Ted Nugent on Deer hunting

I wonder if Mr. Nugent just jumped the shark with this clip.


I've watched a couple of episodes of his reality program. I really liked the music of Damn Yankees. But, I'm wondering if what he does crosses the line of free speech and moves into an incitement to violence.

It seems to be in-line with his Motor City Madman concert entertainer schtick/persona. Maybe I give those he entertained too much credit, but I don't think it's a case for DHS, but more for the politicos with various cards to play.

It's curious that the sensational headline states that Nugent 'jokes of killing Obama', but then doesn't have anything about that in the article itself. I guess it's in the video on LiveLeak?
In the video clip, Mr. Nugent waves a machine gun (or replica around) and claims that Senator Obama, and Senator Boxer can "suck on the end of this". Maybe he's trying to get a job filling in for Mr. Limbaugh.

Ted Nugent said:
I was in Chicago last week. I was in Chicago, I said, "Hey Obama, you might wanna suck on one of these, punk. He hung in there. Obama, he's a piece of ****. And I told him to suck on my machine gun. Let's hear it for him.

The other day, I was in New York, I said, I said, "Hey Hillary, you might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you liberal *****."

(inaudible) California, (inaudable), Barbara Boxer she might want to suck on my machine gun.

Hey Diane Finestein, wear one of these, you worthless whore.

Any Questions?

In the video clip, Mr. Nugent waves a machine gun (or replica around) and claims that Senator Obama, and Senator Boxer can "suck on the end of this". Maybe he's trying to get a job filling in for Mr. Limbaugh.

I highly doubt Senators Obama and Boxer currently suck on the end of Mr. Limbaugh's. . .ummm. . ."machine gun", so I'm not sure how Mr. Nugent would be filling in.

Then again, when you get rich and famous like these four, there's no telling what kind of partying they may be doing in private.

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