Summer Camp help...

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I've got a summer camp coming up at my TKD school, it's one week. And I just got the schedule for the whole week at our instructor meeting this morning. I was just wondering if anybody had any good ideas for stories with morals. I needed a story for each of these morals: Respect, Teamwork, Black Belt Attitude(Spirit), and Safety.

We have a set story/history time right after lunch. Can either tell the history of MA/TKD/and/or other MA, but it's gotta be something a big group of kids would like to hear and wouldn't get bored with. Something they can react to, give feedback about the story, and something we, instructors, can talk to them about/debate/discuss.

If any of you guys have any ideas, feel free to post them. Thanks, it'd help alot.

ShaolinWolf said:

I've got a summer camp coming up at my TKD school, it's one week. And I just got the schedule for the whole week at our instructor meeting this morning. I was just wondering if anybody had any good ideas for stories with morals. I needed a story for each of these morals: Respect, Teamwork, Black Belt Attitude(Spirit), and Safety.

We have a set story/history time right after lunch. Can either tell the history of MA/TKD/and/or other MA, but it's gotta be something a big group of kids would like to hear and wouldn't get bored with. Something they can react to, give feedback about the story, and something we, instructors, can talk to them about/debate/discuss.

If any of you guys have any ideas, feel free to post them. Thanks, it'd help alot.


I say take a trip to the book-store. I'd sift through the slew of inspirational books there. Your bound to find something good!

Thanks! I looked on the other forum and I'm going to go to the Library either today or tomorrow. I'm also looking for stuff that is MA related, being as the summercamp will be at a dojang. So, has anyone got an instructor that likes to tell old fables, parables, or anything with a moral to the story? I liked alot of the stuff in the other thread, too.