
I heard this on the news in the early hours of this morning.

I cannot believe that there are still those in Northen Ireland who continue to believe that there is anything to be gained from such attacks.

The only people who will suffer as a consequence of this terrorist act are those normal residents who will have to endure tighter security.

As with much use of a violence, a pointless waste of human life on an altar of political futility :(.
As long the British keep invading Ireland. There will always be blood shed for the freedom of Irish people everywhere.

You would do well to remember the British were the terrorists during the American Revolutionary War.

We won our hard earned freedom from the British terrorists who executed our Founding Father's children.

The Founding Father's sons were killed execution style and their daughters were raped in their colonial or log cabin homes.

Do I agree with the Irish methods of bombing campaigns and motorcycle drive by shootings etc. ? No.

but I do wish for the Irish people to be reunited with their land in the north to the south and to live in peace from British tyranny.

If the British were to try and invade America in the 21st Century. You can be one hundred percent sure Americans everywhere would raise hell and make life extremely difficult for the British until they flee with their curled coattails back to England. :D
Posting here with a Moderator shaped hat on, that was not, strictly speaking, relevant to point of the thread, SF. Further, such incendury phrasing as noted above is hardly appropriate.

The core trigger for what we term "The Troubles" was indeed down to a decison made centuries ago. However, whilst forgetting history is a bad thing, allowing it to dominate such that things can never be resolved is likewise a poor choice.

I wont debate here the accuracy of what was posted as historical 'declarations'.
As long the British keep invading Ireland. There will always be blood shed for the freedom of Irish people everywhere.

You would do well to remember the British were the terrorists during the American Revolutionary War.

We won our hard earned freedom from the British terrorists who executed our Founding Father's children.

The Founding Father's sons were killed execution style and their daughters were raped in their colonial or log cabin homes.

Do I agree with the Irish methods of bombing campaigns and motorcycle drive by shootings etc. ? No.

but I do wish for the Irish people to be reunited with their land in the north to the south and to live in peace from British tyranny.

If the British were to try and invade America in the 21st Century. You can be one hundred percent sure Americans everywhere would raise hell and make life extremely difficult for the British until they flee with their curled coattails back to England. :D


This is not up for discussion as far as I'm concerned, both from a work point of view and a personal one. I have spent most of my life fighting NI terrorists and be damned sure thats what they are, they are the scum of the earth, if you think they are freedom fighters you are very sadly mistaken.

This is not up for discussion as far as I'm concerned, both from a work point of view and a personal one. I have spent most of my life fighting NI terrorists and be damned sure thats what they are, they are the scum of the earth, if you think they are freedom fighters you are very sadly mistaken.

Whose land is it ? It is Ireland's land. Not the British. The British have always been a corrupt people, terrorists and land grabbers.

So you are calling the American revolutionary fighters the terrorists and the British are the good guys ? :barf:

Please do not insult my intelligence.

You should thank God the Irish are fighting for their freedom as this is their RIGHT !!! Ireland will always be Ireland.

Tez, If Israel was invaded by say Russia in a land grab. Are you going to call the Israelis the bad guys and the Russians the good guys ?
As long the British keep invading Ireland. There will always be blood shed for the freedom of Irish people everywhere.

"Keep Invading"? When was the last British invasion of Ireland?

You would do well to remember the British were the terrorists during the American Revolutionary War.

No, George Washington, Nathan Green, etc, were the traitors to the Crown, who hid behind trees and rocks while the British followed accepted rules of war of the day, and lined up in good order.

We won our hard earned freedom from the British terrorists who executed our Founding Father's children.

The 13 colonies were each granted their independence from the nation of Britain under King George III, creating 13 new countries, at the Treaty of Paris in 1783.

This claim of executions however, smells trollish.

The Founding Father's sons were killed execution style and their daughters were raped in their colonial or log cabin homes.

Citation please.

If the British were to try and invade America in the 21st Century. You can be one hundred percent sure Americans everywhere would raise hell and make life extremely difficult for the British until they flee with their curled coattails back to England. :D

Well, our Chinese owners do have a larger army than the British do. It's doubtful however if they'll commit troops to protect their ownership % in Amerika today or if they'll look to our other owners, the Saudi's to ante up troops.

I think the Britain of today is beyond it's Empire building days.
What Happened To Our Founding Fathters ?

Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence?

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Two lost their sons in the Revolutionary Army, another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.[/FONT]

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Whose land is it ? It is Ireland's land. Not the British. The British have always been a corrupt people, terrorists and land grabbers.

Really? Truly you have a dizzying intellect.

So you are calling the American revolutionary fighters the terrorists and the British are the good guys ? :barf:
Actually, if you know anything about history, at the time, that is how it was. Kaith's pointed that out though.

Please do not insult my intelligence.

Aren't you the same guy who said women couldn't fight, then looked rather stupid when ol' Kaith there pointed out just how wrong your archaic attitudes towards women was?

You should thank God the Irish are fighting for their freedom as this is their RIGHT !!! Ireland will always be Ireland.
No, Irish terrorists are doing the same things Islamic terrrists do. Only it's the dumb asses who applaud one, and condem the other, when both are wrong.

[quoteTez, If Israel was invaded by say Russia in a land grab. Are you going to call the Israelis the bad guys and the Russians the good guys ?[/quote]

You're comparisn is flawed. If Israel was invaded by Syria would be a better one. As to who was the bad guys, it depends on who you ask. According to a large number of Iraqi's, the US is the bad guy. Seems the country was a lot stabler and safer under the late Saddamn, than any recent regieme.

I see no reports of execution, nor rape there O'Master Historian.

Two soldiers killed in an audacious attack on Army barracks in Ulster yesterday were shot execution-style as they lay injured on the ground, police said today.

My heartfelt sympathies to the family of the murdered soldiers.

It's one thing to fight and die in battle, but to be killed by cowards this way, I have nothing but contempt for their murderers.
Anyone who applauds the cowardly acts of men such as those who performed these heinous actions, is in my mind, little more than a reprehensible Curr himself, and worthy of nothing more than scorn and public mocking. A mind so sick, and an intellect so debauched, deserves nothing else.
"Keep Invading"? When was the last British invasion of Ireland?

The British are still invading Ireland today. Why does Britain not sign papers and give up Ireland because the land rightfully belongs to the Irish people.

The British army is stationed inside Ireland and committing all kinds of crimes against the Irish people and causing division between religious Irish Catholics and Protestants, when the Irish people should be reunified.

No, George Washington, Nathan Green, etc, were the traitors to the Crown, who hid behind trees and rocks while the British followed accepted rules of war of the day, and lined up in good order.

Well, our Chinese owners do have a larger army than the British do. It's doubtful however if they'll commit troops to protect their ownership % in Amerika today or if they'll look to our other owners, the Saudi's to ante up troops.

I think the Britain of today is beyond it's Empire building days.

The word, Amerika is actually a communist and socialist term.

Have you been listening to communist propaganda about Americans ? If you are an American then you have been listening to the liberal media's lies for too long.

George Washington had more balls and HE WAS A MAN more than you ever will be and if you had one drop of red blooded American male in you then you would know this statement of George Washington, Our First President hiding behind trees is FALSE.

George Washington's troops waged a very unconventional war against the British who were still rooted in fairness while being butchers at the same time. Washington's troops shot the enemy whenever they were using proper cover and concealment.

Americans should be supporting Ireland and not Britian in the 20th and 21st Century.
The word, Amerika is actually a communist and socialist term.

Yes it is, and Amerika is no longer the America that men like Jefferson and Washington created.

Have you been listening to communist propaganda about Americans ? If you are an American then you have been listening to the liberal media's lies for too long.

If you bothered to read my posts here the last 8 years, you'd know exactly where I stand on this nation. It's apparent you haven't.

George Washington had more balls and HE WAS A MAN more than you ever will be and if you had one drop of red blooded American male in you then you would know this statement of George Washington, Our First President hiding behind trees is FALSE.

As false as your claims concerning women warriors were. :)

George Washington's troops waged a very unconventional war against the British who were still rooted in fairness while being butchers at the same time. Washington's troops shot the enemy whenever they were using proper cover and concealment.
According to the rules of engagement in play at the time, the American rebels were terrorists.

Americans should be supporting Ireland and not Britian in the 20th and 21st Century.

American's should be supporting peace, not terrorists, period.
The Americans are supporting Northern Ireland by being committed to the Peace process.
Strong fighter, do you realise that Northern Ireland has it's own government and N Ireland is devolved from Britain?
Anyone who applauds the cowardly acts of men such as those who performed these heinous actions, is in my mind, little more than a reprehensible Curr himself, and worthy of nothing more than scorn and public mocking. A mind so sick, and an intellect so debauched, deserves nothing else.
I agree. Anyone who professes support for these scum, is little more than the same, to me. I hope they are found, and punished quickly.
The Americans are supporting Northern Ireland by being committed to the Peace process.
Strong fighter, do you realise that Northern Ireland has it's own government and N Ireland is devolved from Britain?
My dear lady, I strongly suspect that factual discourse is not this cad's intent here but to continue to foster a state of disruption.
Really? Truly you have a dizzying intellect.

Actually, if you know anything about history, at the time, that is how it was. Kaith's pointed that out though.

Aren't you the same guy who said women couldn't fight, then looked rather stupid when ol' Kaith there pointed out just how wrong your archaic attitudes toward women was?

God made men to be protectors and liberators and toward the end of times, Men will continue to fight and MORE IMPORTANTLY BE MEN. If you bow down to women then you are nothing in both God's eyes, the men and women and children's eyes despite the politically correct crap. Women and children do need Men to be Men. That is the correct Biblical view of what men, women and children's roles should be. It is the natural order of things.

No, Irish terrorists are doing the same things Islamic terrorists do. Only it's the dumb asses who applaud one, and condem the other, when both are wrong.

It is the British who are wrong to invade the Irish. Do you see the Irish invading Britain ? No, you don't. The British are invading Ireland on a nationwide scale.

The Islamic terrorists are a different story, different war. The Islamic fundamentalists promised to carry on what Hitler did about 70 years ago which continues to this day.

[quoteTez, If Israel was invaded by say Russia in a land grab. Are you going to call the Israelis the bad guys and the Russians the good guys ?

You're comparisn is flawed. If Israel was invaded by Syria would be a better one. As to who was the bad guys, it depends on who you ask. According to a large number of Iraqi's, the US is the bad guy. Seems the country was a lot stabler and safer under the late Saddamn, than any recent regieme.


Before God declared the land to be Israel's. Whose land was it originally ? Lebanon Syria and Jordan and Palestine's land. (Canaan)