Survivor of Hurricane Katrina refuses to leave Holiday Inn


Senior Master
May 30, 2005
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Okay...I feel bad that this guy lost everything he owned to Hurricane Katrina. But my sympathy for him ends, because he isn't trying to help himself build a new life:

As a social worker, I emphasize with this fellow's casemanager. It's frustrating trying to help someone who isn't willing to put in any work on their end.
he's been paying taxes and doing everything he was told to do. He deserves what he was promised to get.
mantis said:
he's been paying taxes and doing everything he was told to do. He deserves what he was promised to get.

Mantis did you read the article, he was given $9000.00 like evrybody else and he spent it on alcohol and parting, never went home. He even says wwhen he get the $1200 from the legal issue he will stay a couple of more day and then maybe go home. This guy is a free loader and is not trying to help himself at all.
mantis said:
he's been paying taxes and doing everything he was told to do. He deserves what he was promised to get.

I am not sure I get what you are saying. First off, with his attitude and ethic, how do you know he has been paying taxes. Second, why is it he and a couple others are left and EVERYONE has gone back home. Third, he spends his day doing nothing but watching tv.

He spent $9,000 on everything he did not need, and he thinks he should get more???

This guy and people like him should be the exception to laws. He is good for nothing. Think of how many other families could have used that money for good.

I don't know about anybody else, but that article may me sick.
mantis said:
he's been paying taxes and doing everything he was told to do. He deserves what he was promised to get. Terry said, did you read the article at all? I'm all for assisting the disadvantaged and helping them back on their feet. But the guy in this article wasted all of the money meant to help him find new housing. On top of that, he talked about wasting whatever money handed to him from the pending legal settlement. I hate to sound cold, but he doesn't deserve another cent. And he certainly should NOT continue to live for free at the Holiday Inn. He needs to go into a shelter, and look for a real job.
Swordlady said: Terry said, did you read the article at all? I'm all for assisting the disadvantaged and helping them back on their feet. But the guy in this article wasted all of the money meant to help him find new housing. On top of that, he talked about wasting whatever money handed to him from the pending legal settlement. I hate to sound cold, but he doesn't deserve another cent. And he certainly should NOT continue to live for free at the Holiday Inn. He needs to go into a shelter, and look for a real job.
how did you guys know i havent read the article?
haha... my reply must have had nothing to do with what's in there now haha
okay, i'll take that back :D
I hate free loaders. I am not going to get on my soap box but I am disabled, while serving in the U.S. Marine Corps. I have made the comment several times that I will not make excuses for myself and I don't want any made for me either.

It just makes me sick to hear of people being wasteful and just a big fat mooch. What a piece of crap in my book.
If he had an illness or disability of some type, that would be one thing, or if he was working at a job that did not pay enough to let him find a place to live... but he's laying there watching TV and begging for change when he's hungry enough. He's a freeloader, and he's taking advantage. I see no reason why FEMA should give him any more money than they already have, and I think that the hotel is in the right to have started eviction proceedings.
He’s been broke for over a month now. fema sent him $9,000 in housing aid, but he spent it all on booze, cigarettes, some clothes, and food—partying, mostly. “I spent my money just the way I wanted, and I think [fema] should send me some more,” he says.

And the sad thing is that people have been talking since at least the 19th century about the problem with having people break the unwritten rules. Every person who visibly abuses the system like this guy and does not get smacked in public discourages those of us that just try our best. If slime like this are able to get away with this, why the hell should anyone else take up the slack?

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