So, Sword Duels do still happen nowadays?

Unlike the OP I see plenty in common between the machete and stick fighting arts of the Philipines, the Caribbean and parts of Latin America.
There's only so many ways to effectively use the same blade. :)

Peace favor your sword,
I wonder if there are any laws against walking around with a rapier or katanna sheathed at your side as you walk down the street.
Depends on where you're at. It's legal, more or less, here in the state of Ohio, but you'll probably get a MWG (MWS, really) cop call.

My friends in England, on the other hand, are screwed. Their "Save Our Swords" campaign failed.

Peace favor your sword,
Er… I can, for the record… that said…

Yeah, so can I.

I was being facetious....I know, it's completely out of character for me.....

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