So Proud

Hey Mr. Rousellot, can you tell me more about the sternum rub as a means of waking your vic.... I mean Uke up. I'm quite interested to know how it works.

--Dave :asian:
D.Cobb said:
Hey Mr. Rousellot, can you tell me more about the sternum rub as a means of waking your vic.... I mean Uke up. I'm quite interested to know how it works.

--Dave :asian:
I tried to find a good photo a good photo of it but couldn't so I will try to explain it. Hospitals and EMTs often use this technique.
With the person on their back you basically just make a fist and take the middle knuckles of your fingers and rub them up and down the sternum (the bone in the center of the chest) of the KOed kind of looks like what we called "Indian torture" when I was a kid but instead of pounding you rub the knuckles up and down.....this actually hurts and cause the person to come around.
D.Cobb said:
Hey Mr. Rousellot, can you tell me more about the sternum rub as a means of waking your vic.... I mean Uke up. I'm quite interested to know how it works.

--Dave :asian:
Wally Jay shows how to do this in his first book on Small Circle Jujitsu
RRouuselot said:
I tried to find a good photo a good photo of it but couldn't so I will try to explain it. Hospitals and EMTs often use this technique.
With the person on their back you basically just make a fist and take the middle knuckles of your fingers and rub them up and down the sternum (the bone in the center of the chest) of the KOed kind of looks like what we called "Indian torture" when I was a kid but instead of pounding you rub the knuckles up and down.....this actually hurts and cause the person to come around.

Cool thanks. I'll have to give it a go.

--Dave :asian: