Started the path to Bassai yesterday!

Please consider buying this book:

I got the following information from this book:

It probably means something closer to: To extract from a fortress, or rescue. The first character in Bassai is "batsu" or "nuki" and means to extract or draw out. The next character, fusagu or sai means close, obstruct, etc. However, nowhere in any chinese dictionary for the pictograms does the word penetrate appear.

Rob Redmond, the author, lived in Japan for three years and has a great Blog at www.24fightingchickens. The book also has step by step instructions for the shotokan versions of these forms.
Please consider buying this book:

I got the following information from this book:

It probably means something closer to: To extract from a fortress, or rescue. The first character in Bassai is "batsu" or "nuki" (on one of the six ways of writing it) and means to extract or draw out. The next character, fusagu or sai means close, obstruct, etc. However, nowhere in any chinese dictionary for the pictograms does the word penetrate appear.

I have heard Bal Sae Dae translated as 'Remove Obstruction Greater [Form]'

That's really exciting, agemechanic.

I don't know if you "compete" over there or not or if you will in Europe, but I imagine you'd blow away the competition in the USA with your forms!
Haha...Ok...I call it a "funny jump" b/c it is my first time doing it. You have completed your outside to inside double fist punch to the sides and you are in a front stance, and then you just push off both of your feet and do a center punch landing in the same front stance that you were just in maybe stretching a lil bit forward. Hopefully that helps. Like I said, it's funny to me b/c i've never done it and i am trying to get it down.

Move 23 is preparation stance, then raise both arms above the head then double block ( the chair movement as described) we do front stance, right punch, then slide forward with another right hand punch but with the shoulder more forward in a shoulder charge, then turn for the knife hand.
Move 23 is preparation stance, then raise both arms above the head then double block ( the chair movement as described) we do front stance, right punch, then slide forward with another right hand punch but with the shoulder more forward in a shoulder charge, then turn for the knife hand.

we do the same thing, except we don't "step" forward, we jump forward off both feet at the same time and land both feet together while throwing the punch and shoulder. We then come up slowly, breathing in with our right hand in the air blocking and our left low blocking, then step forward really fast and then back really fast just like the end of Pyung Ahn Oh Dan. That's as far as I know right now.
That's really exciting, agemechanic.

I don't know if you "compete" over there or not or if you will in Europe, but I imagine you'd blow away the competition in the USA with your forms!

I don't get to compete over here. It sucks, b/c when I was younger and did Wado- Ryu, I competed all the time. My instructor isn't big on competitions anymore, even tho he was the Korean Heavy Weight Champion 3 different years back in the 80's. We are trying to talk him into just taking us to a competition just to watch, even tho I would LOVE to compete, I don't think I could match up to these koreans tho.
Got promoted last night, which means my next is Bassai Dai. It should be interesting, especially in comparison to Bassai So.

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