Some questions about fighters


Black Belt
Feb 28, 2006
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I can't seem to get a response in the mma forum as clark kent posts a lot mine seem to get missed.

I just want a few peoples thoughts on some mma fighters.

Chuck Liddell - fighting Shogun in April. If he loses is this it for him in the UFC??

Marcus Davis - Seems to win a lot but never gets mentioned as a title contender. Do people rate him? I love watching him fight.

Kenny Florian - Is he next in line for BJ after GSP?

Who's gonna give Rashad his first L???

I can't seem to get a response in the mma forum as clark kent posts a lot mine seem to get missed.

I just want a few peoples thoughts on some mma fighters.

Chuck Liddell - fighting Shogun in April. If he loses is this it for him in the UFC??

Marcus Davis - Seems to win a lot but never gets mentioned as a title contender. Do people rate him? I love watching him fight.

Kenny Florian - Is he next in line for BJ after GSP?

Who's gonna give Rashad his first L???


I know the feeling, doesn't seem worth posting on there now.
I guess Chuck will win.

Kenny should also win

Marcus Davis is winning alot but nobody is in the top of his wieght class.

Lewis will loose but to who and when is anybody guess.
I only want to answer for 3 of them.

Chuck is a great guy and fighter, but he needs to hang it up and enjoy retirement. I think he should coach.

Florian next for BJ? Maybe, but we will have to see how he handles GSP.

Rashad, 1st loss is going to come from Rampage. And nobody is gonna see it coming.
Both Chuck and Shogun are rapidly becoming irrelevant. Chuck's best days are behind him and Shogun just isn't the same when he's not roided up in Pride. Over in Pride, I thought Shogun Rua was the toughest guy around but he has not shown anything since coming back. Watching Forrest Griffin kick his butt so convincingly was very surprising for me. So, to answer your question, I think it's do or die for both fighters. That said, Chuck is a very good friend and loyal supporter of Dana White, so I'm sure he'll be taken care of.

Marcus Davis is great and his fights are always exciting. He stands in the pocket and just throws punches. But he hasn't really won any fights that justify a title shot. Chris Lytle in his last fight was as close as he's had to top tier competition. I don't think he's good enough to compete with the best in his division. He's more of a boxer who likes to fight other strikers.

Kenny Florian is definitely next at 155, in my opinion. He's paid his dues, fought and defeated the best in the division and is a freak. I'd love to see the fight between KenFlo and BJ.

And at 205, I think Rampage beats Lewis. Lewis wins by controlling the tempo and using his speed to counterpunch and stay out. I think an aggressive Rampage gets inside and does some damage, having a good chance to win. In a very different kind of fight, I think Lyoto Machida as a good shot at beating Lewis, as well. Machida has very much the same game plan. The fight would probably be a little boring to watch, but I think Machida wins.
Florian next for BJ? Maybe, but we will have to see how he handles GSP.
:) I will go on record as saying BJ will win, and it will not go to the judges. GSP is very good, but BJ's in his head. BJ won't get tired this time. In their last fight, GSP was dominated in the first two rounds and had BJ been in shape, he would have won easily. Conditioning has always been BJ's challenge, and I think over the last year or so he's proven that he's motivated and comes into the fights in shape. I can't wait to see this fight, but I'm predicting a 3rd or 4th round knockout for BJ.