The Advice Column Returns!

Originally posted by moromoro
p.s i was not intending to boost my post count

why would i want to do that
i was simply saying its great for him to be back
In that case, forgive my assumption. However the date on that is old and he has once again dropped from sight.
Originally posted by moromoro
since this is the advice column

what do you guys advise for overtraining??
what are the syptoms is stress one of them??
The only real recovery from overtraining is to back off a bit. IF you continuer to over train, you will harm your body. Certain types of stress can in fact be induced from overtraining. When the body is not in good condition, it throws your bodily systems off, thereby producing imbalance chemical reactions in the body that manifest as stress.
Originally posted by Jill666
No, but I hear asking many silly questions is.

Was I the only one that found that hysterical!? :lol:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Was I the only one that found that hysterical!? :lol:

No, I did as well. However I've been off of martial talk for a few days so did not reply.;)
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
No, I did as well. However I've been off of martial talk for a few days so did not reply.;)

Welcome back....Glad I wasnt the only one :lol:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Welcome back....

I'm not going to be on as much here in the next month or so. I'll still check in from work & such but just not post as much. The class night has changed plus since it's getting nicer outside we're going to start biking at night now, well pretty much every day.
Originally posted by moromoro

what would you rate it as a martial art?


Please refrain from art bashing. This issue has ben discussed previously, and it has ended with warnings or suspensions of the people involved.

This is Martial Talk - Friendly discussion is what we are looking for here.

Thank You
Originally posted by Rich Parsons

Please refrain from art bashing. This issue has ben discussed previously, and it has ended with warnings or suspensions of the people involved.

This is Martial Talk - Friendly discussion is what we are looking for here.

Thank You

If I may, I'd like to elaborate on this because I can guess where it may end up shortly.

Terry, no one's accusing you of bashing TKD. But your question is the type which, in the past, has led to incredibly nasty arguments on discussion boards all across the internet. And, often, it opens the door for other people to bash a system. Then the system's proponents hop on board to defend their system. And it usually devolves very rapidly into petty bickering and name calling which is, as Rich points out, not what this board is about.

Originally posted by moromoro

what would you rate it as a martial art?
I will try and answer this with viloating Rich's sensibilities. While is well known that I am a kenpoist, I also spent many years doing TKD. I had some wonderfull instructors that taught well and had usefull information to pass on, I had others that weren't worth what they paid for their dobok. So the answer to your question is this, TKD if taught properly, is a wonderful and beautiful art with loads of practical application. It can also be a very exciting sport. It depends on what you are looking for and the calibre of instructors available. Then again, this can be true of most any art, no?
Originally posted by pesilat
If I may, I'd like to elaborate on this because I can guess where it may end up shortly.

Terry, no one's accusing you of bashing TKD. But your question is the type which, in the past, has led to incredibly nasty arguments on discussion boards all across the internet. And, often, it opens the door for other people to bash a system. Then the system's proponents hop on board to defend their system. And it usually devolves very rapidly into petty bickering and name calling which is, as Rich points out, not what this board is about.

This thread belongs to Billy Lear and myself, anyone turns our thread into a bashing thread is going to find themselves bashed, literally.
I apologize to you guys - I did not mean to come off as saying anyone was bashing or attacking TKD. I was just trying to head off any negative issues and or discussions. Please no one take the impact of my comments, only the intent, that I wanted a nice a friendly discussion.

Originally posted by Rich Parsons
I apologize to you guys - I did not mean to come off as saying anyone was bashing or attacking TKD. I was just trying to head off any negative issues and or discussions. Please no one take the impact of my comments, only the intent, that I wanted a nice a friendly discussion.

I know that, I just couldn't resist poking you with the pointed stick you just handed me.