Sokeship Council, Grandmaster or NOT????

RRouuselot said:
It wasn't Hong Kong level.............but pretty close!

Hey, not fair! I just had some "tortillas" in our cafeteria for lunch and now you're trying to get me hungry again! And doing a good job at it, too
RRouuselot said:
I just had Chinese food for was outstanding!
Robert, in all fairness the stuff that I call Chinese food is probably about as Chinese as I am ;)

My dad's told me that on his trip to china the food served was very different to what you buy as chinese food here, and looking at indian food too, I can understand why that might be the case!
akja said:
Do we still need to report to Asia to be legit???[/B]

Do we need to report to a soke board to be legit?

Looking at all the posts here, it all seems to come down to that idea. The idea that Americans should throw off the chains of Asia, stop bowing to Asian master and........

....put on chains made in America and start bowing to American masters.

I look at those that I respect as inovators of the martial arts and can't imagine them pointing to an orginization and saying, "since I belong to this group you should respect me!" Bruce Lee, Ed Parker, The Gracies, etc... I cannot imagine them trying to claim respect from others based on the people they associate with.

And this really seems to be what soke boards are all about. Gaining legitmaticy through their association with others. Reading some folks use of their sokeship council membership, I get the mental image of the South Park line, "Respect my authority!!!!!"

And really, the arguments for soke boards I see here are not so much ones that seem to point to the positive attitude of the groups. Rather they remind me of Eric Cartman running around in his police uniform.

"How dare you judge my hanshi" seems to be the response. Well, that is what Americans do, is it not? We do not bow to kings or feel forced to accept what others tell us. Why the heck should we bow down to your self proclaimed master of the martial art that he is fit to judge others any more than us?

I think it is safe to say that someone without a strong internal Chinese martial art would have problems telling good from bad in that art, or tell why certain things are done the way they are.

Of course, there is the matter of combat effectiveness. I have seen the comments that a person who has spent 50 years in the martial arts should be able to tell what is combat effective. Oh really? I have no trouble imagining that someone could spend decades in the safety of the dojo and not know the first thing about a fight for their life. I remember when the Gracies first came on the scene and many people who had trained for decades said that a striker could beat them silly before they could be taken to the ground. They were proven wrong because they had no real experience going against a grappler.

So if someone does not have a lot of experience in real combat- the only situation where there are not rules and conditions like the strikers faced before facing the Gracies- then I think they are pretty dumb for saying they can judge what will and will not work in combat.

So, where is the proof of these judges experience in life or death combat? I am talking about things like police reports. If someone has to defend his life, it is only natural that the police would be called in. And they had to have done this enough to discount a lucky handfull of experiences to gain the experience worthy of judging others.

So, all the arts that are passed by these mavens teach defense against knife attacks. Are any of them willing to get in a cage with Don Pentecost or Marc MacYoung armed with a live blade? It seems natural that if the judges are willing to give their stamp of approval in terms of combat effectiveness to arts that teach how to defend against a knife that they should face a live one in the hands of someone like that.

But instead those of us that find the qualifications of the mavens wanting are faced with a attempt to intimidate us into respecting the authority of them just like they accuse those in Asia of requiring. I see more in common with Eric Cartman than the words of Bruce Lee.

Well, the simple fact is that until one of these judges produce some police reports of real life and death combat or agree to face even harmless guy like me with a blade in my hand, they deserve no deference to their authority. Until they show some experience in all the multiple arts they cater to I have the right to say that I do not think they are qualified.

And as an American holding the values of questioning anything I want, I will not be told to respect their authority quietly.
RRouuselot said:
I hate to ask but feel I must get clarification on was he "making history" in 1963?
Well here he is in present day........

anyone have any comments about his "technique"?
Although thyere are stylistic things I don't agree with, taking into account age and the process of filming usally brings thins down a little.
Not to bad
(in all fairness)
Don Roley said:
I think you are taking a very superficial view of the martial arts. You talk as if all hits, etc are the same. They are not. Some are damaging, some are driving. Take a look at Hsing-i. From what I understand, they have something like five different types of hitting, all with the same type of fist.

Too many people think that martial arts are just the same techniques thrown together in different combinations. I thought so too. But now I see that there is some truely great variations in the arts from the ground up. If someone does not know the total of the art, how are they to judge if it is good or not. What may be "correct" in one art can be "wrong" in another. I have a hell of a time with my shoulders in my current art after the style I started out with.

Penjak Silat, Copierra, Systema, Bagua and Shotokan- are you really going to say that these example arts do not have fundemental differences in the way they approach the situation of combat and declare yourself worthy of judging them all?

I have talked about this before, and here is a greater expansion on how I feel on the matter.

Mr. Roley, I think that you are misunderstanding my position.

There is some crossing over of technique between arts and then there arts that do things totally different. Heck, two arts may perform a technique that looks the same, but the application may be vastly different.

One of the ways that I learn is by looking at things from many different perspectives. This goes for martial techniques, also. When we do a technique in my art, I want to understand its depth of application. Being informed by other arts and their interpretations of that technique is very useful.

Here is an example, in our hyung, we have many joint locking applications. The general flow to a joint lock in TSD goes from striking to trapping to locking and that is what we practice. Then, I started cross training in Dan Zan Ryu Jui Jutsu. Joint locking in that art is technical, it has the very exact little motions that can make a joint lock even more effective. When I combine these two perspectives, I have a deeper understanding of the technique.

I understand and agree with what you have to say in your last post. But the original point about how a stylist from one art can judge what is right or wrong in another is what I was getting at.

Yes, another art can give you greater insight. It can open you up to possibilities that you have never thought of. The best example is the insight the Gracies gave to the world of strikers. But for someone on a soke council to look at a tape of Bagua when they have never experienced the full art and then judge whether it is "correct' or not is just plain silly IMO.
Don Roley said:

I understand and agree with what you have to say in your last post. But the original point about how a stylist from one art can judge what is right or wrong in another is what I was getting at.

Yes, another art can give you greater insight. It can open you up to possibilities that you have never thought of. The best example is the insight the Gracies gave to the world of strikers. But for someone on a soke council to look at a tape of Bagua when they have never experienced the full art and then judge whether it is "correct' or not is just plain silly IMO.

I understand that point. The final say when it comes to "grading" any art should be the teacher of that art, not a board of "sokes". One may be able to learn from other arts and one may grow from their criticism, but the outsider will not understand the depth of the art in question...only the places where the two arts happen to cross paths.
Don Roley said:
Do we need to report to a soke board to be legit?

Looking at all the posts here, it all seems to come down to that idea. The idea that Americans should throw off the chains of Asia, stop bowing to Asian master and........

....put on chains made in America and start bowing to American masters.

I look at those that I respect as inovators of the martial arts and can't imagine them pointing to an orginization and saying, "since I belong to this group you should respect me!" Bruce Lee, Ed Parker, The Gracies, etc... I cannot imagine them trying to claim respect from others based on the people they associate with.

And this really seems to be what soke boards are all about. Gaining legitmaticy through their association with others. Reading some folks use of their sokeship council membership, I get the mental image of the South Park line, "Respect my authority!!!!!"

And really, the arguments for soke boards I see here are not so much ones that seem to point to the positive attitude of the groups. Rather they remind me of Eric Cartman running around in his police uniform.

"How dare you judge my hanshi" seems to be the response. Well, that is what Americans do, is it not? We do not bow to kings or feel forced to accept what others tell us. Why the heck should we bow down to your self proclaimed master of the martial art that he is fit to judge others any more than us?

I think it is safe to say that someone without a strong internal Chinese martial art would have problems telling good from bad in that art, or tell why certain things are done the way they are.

Of course, there is the matter of combat effectiveness. I have seen the comments that a person who has spent 50 years in the martial arts should be able to tell what is combat effective. Oh really? I have no trouble imagining that someone could spend decades in the safety of the dojo and not know the first thing about a fight for their life. I remember when the Gracies first came on the scene and many people who had trained for decades said that a striker could beat them silly before they could be taken to the ground. They were proven wrong because they had no real experience going against a grappler.

So if someone does not have a lot of experience in real combat- the only situation where there are not rules and conditions like the strikers faced before facing the Gracies- then I think they are pretty dumb for saying they can judge what will and will not work in combat.

So, where is the proof of these judges experience in life or death combat? I am talking about things like police reports. If someone has to defend his life, it is only natural that the police would be called in. And they had to have done this enough to discount a lucky handfull of experiences to gain the experience worthy of judging others.

So, all the arts that are passed by these mavens teach defense against knife attacks. Are any of them willing to get in a cage with Don Pentecost or Marc MacYoung armed with a live blade? It seems natural that if the judges are willing to give their stamp of approval in terms of combat effectiveness to arts that teach how to defend against a knife that they should face a live one in the hands of someone like that.

But instead those of us that find the qualifications of the mavens wanting are faced with a attempt to intimidate us into respecting the authority of them just like they accuse those in Asia of requiring. I see more in common with Eric Cartman than the words of Bruce Lee.

Well, the simple fact is that until one of these judges produce some police reports of real life and death combat or agree to face even harmless guy like me with a blade in my hand, they deserve no deference to their authority. Until they show some experience in all the multiple arts they cater to I have the right to say that I do not think they are qualified.

And as an American holding the values of questioning anything I want, I will not be told to respect their authority quietly.
Nobody asked you to respect anyone. You flat out likened him to jack Stern. That was straight up disrespect on your part. You call it your right to question and I call it disrespect to a senior martial artist.

But by your last statement, you proved what they do is within their own rights. We as Americans can and will do anything we want and if others in other countries don't like it, then maybe they should start Dojo busting because nothing is going to change.

Hanshi is a good man and he does not belong in the "horror stories."
akja said:
Hanshi is a good man and he does not belong in the "horror stories."

Without taking sides in the debate whether or not he should be in Horror stories, I would just like to point out a couple of things. First of all, the fact the may be a good man doesn't really prove anything. Heck, some most likely consider even Frank Dux to be a good man. And the second point I would like to make is that whenever someone refers to their teacher by the teaching title Hanshi, it tends to make me shiver. It also reminds of one particular defender of Frank Dux... :rolleyes:
jack stern
akja said:
1)Nobody asked you to respect anyone. You flat out likened him to jack Stern.

2) Hanshi is a good man and he does not belong in the "horror stories."
[font=arial,helvetica][font=arial,helvetica][font=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica]1) He may have gotten the idea from this information:

Grandmaster Jack Stern was inducted into the Christian Martial Arts Hall of Fame (Golden Life Achievement Award).

Grandmaster Jack Stern was inducted into the World Head of Family Soke Council (Instructor of the Year Award).

World Head of Family Soke Council (Martial Arts Pioneer Award).

2) That's your opinion. Other people think if you are a flag waving card caring member of the bogus
[/font][font=arial,helvetica][font=arial,helvetica][font=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica]World Head of Family Soke Council you are a fake.....

More BS by Jack Stern can be found here:
RRouuselot said:
jack stern [font=arial,helvetica][font=arial,helvetica][font=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica]1) He may have gotten the idea from this information:

Grandmaster Jack Stern was inducted into the Christian Martial Arts Hall of Fame (Golden Life Achievement Award).

Grandmaster Jack Stern was inducted into the World Head of Family Soke Council (Instructor of the Year Award).

World Head of Family Soke Council (Martial Arts Pioneer Award).

2) That's your opinion. Other people think if you are a flag waving card caring member of the bogus
[/font][font=arial,helvetica][font=arial,helvetica][font=Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica]World Head of Family Soke Council you are a fake.....

More BS by Jack Stern can be found here:
These are 2 differant organizations.

Stern is not listed there.
Frank E. Sanchez Founder / Executive Director
Daniel Verkerke Communications Manager
Edward Badiang Hawaii Ambassador/ Head Screener
John Byrne CO., WY., NE., SD. ND. MT.Ambassador / Advisor
Gary Dill OK., AK., MS., LA. Ambassador/ Advisor
Emil Farkas CA., NV., UT. Ambassador
Stephen K. Hayes MI., WI., IL.. IN. OH. Ambassador
Robert W. Hoe ME., VT., NH., MA., CT. R.I. Ambassador
John Pellegrini TN., NC., SC. Ambassador
Kim, Soo TX., NM., AZ. Ambassador
Alexander Retuinskih Russian Ambassador
Ron Van Clief NY., NJ., PA. Ambassador
Hanns Von Rolbeck Regional Representative - Germany
Glenn Wilson FL., GA., AL. Ambassador
Keido Yamaue European & Japananese Ambassador
Jurg Ziegler Asia Ambassador
Gary Wasniewski Ambassador - Great Britain
Swee Hee Song Ambassador Malaysia
This is the Largest collection of Internationally recognized
Martial Arts Grandmasters in the World

ABREGANA JAMIE - Professor Hawaii Martial Arts International Society - Ewa Beach, HI
AIELLO, JERRY L. Founder Shito-Kan Karate. Berkley, Ml.

ALEMANY, RICHARD Grandmaster Kenpo / Founder ATAMA
San Fransicisco, CA

ALEXANDER GARY - 10th Dan Isshinryu. Plus Edison NJ.

9th. dan Shorin Ryu Reliance, TN

AMATO, BUDDY - 10th Dan Amato's GoJu Ryu. Middletown, NJ.

ANDERSON, GEORGE- Hanshi Traditional U.S. Karate Assn./ Int'I Traditional Bujitsu Dev. & Research Foundation. Akron, OH.

ANGEL, LOU- 10th dan Tenshi Goju. Joplin, Missouri

ANNESI, TONY - Founder Takeshin Sogo Budo. Framington, Massachusetts

ARVANITIS, JIM - Founder Mu Tau Pankration Bradenton, FL

BADIANG, EDWARD- Founder Seitedo Karate Wahiawa, Hawaii

BAET GAT PUNO ABON - Inheritor Garimot System, Miami, Florida

BALAS,RONALD Founder Tai Shin Doh Karate. Shaker Heights, OH

BARBER DR. JOROME - Independent Escrima-Kenpo-Arnis Associates - Hamburg, NY

BAUBIL SERGE -8th dan Hoshinkido Hapkido Montréal Canada

BENKO, JAMES - Grandmaster International Tae Kwon Do Association. Mt. Blanc, Michigan

BERGWERF, BEN - Founder Tori ryu - ILL.

BLACK, RIC - Soke & Founder Bunbu-Ichi Zendo Budo/Bugei Remmei, Fort Myers, FL.

BLANCHET, DANIEL- 9th dan Goshin Jiu-jitsu Ko Ju-jitsu Ryu. France

BLOK, KEVIN - Founder Chudokai Aikido Fed. International Canada

BLUMING, JON - 10th.dan Kyokushin / 9th dan Judo Netherlands

9th dan 5 Circles System. Omaha, Nebraska

CABALES VINCENT - Inheritor Cabalas Serrada Escrima, Stockton CA.

Kaicho World Okinawan Shorin Ryu Oakland, CA.

Kancho Shinshinkan Karate Argentina

CARAULIA, ALGENE P. - Kaicho Karate Institute of America Cleveland, OH.

CASAREZ, JOHN H.- 10th dan Manabi- Masho Ju- jitsu. Chesapeake, OH.

CATES, ERNlE- 10th dan Neko Ryu Goshin Jitsu. Burlington, NC.

CECCHINE, TONY - Leading exponent Catch-as-Catch-Can Wrestling. Addison, IL.

CHAMBERS, JOHN - 9th dan Yudo / YuSool Invernes, FL.

CHIU, CHI LING - 8th generation Grandmaster Hung Gar Kung-Fu. Alameda, CA

COELHO,RUSS - Rep. Danzan Ryu / Kilohana La Lolla, CA.

COLLA, PAOLO- 9th dan Karate Jitsu Goju. Italy

COOK, DAVID- Soke Tsu Shin Ken Karate, Sweeden

CRIMI, Dr. - 10th dan Hikari Ryuza Ryu JuJutsu - Penn Valley, California

CUESTA, ARNULFO "DONG"- Grandmaster Cuesta Eskrima System. Elizabeth, New Jersey

CYRUS, IAAN A.- Kwan Jang Choson Do. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

DACASCOS, AL-Founder Wun Hop Kuen Do Portland, Oregon

DAVIS, BILLY-10th dan Davis Jiu-jitsu System. Staten Island, NY.

DE ALBA, MICHAEL - Founder Modern Farang Mu Sul - San Francisco, CA.

DELUCA, EDWARD W. - Founder Jing Sai Do / Alamogordo, New Mexico

DENORA, JOHN - 10th dan Daito Ryu USA MT Laguna, CA.

DE THOUARS, WILLEM - Founder Kun Lun Pai Westminster, Colorado

DEVLIN D. - Soke Kam Lung Kempo Canada

DILL GARY - 10th dan SDS Jeet Kune Do. Bartlesville, Ok.

DUESSEL, WILLIAM - 9th dan Shimabaka Isshinryu Indiantown FL

DUNCAN, RONALD- Head Koga-ryu Ninijutsu. Queens Vil., NY.

DIXON, CHARLES-10th dan Shaolin Goju. Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

DYE, DAVID A -Shodai Soke Shuyokan Ryu,Costa Mesa, California

EMPERADO, ADRIANO -10th dan Founder Kajukenbo Hawaii

EMPRON, ALBERT-10th dan Taoist Kokyu-ryu. Honolulu, Hawai

ESTALILLA, R.U. JR. - Kaboroan Escrima Fresno, CA

FARKAS EMIL - Combat Jujitsu, L.A. CA.

FERRARO CHARLES - Kwan Jhang 9th dan Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan. West Haven CT

FERRICK MARTY- Grandmaster Mizu Ryu Ju-Jitsu Parkland, FL

FIGUEROA, JEDAN O - Soke Ju-jitsu Jedan Ryu Puerto Rico

FONG, LEO - Founder Wei Kune Do Canoga Park, CA.

FRANK, BRAM - Grandmaster CSSD-SC-MBC Gunting, Seminole, FL

FUTCH, CURTIS - 9th dan Pres. of A.O.O.M.K. Franklin Arkansas

GAMBORDELLA, Dr. TED - Founder Jukoryu Jitsu - Dallas, TX

GAVEN, CHAS. B.- 10th dan Gaven Ryu Ju-jitsu. South Africa

GERANEO, RAY -Founder Kenka Ryu Karate Do Massachusetts

GlTLAN, ARTHUR H.- Founder Haak Lung Chuan-Fa. Alameda, California

GLOVER, DANIEL - Soke Dai Neko Ryu Goshin Jitsu Burlington, NC

GOH AUSTIN -Inheritor Pin San Kune / Guo Lo Wing Chun.
London England

GRACIE, HELIO-10th dan Gracie Jiu-jitsu. Brazil

GRACIE REYLSON - GM. 9th. dan. Reylson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. Las Vegas

GRACIE, RORION- 9th dan Gracie Jiu-jitsu. Torrance, California

GRIFFIN, KALAII K-Founder G Kwon Ming Wa System. Springfield, MA.

GUERMAN, POPOV - Head of System Crushalo - Moscow, RUSSIA

GUTIERREZ, RAUL- Founder Kempo Fu Shih. Spain

HANOVER, DENNIS - Founder Hisardut-Dennis Survival Ju Jitsu Israel

HARALSON, KENT- Founder Seigi Bushido Ryu. Osceola, Wisconsin

HARINCK, THOM- Founder Chakuriki. Amsterdam, Netherlands

HARRISON, JIM - GM. Bushidokan / Sakura Warrior Arts, MO.

HATSUMI, MASAAKI-Grand Patriarch Bujinkan Ninjutsu. Japan

HAYES, STEPHEN K.-10th dan Bujinkan Dojo Nin-po Taijutsu. Dayton, Ohio

HEE, SONG SWEE - Dr. Nanyang Wushu - MALAYSIA

HEENAN, MICHAEL J. Nidai Me Soke Bei Koku Aibujutsu Ryu - Osaka, JAPAN

HENRY, ISAAC- 10th dan BKG and Beikoku Wado System. Neptune, NJ.

HESS, JOSEPH- 10th dan American Tactical Goju. Plantation, Florida

HEIN V NGUYEN- 10th dan Seven Mountain Lohan System. Honolulu, Hl

HO LYLE - Professor Hawaii Chinese GoJu Ryu Kempo. Richmond, ME

HOE, ROBERT W. - Grandmaster Kosho Ryu Kempo, Richmond, ME

HOLDER, PHILIP- Founder North American Wing Chun. Yardley, PA.

HOPKINS, RICHARD - Founder Hop Kuin Do, England

HUMESKY, EUGENE- 9th dan UTB Tae Kwon Do. Ann Arbor, Michigan

HUMMERSTONE, NEAL- Founder Aiki Tora Ryu. Orange City, Florida

HUNNICUTT, TOM - 10th dan International Shorin-Ryu Matsumura Bushi Jutsu / White Swan Karate - Arkansas

IBARRA, MIGUEL- Founder Yama Bushi Ju Jutsu Ryu. Bronx, New York

ISAAC, SOLOMON- 9th dan Yeshu-Do. India

JAN DE JONG - 9th dan Australian Ju-jitsu Association Australia

JANSEN, HEINRICH- 10th dan Ido ju-jitsu. Germany

JAO MIN TAH- 10th dan Karate Do. China / Germany

JAY WALLY - 10th dan founder Small Circle Jujitsu Alameda, California

Jl HAN JAE- 10th dan Founder Hapkido (Sin Moo). Monterey, CA

JOON CHOI - Grandmaster, 9th dan Founder Moo Gong Ryu, Columbus OH

JUCHNIK, BRUCE - Hanshi Kosho Ryu Kempo Rocklin, CA

KAIHEWALU, SOLOMON - Olohe Lua Halau O A Kaihewalu Orange, CA.

KANZLER, JOHN- Founder ATS System. Newtown, Pennsylvania
KATSAITIS, VASILIOS-10th degree Founder Pyx Lax Pankration Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

KEMP, CHRISTOPHER - 10th dan Combat Karate - Kansas

KIM, SOO - 10th dan Cha Yon Ryu - Texas

KIRBY, GEORGE A. - 9th. dan Budoshin Ju-jitsu/ Santa Clarita, CA

KUOHA, SAM -Inheritor Kara-Ho Kempo La Mesa, CA

LACY, JAMES- Inheritor Sup Bat Mo Jung Pai. San Diego, California

LANADA, PROFERIO- 10th dan Arnis Lanada. Philippines

LARGUSA, BEN T. - Apohang Tuhan Villabrille-Largusa Kali HAWAII

LARLEE JOHN-10th. dan Beikoku Mizu Ryu JuJitsu, Newhaven, CT

LAU, GINI- Head World Eagle Claw Assn. Vallejo,CA.

LEE, KAM WING - Inheritor 7 Star Praying Mantis, Hong Kong

LINEKIN, JUNG SHEE PARKER - Inheritor Bak Fu Pai Tai
Chi Chuan San Diego, CA.

LITTLE, PHIL -10th dan Isshinryu. Anderson, South Carolina

LONG, BOB-10th dan Nagai Ryu Lodi, New Jersey

LONGLY, KARL - Shihan Aishin Kai Karate Do Australia

LOPEZ, CARLOS- 9th dan Sogoteki System. Puerto Rico

LYN, VINCENT - GM. Ling Gar Tzai Kune Do, Stanford, CT

MACHIDA, KENSHENSAI- Inheritor Enbukan System. Japan

MACLEOD, F. - Dai Soke Kam Lung Kempo Canada

MALEY,EDWIN- Founder Kiaiado/7th dan Kodokan Judo. Tampa, Florida

MARCHETTI, VINCENT - 10th dan Michi Budo Ryu Kearny, NJ.

MATTSON, GEORGE E. - Founder Shohei Ryu Karate Do Brockton, Mass.

MCEADDY DAN R.- 10th dan Angelic Nin-jitsu System. Hillside, NJ.

MC GILL ANDREW- 9th dan Kempo Jitsu. Germany

MILLARD, AUBREY - Dai Soke Seicho Jutsu, Ontario Canada

MILLER, DANA A. - Founder U.S. Chuan Fa -Roseville, MN.

MILLER, BRUCE E.- Head of Family Quan Li Kan. St. Cloud, Minnesota

MITCHUM, HAROLD - 9th dan Isshinryu Stone Mt., Georgia

MONTIJO, HECTOR- Founder Montijo Karate do. Puerto Rico

MORELLI, SILVIO -Founder Geido Kai Karate Do, Australia

MORRIS, FRANK JR.- 10th dan black sash Shaolin Lung Fa Kung-fu. Canton, Ohio

MORRIS, GLENN J. -Founder Hoshinroshiryu. Lake Charles, LA

MORRIS, RICHARD - Co- founder World Kobudo Federation England

NEHLS, PETER- 9th dan Ju-jitsu. Germany

NEKOOGAR, FARZAD - Head of Varzeshe-Pahlavani. San Roman, CA

NEWTON, FRANK- Tenshin Shin Yo Ryu Ju jitsu. Isle of Man, United Kingdom

NGO QUYNH Soke Cuong Nhu FL

NGOI, ALEXANDER- 9th dan Arnis Lanada. Philippines

NOBLES, GEORGE-10th dan American Sambo. Fairfax, VA.

OYATA, SEIYU TAIKA 10th dan Ryute Renmei & Kobudo Independence MO

PAULO, DANNY - 9th dan Vee Do Kwan - NY.

PAMBUAN, RUFINO- AMA Guro Arnis Tulison. Orlando, FL.

PAN QING FU -Grandmaster Kung-Fu. Ontario Canada

PEARSON, SAM-9th dan Watai Ryu New Bern, North Carolina

PELLEGRINI, JOHN Combat Hapkido Jupiter, FL

PRESAS, ERNESTO- 10th dan Arnis Presas Style Philippines

RANKIN, WILLIAM - 10th dan Lan-Kin-Fa England

RETUINSKIH, ALEXANDER - Grandmaster R.O.S.S. System Russia

RHEE, KANG- Founder Pasa Ryu. Memphis, Tennessee

ROMMINGER, DANIELA- Soke Dai 9th dan Budo Do Jitsu. Germany

ROMMINGER, KLAUS- Soke 10th dan Budo Do Jitsu. Germany

RUIZ, JOSEPH- 9th dan Koto Su Ha Shito Ryu. Belvedere,South Carolina

SADLER, MIKE - Hanshi Inheritor Shingo Ryu Bujutsu / Matyville, Tennessee

SANCHEZ, FRANK E.-10th dan Sanjitsu Ryu. GUAM (Jacksonville, FL.)

SANTO, JOSELITO "AMEN"- Capoeira. Santa Monica, California

SAYOC, BALTAZAR- Founder Sayoc Kali System. Philippines

SCHMIDT, VLADO- 9th dan Kubukai Ryu. Germany

SEGARRA ISRAEL - 10th. dan GoJu Kai / Ontario, Canada

SHIRZAD, YOUSEF - 9th dan Shinzen Karate Iran

SHELTON, DAVE - 10th dan Int'l Matsumura Seito Society Sylacauga, AL.

SIEBER, LOTHAR- 10th dan Karate Jitsu. Germany

SIRINGANO, PETER-10th dan Goshindo/ Samurai Staten Island, NY

SMITH, MILES R.- Founder Jushin Ryu Karate Do. New Zealand

SONG SWEE HEE - Inheritor Nanyang Wushu - MALAYSIA

SPEAKMAN JEFF - Grandmaster Speakman's American Kenpo - Cedar Glen, CA

SRINAVASAN, S.- Founder Bino Ryu. India

STRATACOS, NICK - Kaicho World Motobu Ha Shito Ryu Karate Do Association . Monterey Park, CA

STONE, CARL- Founder Stone System. Largo, Florida

STOVER JOHN - Grandmaster Shaolin Ryu Shina Nippon JuJutsu - Wilmington, NC

STUMPF, BENEDETTO- 10th dan Nibuikai. Germany

SWANSEY, DONALD- 10th dan Seibu-Do. Houston, Texas

THERIEN JOHN - Co-founder World Kobudo Federation Canada

Inheritor Kong Shin Bup. Canada

TIWANAK, MIKE - Professor CHA-3 Kenpo Karate.

TORRES, ROBERTO - Guru Besar - Pencak Silat Perisai Setia - Yaphank, NY

TOSH DAN 9th. dan Founder Shorin Kwoon Do Ryu, Brentwood,CA.

TOTTINGHAM, RON- Founder Kirisuto Shinsei Ji El Budo Ryu. Sioux Falls, South Dakota

TUIOLOSEGA, TINO - Founder 10th dan Lima Lama Hawaii

UMPAD SONNY - Grandmaster Visayan Eskrima. San Fransisco, CA

VALE, BART- Father of American Shoot Fighting. Miami, Florida

VAN CLIEF, RON- 10th dan Chinese Goju. New York, New York

VAN DONK, RICHARD-10th dan Bushido/ Bunjinkan Ninjitsu/ Inheritor Deceurdas Eskrima. Santa Cruz, CA.

VON ROLBECK, HANNS-10th dan Ki Jutsu. Germany

VANSIMPSON, JOHNNY- 9th dan Tai Jitsi. Belgium

VASQUEZ, FELIX- Founder Circle of One System. Ridgewood, NY.

VERKERKE, DANIEL- Founder Seicho Jutsu / 10th dan Ninjutsu. Cambridge,Ontario, Canada

VIGGIANO, RALPH- Inheritor of Johnny Kuhl's "Combat Karate".NY

WANG, JACK - 9th dan Flying Eagle Hapkido / Hapkido-Boxercise, Singapore

WARNER, TERRY- Founder Chan Shou Do. Maplewood, Minnesota

WARREN, HARRIS -Founder Nisei Bujutsu. Jacksonville, Florida

WASNIEWSKI, GARY - 10th dan Ty-Ga Karate Int'l. - ENGLAND

WILLIAMS, JOSEPH- Head of Style Atemi Ryu Lauderhill, Florida

WILLIAMS, ROBERT - 9th dan Makoto Ryu Aiki-Jujitsu, Seattle WA.

WILSON, GLENN -Sitaigung Pai Lum Tao Orlando, FL.

WONG, DOUGLAS LIM - Founder White Lotus Kung-Fu - CA.

WU, JOHNY-Sifu Wu Jia Quan Shu. Cleveland, Ohio "Special Member"

YAMAUE, KEIDO-10th dan Yamaue Aiki-Jutsu/ Nord Shaolin Kung-fu. Japan/Denmark

YIP CHING- Grandmaster Wing Chun. China

YIP CHUN- Grandmaster Wing Chun. China

ZAHOPOULOS, VASSILIOS- 10th dan Okinawa Te/ Seidokan. Greece

ZIEGLER, JURG European Head Master-Southern Shaolin Lohan Kung-fu/ Sin Moo Hapkido. Switzerland

ZULU, CHAKA-10th dan Zujitsu Ryu. New York, New York


JACKIE CHAN-Kung Fu Hong Kong

NICHOLAS STARK - Shoot Fighting Orlando, FL

7th dan Brazilian Jui-jitsu Palasades Pk., CA

ED PARKER JR. - American Kenpo Pasadena, CA

ROBERT FERGUSON - Combat Tae Kwon Do, CA

STEVE LEE SWIFT - Wing Chun, Florida

KA'IMI KUOHA - Kara-Ho Kempo Le Mesa, CA


DON "THE DRAGON" WILSON - Kick boxing, Florida


BILL WALLACE - 9th dan / kick boxing

EDWARD N. SZREJTER - Executive Director U.S.J.A.

PETER BROWNE - Kenpo Jujitsu, UK

AMIR ARDEBILY - Kung-Fu / Kickboxing, St. Petersburg FL.

BADIANG, PUANANI S. - Shihan-Dai Seite-Do Karate / Hawaii

DELUCA, AMBER - Master Jing Sai Do / Alamogordo, New Mexico

GYI, MAUNG - Dr. Father of Bando in America / Ohio

STONE, MIKE - Kenpo / Philippines

RICHARD HACKWORTH - Korean Arts Ocoee, FL.

GREG LEE - Korean Arts Wildwood, FL

FUJITANI MIYAKO- Sensei 6th dan Aikido Osaka, Japan.


GARY CASTANZA - 10th dan Zen Sekai Goshin Jitsu Buffalo, NY

WALTER ROSE - 9th dan Sebu Do System
Houston, Texas

ED PARKER - 10th. dan American Kempo
Pasadena, California

FRANK RUIZ - 10th. dan Nisei Goju Ryu
Miami, Florida

PETER SIRINGANO SR. - 10th. dan Goshindo Kempo Samuria Jiu-jitsu New York

TEH HUANG MING - 10th. dan Emperor's Long Fist

HOHAN SOKEN - Founder Matsumura Seito

NABE MATSUMURA - Founder of Machimura Autudi Shorin Ryu, Okinawa

DANIEL KANE PAI - Great Grandmaster Pai Lum Tao (Hawaii) FL.

HAROLD LONG - 10th. dan Long Isshinryu

FLORENDO VISITACION - 10th. dan Vee Arnis Jitsu New York

SIG KUFFERATH - 10th. dan Kodenkan Danzan Ryu Ju-jitsu

NAGLE, DON - 10th dan Isshinryu. New Jersey

RAMOS, TONY- 10th dan Augung Kajukenbo. Wahiawa, Hawaii

KANG BAN CHUAN- Inheritor Southern Lohan Kung-Fu, Singapore

PACHIVAS, JOHNNY SR.- 10th dan Shuri-Ryu. N. Miami, FL.

NGO DONG - Founder Cuong Nhu. La Mesa, California

KIM, RICHARD- Hanshi. San Francisco, California

KUHL, JOHNNY - 10th. dan Combat Karate, New York. NY.

EDWARDS, ROBERT F-9th dan Manabi Masho Ju-jitsu, Huntington, W. Virginia

URBAN, PETER-10th dan Grand Patriarch of ALL of the American Goju systems. Woodlynne, NJ.
RRouuselot said:
No need to waste all the bandwidth with all the bogus Soke-Doke wannabes......if you would have bothered to read the article I posted Jack Stern was booted out of that organization.
What article?