If you wish to obtain control of your movements in rolling, try getting very comfortable standing on your shoulders--yes, the "meaty" parts or the back of your traps. You will look like youÂ’re standing at attention, but on your shoulders, much like a yoga shoulder stand.
When you can remain relaxed in this position, which has everything to do with breathing, muscle control, and structure, start walking forward and backward. You can do this "walking" very slowly, shifting your weight back and forth from shoulder to shoulder, or you can "scoot" by moving your shoulders a short distance after slightly unloading one shoulder onto the other. “Scooting” is of course a quicker movement than the teetering described in the other method. Both require control/balance.
Once you have this down, "walk" sideways. Then, go diagonal. Can you make a circle in place? Play around with it. Try working with weapons in this position as well.
Having control at this inverted position will help you in transitioning through your rolls, when you do them slowly, whether they are frontward, backward, or sideward rolls.
Hope this helps.