Tech puts JFK conspiracy theories to rest

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Tech puts JFK conspiracy theories to rest Sixth floor of book depository, not the grassy knoll, was origin of lethal shot
By Eric Bland
Discovery Channel/MSNBC

updated 3:24 p.m. PT, Thurs., Nov. 13, 2008

A team of experts assembled by the Discovery Channel has recreated the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Using modern blood spatter analysis, new artificial human body surrogates, and 3-D computer simulations, the team determined that the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository was the most likely origin of the shot that killed the 35th president of the United States.
"The question we were trying to answer is, given the spatter evidence in a vehicle, and knowing an individual was sitting at a particular location, is there something we could use to determine where the shot originated?" said Steve Schliebe, a blood spatter and trace evidence specialist with the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, who was part of the special investigation.
While blood spatter analysis existed in the 1960s, modern innovations have greatly improved its accuracy and the amount of information that can be gleaned from drops of blood.

I don't care. Enjoy the ten page thread.
Through the miracle of television, the JFK "lone-nutter" hypothesis becomes reality...

Oh don't worry, no possible amount of evidence will kill the conspiracy theories dead. Irrationality is tenacious.
it seems unlikely that one man could have dont it

that being said, it seems unlikely that a conspiracy wouldnt have been discovered
The problem with conspiracies is that it involves people. Have you ever tried to keep a secret? I swear, people seem to know my business before I do. I find it hard to believe a lot of people would actually be able to keep their mouths shut for all these years on things like a JFK conspiracy.

Occam's razor. One guy did it...he was caught...end of story.
Coming as we are (thankfully) to the end of the Bush-Clinton era, perhaps you can forgive some for not easily accepting what the government tells us or what we see on TV.

Not having seen this show, I can only post the questions I have...

The excerpt says the sixth floor of the depository was "the most likely origin of the shot that killed (JFK)." Two questions - "most likely" is a statement of probability... just how sure are they? 51/49? 75% Beyond a reasonable doubt? Second, three shots were fired, not just one. Does the show claim that all came from one source.

This appears to be a forensic analysis only.... how would it disprove whether Oswald was part of a conspiracy?

Yes, babbling people have given away many a conspiracy.... but suppose those involved knew that telling would likely lead to a world war?
Folks, a conspiracy did it.
In 1979, the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) found both the original FBI investigation and the Warren Commission Report to be seriously flawed. The HSCA also concluded that there were at least four shots fired and that it was probable that a conspiracy existed. Later studies, including one by the National Academy of Sciences,[3] have called into question the accuracy of the evidence used by the HSCA to support its finding of four shots.
From Wikipedia.
I find it hard to believe a lot of people would actually be able to keep their mouths shut for all these years on things like a JFK conspiracy.

They didn't keep their mouth's shut.

As I had posted above, E. Howard Hunt confessed on his deathbed his involvement in the matter. Here is the Wikipedia entry.

The April 5, 2007 issue of Rolling Stone contained an extensive article on Hunt, based in large part on an interview with his eldest son, Howard (nicknamed Saint John by his mother). It describes Hunt's alleged deathbed confessions of his supposed knowledge and indirect complicity in the JFK assassination.[1]

Among other things, the article claims that Hunt, in hand-written notes and a voice recording to Saint John, implicated Lyndon B. Johnson and CIA operative Cord Meyer as the key players in the JFK assassination conspiracy.

According to Hunt's son, Hunt claimed the other assassin was a French gunman on the grassy knoll, often identified in other assassination theories as Lucien Sarti.

Among the materials provided by Hunt to his son are several handwritten documents detailing the participants and chronology of events involved with the assassination plot, including a "Chain of Command" indicating the involvement of several CIA agents and placing then Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson as the head of command. [2]

With that being said, I know that this won't convince many people. George W. Bush could sacrifice a puppy on national TV and admit that the government did it and it STILL wouldn't convince the Cult of Disbelief that this actually occurred.

I wish we wouldn't hold onto ideas this strongly, but there is so much emotive semiotics tied into this, that it becomes difficult.