



Kyle and Tim sponsoring the discussion boards. All of my favorite things. I feel like George on Seinfeld!

If you're in WNY, I recommend Kyle's school. The instruction is top notch, and we have a lot of fun too.:D

I should add that I drive out there from Buffalo 2-3x a week, so don't be intimidated by the ride. A few of us carpool, so you're welcome to drop me an email.
I was out there once with Tim Hartman. Looked like alot of fun. :)
Icepick: you drive form Buffalo?? Well that explains why you always miss the warm-up. :D
Icepick always arrives in Rochester way before class. I see him outside, peering in through the window until the warm-up is over. ;)
Dang Kaith, I met you? :shrug: I must be getting old :wink:

- Kyle
Originally posted by Bake
Icepick always arrives in Rochester way before class. I see him outside, peering in through the window until the warm-up is over. ;)

:rofl: I had always suspected, but never had proof!

- Kyle
Kyle - Was last summer / fall (I think). Was out there with Tim, and my GF (think her hair was still pink, I dont remember) ;)

I'll probably be at the open roll, so we can hook up then. (Wish I could join in, but need to give the back a few more weeks to work out the shoveling) heh. :)

Bryan -

This topic has been beaten badly. Please see the "O'gradying the warmups" thread in General Martial arts forum.
