


Should Sparring be part of regular class, or should it be a specialty class. Most students enjough doing sparring drills, but do not enjoy actually sparring. What do you think?
Should be a specific class. Maybe 2 or 3 a week somewhere in the schedule of the school depending on the rank etc.

Students should HAVE to spar. Not every sparring class but at least 2 or 3 times a month. A good instructor will teach the in's and outs od sparring and keep it under control.

A specific class is good because that is what you will be dealing with. Sparring. It's a whole art unto itself.
I think that sparring should not be mandatory. There are people that are happy to do forms, self defense techniques, and basics. they have no abition to throw on the gear and bang around. I have to say that I have never forced a student to spar after they have sparred 3 times just to give it a chance.
if I ever had my own school. Sparring would be manditory. It doesn't mean uncontrolled all out rage. It means learning to deal with actual interaction.

It's Martial arts, not dance class.

But that's just me.
The idea of making Sparring mandatory sounds good in theory. But would you make a physician or chiropractor who was a student spar. One misadventure and there could be a severe problem. Accidents happen and people have lives away from their training, An executive with a black eye doesn't seem to assuring, just like a surgeon with huge bruised knuckle doesn't look professional.
I can't accept that. it doesn't have to be all out crazy but it they come out to learn martial arts they need to spar. That's just my opinion.
With your background from boxing I can respect your opinion about evrybody sparring, but there are many people that enjoy the martial arts for the fitness and the calming effect has on them.:cheers:
Those people are gay, fruity-@ssed, granola-eatin', tree-huggin', sandal-wearing, whale-watchin', crystal pendant wearing, aura watching, chi freaks.


I'm cranky today.

Sounds like it is time for you to perform one of those self-no-touch knock outs.
Hey now there Gou...

I'm one of those fruity-@ssed, tree-huggin', sandal-wearing, whale-watchin', crystal pendant wearing, aura watching, chi freaks. :D

Well, actually, I don't know the tree well enough yet to hug...we just shake limbs. :rofl:

Seriously - I think it depends on a-the art, and b-what -you- want to achieve.

If you're doing 1 of the 'fitness' types (cardio boxing, kickboxing, some tai-chi flavors, yoga, etc) you can probably lose the sparing part, no problem.

If you're doing it for a self defence aspects, you need the sparing. Even if its just the "move in, tap and back off" type, it helps you to at least look for openings, get used to throwing a shot, loosen up, build some confidence, and helps in balance.

My personal opinion? Most schools don't do enough sparring. Local Kenpo school hasn't had a real sparing set since June sometime. Oh, they've dont a few "clinics" the jab right, then shuffle left then throw a left into the big pad your partners holding bit....but no free form, etc. I like sparring...helps me seek out the practical uses for my training.
"Hmm...he's throwing a left straight punch, I'm off to his left, so I shouldshuffle to my right, slap with right, grab with left and guy shot." "Ohh, spinning back kick, shoulda been ready for that"

Ya know? :)

Course, if theres a reason the student doesn't want to spar, thats ok too....the gals at certain times, people obviously out of it (poor control, etc issues), people who just can't seem to understand that its training, not combat, etc.

As an aside...last time I sparred, I worked with a guy who's a Jujistu (I think) champ. I took a shot to the gut...oh man, I flew back onto my back, feet went over my head, and I'm bouncing back to my feet. Everyone was concerned (esp him) that I got was 1 of the most fun moments I've had sparring.

Ok, I'm babblin's nap time!

When I first started training 20 yrs ago, I sparred at the end of every class. But as time went by and I gained rank and the classes got smaller there were less and less people to spar. It eventually came to the point where I could only spar the beginners and people lower than me because there was no one at my level or higher in our school. I did the tournament thing but politics reigned supreme, you either got called for hitting too hard, or too soft, or the ref was checking out some woman on the sidelines. I became very dissatisfied with sparring. I eventually got into self defense style sparring which I enjoy much more. I used to love tournament sparring with the takedown, sweeps, throws, now a days you can't look hard at the opponent or you get called. Or you get the guy who taps you and runs around the ring with his hand up to declare he got a point.

Sparring is a good tool, but it is just one of the many tool in the martial arts.
I have to be careful with those. Remember the last time? I put myself out for almost an hour!
As for the not sparring. YOU MUST SPAR! Even if it's just playful. You MUST! Play tag. Make specific tag targets. Make it light. Make it heavy. Whatever! YOU MUST SPAR!
I don't know if I can handle another 5 year old black belt kata champion who cannot throw a punch unless it's in the air...
Kaith...don't do this to me baby! It's me! Yer old Pal Gou! Tell me you spar! TELL MEEEE!!!!
I like to spar with weapons especially my bo does that count?
I -LOVE- to spar. Can't get enough of it myself. If it wasn't for my bloody eyes and a lack of proper head gear, I'd do it alot more. :)

Once I get the cash to get the gear, I wanna go full contact sometime. :D Staff, sword, stick, sai, bokken, it dooont matter. I just wanna play!
May we ask about the problem with your eyes?

I have really bad astigmatism, and have a risk of getting a detached retina if I take too many hard blows to the head. I spar anyway. I don't ignore the risk, I don't fear it, but I am aware of it. I just don't let it control me.

I look at it this way...astronauts risk their lives everytime they step into the shuttle. They could blow up on the pad, on lift-off, in orbit, or on re-entry. However, they love what they do, so they accept the risk. I love martial arts. I'll accept the risk. I figure as long as I don't just stand there and let someone thump me on the head all day long, I should be alright :D

damn...babbling again
Originally posted by Rob_Broad
Sounds like it is time for you to perform one of those self-no-touch knock outs.

I recently attended a three-day seminar by George Dillman. It was the first time I have ever been embarrassed to be at a seminar. While I left with many useful pieces of information, the no-touch knockouts were clearly "social pressure" knockouts--the students feigned fainting in order not to show up their instructors. (Several instructors did these "knockouts".) They had a young girl "move" her instructor by standing behind him and using her "ki/chi" to pull him back; students were also asked to form "balls of ki" and hand them back-and-forth. It was stage magic.

I didn't attend the seminar on using sound to increase the effectiveness of locks and such--luckily there were often two or more seminars going at once during the camp.

In addition to the no-touch knockouts, there was extensive discussion of the differences in the ways that men and woemn should fight--men should strike one side of the face, women the other--together with discussion of how this should be modified if the striker is a homosexual. Again, I was absolutely embarrassed to be there.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
As an aside...last time I sparred, I worked with a guy who's a Jujistu (I think) champ. I took a shot to the gut...oh man, I flew back onto my back

Perhaps Mr. Hartman will regale us with the memory of the time Ron Van Browning landed an elbow in his midsection...if he remembers.

If not, I do. :)
Eye-Problem : LASIK "Issues". Short form is that since 7-5-01 (when they flap n zapped me) I've had a series of "Ah Sh!T!" weeks with my eyes. Reading which used to be a pleasure is pure hell for me now. (When MAD magazine kicks your ***, its a problem). Eyes aren't healing right, and are still way outta focus.

Any damage to them, only makes it worse. Oh, and they dry out like crazy...I go through $30 to $100 in eye drops a week.

It sucks....really ruined bikini season for me. :shrug:

That seminar sounds, um, "Specul" :)
Yow, Kaith. I hope you're suing somebody's pants off. Out of the several people I know who've had LASIK done, yours is the first problem incident that I've heard of.

I've been toying with the idea myself, but:

2) Still too early to tell if there will be any problems in the long term.
4) Don't like what I heard about point light sources having halos around them

I would like to be rid of glasses and contact lenses, but at least they are a known risk. Haven't really ever had problems with contact lens in a martial arts class, but I have had an instance where my glasses got 'smooshed'. Luckily, they're made of a fairly sturdy metal frame and could be coaxed back into something approaching their original shape. If I wear glasses to class, I just remove them for sparring. Things are a wee bit blurry, but I've managed to survive so far :)
