a good one as well as Paul's Evolution of a thread post. The discussions are interesting as they do really bring up good points amongst the flames. These points do lead to resolution, even if it is internal.

Dan Anderson

I understand your point of view on the Symposium thing. I just wanted to point out that the Symposium is not a problem solver. Some folks appear to give the impression that they think it does.

I just want to reiterate that all the debates is really going nowhere and is pointless for the reason that we are all with the groups that we are happy with.

Hey, I just posted for the 200th time !! Do I get a beer for this ?:D :D

Take care,

Datu Tim Hartman

Senior Master
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Aug 26, 2001
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Buffalo, NY USA
Originally posted by WhoopAss
I understand your point of view on the Symposium thing. I just wanted to point out that the Symposium is not a problem solver. Some folks appear to give the impression that they think it does.

Agreed. :asian:

David Hoffman

I would like to add that am in agreement with most of what my old friend Chad has to say. I also wish to point out a few things from personal knowledge. Randi Schea does not interpret his position as being the successor in terms of ultimate skill or knowledge. He refers to himself as successor within the IMAF. This very humble representation has much to support it. Randi began the year after me, twenty years ago, and was a long term student and confident of Professor. Randi was the chairman prior to Professor’s illness.

However, my sense of loyalty does not allow me to agree with the notion that what Professor wished for the future is not valid. The document outlining the leadership board was prepared well in advance of Professor’s falling ill. It was consistent with what was said to, and reported in this forum by, Dieter, Tim, Dan, Dan Mc., Brian and in private conversations I have had with Doug and others. It was the culmination of more than a decade of planning. I have asked for people to please be patient until I can make this public. Apparently patience is impossible in the internet age. I expect this document, once verified, proven and made public, will lead to a way forward for all of us to be happy with and result in harmony in our Modern Arnis family, if such a thing is possible. I am beginning to doubt if this will in fact be possible as, despite my reasonable request for patience and to have a pause, there is already heated debate on something none of you have seen!

Further I see the idea put forward that “If Professor’s wishes are proven and made known it makes no difference because I think a different way and I support so and so.” Well that is your right. For my part, I adhere to the Budo code of respect for my teacher first and foremost. I consider my teaches wishes to be a sacred trust. I truly believe that most of my peers in the art share this belief.

As it is uncontested that I was Professor’s vice-president and a Modern Arnis Datu with twenty years of service, is it not reasonable that I ask for patience and the benefit of the doubt? There will be ample opportunity for debate and interpretation once I have fully gathered and made public the information I, regrettable, alluded to in my comments to my peers Dan and Dieter. At that point, those who wish to follow their own agendas will still be free to do so. Those who wish to respect Professor’s wishes will also be free to continue to do so. The rest, and indeed all of us, will at least have the benefit of the full story.

Regarding the Symposium. I think it is a good thing for various instructors, including those who broke away ten or more years ago, to get together to share their knowledge. These people have a lot to teach us about their own learning from Professor and their individual development of the “art within their art.” It matters not if they went their own way during Professor’s lifetime or have different agendas now. If we do not make everyone with experience comfortable sharing their knowledge, we are in danger of losing their precious information! I’ve known Jerome since “back in the day”, and I don’t think he is returning after ten years absence to compete with the self proclaimed or legitimate leaders. I think Jerome is sincere in trying to provide a forum for the different “alternative” arnis organizations. I regret that his Symposium is being portrayed as a “confusium.” At least a half dozen of those on the documents Professor left outlining the future board are on the instructors list I’ve seen. Others, such as Rocky and Jerome are a “blast from the past” and I think it is great that they are getting together to teach.

Datu David Hoffman