Sports Illustrated World's Most Dominant Athlete

Her big one is Metro PCS and I have probably watched in a hundred or so times while watching sports.
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Really, I watch ESPN, and all the sports channels all the time...have never seen it once in this market.????
That is interesting but it might not be on ESPN. However, she was featured on Sportscenter just this week due to the Sports Illustrated article.
How are they defining "most dominant athlete" in the article? The Yahoo article didn't make that clear. Because if they mean "the most famous", clearly that's not the case. But if they mean "the most likely to win", "the best competitor in their sport/division".... yeah, I think she's a very reasonable choice. She's the face of women's MMA, the best, hands-down.

Edit: I also want to say that I think it's really great that there's such a popular/successful female fighter out there. It's inspiring to young girls who do martial arts. I had a little girl at the school tell me recently that she wants to fight Rousey when she grows up! :D
Brian, part of it may also be that T-Mobile doesn't really advertise here. Here it's mainly AT&T and Verizon in a shootout....we rarely see Sprint or T-Mobile commercials here.

That could absolutely be it Mike. Region would play a big difference. Could also be that at my house there is always a boxing, mma match on which may schew my perception.
That is interesting but it might not be on ESPN. However, she was featured on Sportscenter just this week due to the Sports Illustrated article.

And bear in mind we are comparing her to those other well known female athletes. Like the Serena sisters. And that golfer chick. And some swimmers during the olympics.
I agree with the thread title and the cover of Sports Illustrated. I think it's fantastic that somebody in Martial Arts is getting the recognition and media coverage that Ronda's been getting.
The fact that it's a woman - just a fabulous bonus.

Keep rocking, Ms Rousey. You go, girl!
And bear in mind we are comparing her to those other well known female athletes. Like the Serena sisters. And that golfer chick. And some swimmers during the olympics.
Keeping in mind, of course, that none of them are undefeated in their sports-and none of them have a record of getting their jobs done as quickly as Ronda: she's spent a total of 15 minutes, 27 seconds in the octagon (or ring) professionally, and she's made about $2 million......that's $2157.50 per second......
that's just one way to measure most dominant.
Keeping in mind, of course, that none of them are undefeated in their sports-and none of them have a record of getting their jobs done as quickly as Ronda: she's spent a total of 15 minutes, 27 seconds in the octagon (or ring) professionally, and she's made about $2 million......that's $2157.50 per second......
that's just one way to measure most dominant.

Correct. Although I think if we cared enough about women's sport. We may find other examples.

I mean there could be girls out there with years long dominance in synchronised swimming and nobody would ever know.
Correct. Although I think if we cared enough about women's sport. We may find other examples.

I mean there could be girls out there with years long dominance in synchronised swimming and nobody would ever know.

Not just women but worldwide,

We Americans have a tendency to speak for the world, because if we don't who will?!

I do believe if there was a list, Rhonda would be on it 100%, but on a worldwide scale of multiple sports?

Well, to me it sounds a lot like calling UFC fighters the best in the world when fighters of equal ability are just fighting for other orgs.
I don't doubt she's probably the most successful female MMA fighter at the moment but to be honest it's not exactly a big list she's at the top of :)
I don't doubt she's probably the most successful female MMA fighter at the moment but to be honest it's not exactly a big list she's at the top of :)
Tez, come on. What's your beef with Rhonda rousey? I would think you'd be celebrating well deserved attention for a female martial artist.
I don't doubt she's probably the most successful female MMA fighter at the moment but to be honest it's not exactly a big list she's at the top of :)

We'll never see it, but I'd bet she could beat at least half the male fighters in her weight class in MMA.

The gal's got scary skills, and is trained by a pretty scary bunch themselves......
I don't doubt she's probably the most successful female MMA fighter at the moment but to be honest it's not exactly a big list she's at the top of :)

We'll never see it, but I'd bet she could beat at least half the male fighters in her weight class in MMA.

The gal's got scary skills, and is trained by a pretty scary bunch themselves......

Yep but in Judo there's two girls better than her...the Olympic silver medallist and the gold medallist :D

I love that people get so prickly defending her ( yep I love winding you up, you all get so defensive), she's good no doubt about it as I said but hey it's just a sport after all with all the hype that goes with it. I doubt the UFC would bring in anyone who can beat her until they're sure they can't get anymore money out of her. In all sports there's always someone coming up behind you, they won't beat you immediately, maybe not even in a couple of years but they are coming. Make your money and get out while you are at the top...if the management allows you to. I hate to see any sportsperson especially fighters go on long past the time they should have retired.
Yep but in Judo there's two girls better than her...the Olympic silver medallist and the gold medallist :D

I love that people get so prickly defending her ( yep I love winding you up, you all get so defensive), she's good no doubt about it as I said but hey it's just a sport after all with all the hype that goes with it. I doubt the UFC would bring in anyone who can beat her until they're sure they can't get anymore money out of her. In all sports there's always someone coming up behind you, they won't beat you immediately, maybe not even in a couple of years but they are coming. Make your money and get out while you are at the top...if the management allows you to. I hate to see any sportsperson especially fighters go on long past the time they should have retired.

Normally, I'd agree with you on most of this-I'd say the gal who's gonna beat her is likely in her teens right now....unless Bethe Correia knocks her out....but my money's on the psycho (read her book when it's out; she's quite candid, and you'll see how absolutely nuckin' futz she actually is...)
I just finished reading "My Fight/Your Fight" by Ronda Rousey (co-written by Maria Burns Ortiz, Ronda's sister)

What a great read, I can't recommend it enough. If you're interested in high level fighting, in Ronda herself, in MMA, Judo, fighting competition in general - or even in the attitude necessary for self defense or sheer determination in life, or sports, this is a really interesting read.
Yep but in Judo there's two girls better than her...the Olympic silver medallist and the gold medallist :D

I love that people get so prickly defending her ( yep I love winding you up, you all get so defensive), she's good no doubt about it as I said but hey it's just a sport after all with all the hype that goes with it. I doubt the UFC would bring in anyone who can beat her until they're sure they can't get anymore money out of her. In all sports there's always someone coming up behind you, they won't beat you immediately, maybe not even in a couple of years but they are coming. Make your money and get out while you are at the top...if the management allows you to. I hate to see any sportsperson especially fighters go on long past the time they should have retired.
I agree with that last bit.

The first bit seems off to me. The first bit... the prickly bit. You're actually being oddly prickly, and that's what's got me confused. You're tearing down someone it seems like you would/should be proud to build up. Here's a female athlete helping to knock down sexist barriers, succeeding at a very high level and doing a ton for female martial artists.

I think if she were British.... Scratch that.... If she were anything other than American, your entire message would be opposite.