Steven Seagal: Lawman

He's in "the shape" of some 20+ year on the job cops I have seen...sad to say.

He'd never make it through our academy in the shape he's in now though.
I am curious as to why it would be either?

Back when he made the better movies, such as "Under Siege," Steven Seagal was a lean and mean, 210 pound wrecking ball of destruction. He was probably one of the last people I'd ever want to fight on this planet.

Somewhere along the way, he became a vegan, and added about 150+ pounds of fat to his frame.

Here's a bit of history... (Beware, some harsh language on that page)

If you watch his earlier movies, they always had multiple camera views of him, and that you could certainly film him with extended action scenes. These days, the only view you ever see is of him from the front, with his chin (all 3 or 4 of them) tucked down, so that you can't see his face flab as easily.

If they have to go to a side-angle, then they'll keep him stationary, and airbrush out the flab and the chins.

Also, if you look at his wardrobe in today's movies, you'll see him always wearing either a long, flowing robe, or a long coat, so that they can hide the size of his bloated body.

All fat jokes aside, though, he has always been one of the more unpleasant people to work with on the stage, since he's notorious for injuring stuntmen by going way overboard (much like Jean Claude Van Damme).
Back when he made the better movies, such as "Under Siege," Steven Seagal was a lean and mean, 210 pound wrecking ball of destruction. He was probably one of the last people I'd ever want to fight on this planet.

Somewhere along the way, he became a vegan, and added about 150+ pounds of fat to his frame.

Here's a bit of history... (Beware, some harsh language on that page)

If you watch his earlier movies, they always had multiple camera views of him, and that you could certainly film him with extended action scenes. These days, the only view you ever see is of him from the front, with his chin (all 3 or 4 of them) tucked down, so that you can't see his face flab as easily.

If they have to go to a side-angle, then they'll keep him stationary, and airbrush out the flab and the chins.

Also, if you look at his wardrobe in today's movies, you'll see him always wearing either a long, flowing robe, or a long coat, so that they can hide the size of his bloated body.

All fat jokes aside, though, he has always been one of the more unpleasant people to work with on the stage, since he's notorious for injuring stuntmen by going way overboard (much like Jean Claude Van Damme).

Seriously, is this about how heavy Seagal is? Goodness...

From the brief, it seems the show is tracking him on his rounds as a police officer. My point is were it another police officer, would it be so funny ha-ha or funny oh no?

Sure I am a longtime fan of Seagal. In common with many people I guess I do not watch MA movies for the thespian accomplishments of any of the cast! Nonetheless, at least Seagal has a broader remit than most of the self-gratifying and perhaps egocentric MA "stars". Whether or not I agree with his personal politics, style of guitar playing or flavour of soft-drink, I am still encouraged that he has turned his skill into something a little more purposeful than slating other martial artists (Bas Rutten style etc). I do not wish to be argumentative and but I am just uncertain about the weight thing with regard to Steven Seagal?? And but thank you even so for taking time to reply :)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Because his career has taken such a sad turn with the declining quality of his output. Yet if you talk to him he's still the baddest mo-fo on the planet.
No I just mean, how do you imagine that will bear on this real life show which is following him in his role as a police?
I think its just another attention grabbing ploy for a fading actor...a la "Im a celebrity get me outta here".."dancing with the stars" etc.
I think its just another attention grabbing ploy for a fading actor...a la "Im a celebrity get me outta here".."dancing with the stars" etc.
Yes, I think that if an actor were to agree to star in a reality television show, we would be justified in assuming that they were seeking attention of some form. I do not think that is any particularly esoteric or underhand fact though? From the short write up in the link, I had thought that gaining a little attention for his particular police dept. was the whole premise? Perhaps I have misunderstood?

What Archangel said. He's like when Elvis or Shaq thought they were cops.
I am not certain how good that analogy is as I am not aware whether Elvis and/or Shaq were trained police?

And but irrespective, I do not get the "ha ha" or "oh no" of a genuine, trained police who is also an MA actor doing such a show? If he were untrained, I would understand - is that maybe what you are trying to say? I had assumed that having served the police department for those years that he would have been adequately trained in carrying out that role? I appreciate that Seagal has his detractors for myriad and well-documented reasons. Perhaps your arguments are as simple as that?

Not seeking an argument, just had wondered if I was not party to the joke because I was missing something pertinent re Seagal in this role :)
I am not certain how good that analogy is as I am not aware whether Elvis and/or Shaq were trained police?

Don't know about Shaq, but Elvis was kind of a cop wannabe. He collected badges and handguns. He got President Nixon to make him an honourary DEA in exchange for spreading the anti-drug message.

The funny in this is not the police part, it's the Steven Seagal part. The more and more ridiculous his personality has gotten as he's gotten older, the larger his ego, and the larger his waistband (which undermines the badass image his ego seems to hold onto), all make the idea of watching him in a reality show about being a cop just comical. It's thinking about how he talks, how he engages people, and how he talks about things added to a COPS context that just screams "The Office" type hilariously weird and uncomfortable situations. I for one wait with baited breath.
Oh goodness, I guess if the premise of the argument is reducable to "we are no fans of Steven Seagal" then there is little to rebut :) Best of luck to yalls :)