Super Hero


Mon Mon

Okay if you could be any Super Hero who would it be and why

For me it would be spider man because he is very strong has that spider since and that great agility and shoots webs out of his hand.:)
Yeah I would be Spiderman too..........He has M.J :D
I'd have to miss out on super powers but Batman has always been my most favorite 'super' hero and I'd love to work with him! I don't want to be Batgirl and shot by the Joker though. :(

Robyn :)
My favorite is Batman as well but I'm not so sure I would want to be him.
God are all of you DC fans in this place! :shrug:
Wolverine is my choice. His screw the detail and get it done style is ideal for me. He's also the strong and silent type with a touch a pure nasty and sarcasism(sp).

Mountain Sage
Originally posted by Master of Blades
God are all of you DC fans in this place! :shrug:

Well Marvel tends to have heroes who are more like real people and or have isues. I mean who would want to really be as scrwed up in the head as Wolverine? or not be unable to touch anyone like Rouge? etc. Give me a facny green ring in a cracker jack box for nothing though? sounds like a good deal to me.
Originally posted by Elfan
Well Marvel tends to have heroes who are more like real people and or have isues. I mean who would want to really be as scrwed up in the head as Wolverine? or not be unable to touch anyone like Rouge? etc. Give me a facny green ring in a cracker jack box for nothing though? sounds like a good deal to me.

True.......but they sure as hell make for more interesting stories! :rofl:
Wolverine - the ultimate HTH machine.

Daredevil - even with a primary sense taken away, an incredible fighter and capable of getting away with a "trip and grope" with cute wimmin'... :D

Professor X - the strongest telepath on the planet (never have trouble getting a date again!)

Colossus - imagine the money you could make arm wrestling in a bar... As a regular man, lose the match, bet double or nothing, lose again, bet double or nothing, turn into Mr. Metal and crush the competition. Wouldn't be able to use that trick too many times in the same place, though...

Sorry, but the X-men have always been my favorite (along with Daredevil).

Originally posted by Yiliquan1

Sorry, but the X-men have always been my favorite (along with Daredevil).


It okay man, no need to apoligise. Thats the first step, admitting it to the group. No repeat after me.........

"Hi everybody, My name is Yiliquan1 and I'm an X-Men fan"

Anybody else got anything they want to admit to the group? :p
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Anybody else got anything they want to admit to the group? :p

No! :shrug: Especially if your the instructor running the group therapy.
Originally posted by Mon Mon
Okay if you could be any Super Hero who would it be and why

For me it would be spider man because he is very strong has that spider since and that great agility and shoots webs out of his hand.:)

TERMINATOR! He's unstopable!
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
No! :shrug: Especially if your the instructor running the group therapy.

Hey!!!! Whats wrong with me!!!! :(
Originally posted by Master of Blades
It okay man, no need to apoligise. Thats the first step, admitting it to the group. No repeat after me.........

"Hi everybody, My name is Yiliquan1 and I'm an X-Men fan"

Anybody else got anything they want to admit to the group? :p

Heh I just finished watching all 5 seasons of the 90s X-Men cartoon so I must count as some sort of X-Men fan. Any X-Men comic geeks care to comment on the quality of that series?
Originally posted by Elfan
Heh I just finished watching all 5 seasons of the 90s X-Men cartoon so I must count as some sort of X-Men fan. Any X-Men comic geeks care to comment on the quality of that series?

Hmmmm........Okay I'll admit it, when it comes to Marvel I am a geek. I know more about Marvel comics and stuff then anyone I know personally lol! :rofl:
Originally posted by Mon Mon
Okay if you could be any Super Hero who would it be and why

Because I love swimming so much, my first choice would be Namor, the Sub Mariner. My second choice would be either Silver Surfer or Green Lantern

Now if I was to be able to pick ANY character, I would pick the Beyonder all the way. This guy could literally(spl?) do anything