Suggestions for a summer/second gi?



The weather is getting warmer and IÂ’m looking for a spare gi. Initial IÂ’ve browsed:

Kamikaze Europa or Americana
Juka bronze or silver,
Ki brushed 14 oz, but that seems pretty hot?

I’m currently in a Century 14 oz heavyweight – I’m thinking any of these would be a step up.

Any thoughts? :idunno:
sharado? those are nice heavy weught gi's/dobok. Or are you looking for lightweight?
My two cents worth. If you guys wear V necks at all, the Adichamp Adidas uniform, I found is the lightest. Its 55/45 poly. Its in the Century catalog/online for 65.
No V-Neck for me, but yes, I've seen those and like them.

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