Soke Sandai Mayoral & The Shizenki Ryu Bujutsu

Akashiro Tamaya

Green Belt
May 26, 2003
Reaction score
Carson, California
Greeting Soke Mayoral:

As a martial art enthusiast who loves reading about traditional martial arts, I find your art of Shizenki Ryu Bujutsu quiet interesting. I am sure, Althought I will not speak on these forum members behalf , I am sure they would loved to be enlightened of this "Koryu" Budo.

I found you thru this link:

I googled this master: Kenwi Tasuki and found no other links other than the ones on your website. According to your history Louise Fried was the inheritor of the Shizenki Ryu Bujutsu art prior to you recieving from him.

According to this link:

your lineage goes all the way up to Itakagi Tasuki who in turn trained under a Kosaku Matsumora. I tried googling for Itakagi Tasuki and came up with nothing. I do however understand just because certain things are not posted on the internet, it does not it doesn't exist.

I come to realized that Shizenki Ryu Bujutsu might be an obscure art. Maybe its time we give a chance to give Shizenki Ryu Bujutsu a moment in the spotlight.

Is/was Shizenki Ryu Bujutsu recognized anywhere other than state of New York ?

So can you enlightened us a bit about the art and how an 21 year American such Loise Fried inherited an Old Okinawan system ?

Thanks for you response !

PS: Interesting Organization:
Can we stop the fraud busting on this forum or the questioning of such.
While this should have been in the "Great Debate" section, I really don't see why it should completely stop. After all, we've now noticed an actual effect from the Bruce Calkins saga, showing that what we do online really can follow through to the real world.
terryl965 said:
Can we stop the fraud busting on this forum or the questioning of such.
why must we refer to it as fraud busting? i think this is merely our attempt at learning the truth. people can run around blind to the issues and make uninformed choices.....but where do you wind up when you're uninformed?
i say.......let's hear your story, and let the people make an informed choice.
there are plenty of smart people on martialtalk with the ability to pick out a BS artist at 1000 paces. they should be thanked and not ridiculed.
Akashiro Tamaya said:
Greeting Soke Mayoral:

As a martial art enthusiast who loves reading about traditional martial arts, I find your art of Shizenki Ryu Bujutsu quiet interesting. I am sure, Althought I will not speak on these forum members behalf , I am sure they would loved to be enlightened of this "Koryu" Budo.

I found you thru this link:
I can't find this user on this board - why are you addressing him directly here and in this forum?
Aegis said:
While this should have been in the "Great Debate" section, I really don't see why it should completely stop. After all, we've now noticed an actual effect from the Bruce Calkins saga, showing that what we do online really can follow through to the real world.

I agree with the previous two posts why start this again? What effect was there from the Bruce Calkins Saga? Only thing I see is that he does not post anymore. He did not stop teaching classes did he? He did not refund peoples money or anything like that. Truth of the matter is that nothing changed. People who are not affiliated with the martial arts do not even know about this site. So what justice are we doing by these witch hunts? If you ask me it does not help us at all. People reading this that are thinking about joining the martial arts may be scared away from it if they see continued posts like this afraid that they will be ridiculed for who they train with. As I have said numerous times let's talk about something that really effects all of us. Instead of bickering i would like to know more about the people on this site. Who they train with and why they picked the art they did. I know that there are threads like this but let's continue on the positive side of things and not the negative.

In the spirit of Bushido!

chinto01 said:
I agree with the previous two posts why start this again? What effect was there from the Bruce Calkins Saga?
A lot of people got annoyed by the childish nonsense going on?

Apart from that none. Everyone here knows Soke's aren't real... no one cares except those that get enjoyment out of putting themselves above others who are really no different then these people...
Yeah, maybe it is time to put a close to all this fraud busting and what not. Though your intentions are well, these boards are more productive when we use them to learn from each other and our systems.
Then we have different opinions. I personally prefer to ask questions until I get answers. I don't expect everyone to agree with my opinions, but as I said to Andrew in the Great Debate section, nothing forces you to go there and look (and I already said that this should be there, not here)

The "effect" I mentioned was that one of the associations he was using for proof of his claims ejected him from their site and aked him to remove all claims of them backing him up. I'd say that was an effect, even if it wasn't the best ever result, but it was something! More than would have happened without the questioning.
Aegis said:
While this should have been in the "Great Debate" section, I really don't see why it should completely stop. After all, we've now noticed an actual effect from the Bruce Calkins saga, showing that what we do online really can follow through to the real world.
I also notice that once again someone has left me negative reputation for a post without bothering to sign it or to contact me to discuss their disagreement with me personally. Whoever you are, I don't bite and I'm not going to petty-mindedly attack your reputation for your disagreement, so why not sign the hit next time and let me contact you to discuss exactly why you felt my post was bad.
I have mixed feelings about this. As with everything, there are positives and negatives.

From a negative stand point, I don't even like the concept of witch hunting. I've always been willing to live and let live. I was drawn away from that with the Calkins threads. I never knew I could feel such distain for a fellow practitioner, but I got a rude awakening to MA reality. It wasn't something I was proud of, but wasn't ashamed of either.

From a positive stand point. I think anything to do with the arts is relevent. The ugly as well as the good. I've learned alot on this forum. Some of it were things that maybe would have been better left alone. Unfortunately, it isn't always roses, and after all, I am nothing if not a realist.

I live in a small town and until recently was secluded for many years from the MA community. I've met (through this forum) alot of nice people and learned alot of things. I'm a curious individual that has always enjoyed learning. How can any knowledge be a bad thing?
Andrew Green said:
Here it goes again... Why is everyone so obbsessed with playing in the poo lately?

Andrew, then why bother coming here and posting. If you don't like the poo then why come closer to smell it ?
rutherford said:
Did he accept your invitation? Or is this thread the only way you've contacted him?
no I believe this is his way of starting another Calkins thread if a Mod reads this it should be moved to the debate section. I'm not one for cousing trouble but why has MT become a fraud busting service. I love the info. and the people on this forum for the most part and I know why look if I do not like the Busting of people. I have left other forums because of this very thing and I did get caught up with Soke but My question is why bring this type of stuff here and I know Kieth does his best to stop these things before the rules goes overbroad. I do hope for the sake of threads this is a real inquie about his style for I love to learn new things in life. If this thread is for learning I'll apologies now for my mistake, Looking forward to some positive freedback from the founder of this style.
terryl965 said:
no I believe this is his way of starting another Calkins thread if a Mod reads this it should be moved to the debate section. I'm not one for cousing trouble but why has MT become a fraud busting service. I love the info. and the people on this forum for the most part and I know why look if I do not like the Busting of people. I have left other forums because of this very thing and I did get caught up with Soke but My question is why bring this type of stuff here and I know Kieth does his best to stop these things before the rules goes overbroad. I do hope for the sake of threads this is a real inquie about his style for I love to learn new things in life. If this thread is for learning I'll apologies now for my mistake, Looking forward to some positive freedback from the founder of this style.

Thanks Terry

This thread is about learning, Not fraud Busting, Fraudulent martial artist pretty get busted by their own doing. If you notice, I started this on the general martial arts section with a respecful tone. There is no debate here ! Nowhere in my thread that has any indication of fraud busting, after some people were awfully quick to response with such defensive paranoia.
I think people are just worried that we will have another Bruce Calkins debate here that is all.
Andrew Green said:
It was a baited question to someone that as far as I can tell isn't even on the forum.

Then why does it bother you so much ?, you know you have a choice to ignore it. The inquiry has absolutely nothing to do with you. Yet you desire to post. Are you defending "them" ? Do you have any relation to the person being inquired ? or simply a need for attention ? What is it Andrew ? I am just curious thats all.