Thai boxing training and random thoughts about my training


Senior Master
I've been starting to get more back into training in gyms again after a while of my own self training and its enjoyable. I haven't got a routine sometimes ill go to kenpo class one night another ill go to a kickboxing class or a boxing. Some weeks I won't do anything. I just do what I feel like doing now and it's good because I'm not a full member of anywhere so I have no obligation to anyone I can come and go as I please.

But anyway tonight I tried my first Thai boxing class. It's something I'd just never done before. It was a good class good solid fighters there and some more casuals a mix of pad work, conditioning and technical training. There was a sparring class after but I didn't do that. My sparring days are done I'm to old for hat now. Me getting in the ring and trying to slug it out for some young guys for my ego would only end badly. But I stayed and watched. It was a nice gym with decent space. One thing I did notice though is people always talk about he different all styles are but I really didn't see much difference in the Thai boxing style and my kickboxing I know I only did one session but the combos were very similar apart from more elbows and the training felt similar but it' not a knock on it I enjoyed the training

Now that I'm out of full time fighting I feel like I'm actually enjoying just doing it casually more like I said I don't have to answer to anyone. I remember years ago if I missed a session I'd get like 5 texts asking why I wasn't at training and sometimes I'd have to think of excuses and lies because people wouldn't accept i was tired as an excuse. But now I can train where I want when I want and it just makes it more enjoyable to me. I mean I loved my fighting days but now I'm happy just causally doing it.

I've been getting more offers to teach but I don't want to get into that world again where I have to commit to anything so I've turned them down. I've been asked done to a few grappling classes but I never enjoyed grappling. It just wasnt my thing I didn't enjoy and it bored me plain and simple. That's not me disrespecting it Ive got a lot of respect for grappling and I know it has its uses but it's just not for me I'm a stand up fighter that's what I enjoy.

I think this site has also helped me get back into it a bit more to and enjoy training again.
The difference between muay Thai and 'K1' kick boxing is like the difference between American football and rugby. The rulesets of kick boxing vs. the 'rules' of muay Thai makes them have fundamentally different dynamics.
One thing I did notice though is people always talk about the different all styles are but I really didn't see much difference in the Thai boxing style and my kickboxing I know I only did one session but the combos were very similar apart from more elbows and the training felt similar but it' not a knock on it I enjoyed the training.
(Traditional?) Muay Thai is known for having shorter combinations, limited footwork and weak boxing (punches). Which is not necessarily true. Boxing and Kick Boxing can be integrated very well in Thai Boxing. So they can look very similar. Or not.

Muay Thai is very flexible and has many faces. In a gym, I was taught roundhouse kick all the time. On another not one time, yet. :)