Self Defense Forms....

In My opinion, execution of the technique and realism of the technique. A flying side kcik followed by a back flip to me is just not the normal self defense. It could be done yes, but is it realistic? :D
They're kind of like TKD "One-steps". Done for open tournement competition. Answering the question "How would I defend against such and such an attack"
Originally posted by Hollywood1340
They're kind of like TKD "One-steps". Done for open tournement competition.

Your kidding right?
Geez……I had heard tournaments in the US had turned into a big joke but I had no idea how far.

One step sparring or one step drills, called “yakusoku kumite”, is meant as an exercise like practicing punching and blocking.

They actually have that in tournaments?

What’s next a tournament division for stretching or hitting the heavy bag:rolleyes:
i'm still a little confused as to what a self-defense form actually is. maybe someone can clear that up before everyone starts ripping into one another.
From what I've seen, they're techniques. So the attacker gets a strike or grab and you do 5 to 6 strikes in return. I'm sure one-steps was just a generic description of a simplified type pre-arranged sequence for comparison.

Originally posted by lvwhitebir
From what I've seen, they're techniques. So the attacker gets a strike or grab and you do 5 to 6 strikes in return. I'm sure one-steps was just a generic description of a simplified type pre-arranged sequence for comparison.


i think i know what you're talking about's a demo of sort isn't it? one guy has his team throw different choreographed attacks at him and he does set techniques in response, correct? it might not be what hollywood is talking about but i have seen that done in tournaments. they have it on espn from time to time...
The tournaments have turned into a gymnastics meet.

Sure, doing flips takes major flexibility and agility, but come on, indirect training isn't the purpose of a tournament. A tournament should test direct skills.
I don't like to go to tournaments any more. I've been to 2 in the last 3 yrs and have only competed in 1 in at least 6 or 7 yrs.
I was actually discussing this via email with Patrick McCarthy a couple of days ago.

To which I stated and he pretty much agreed:

Just something about "tippy-tap crap" tournaments that bug me.
I don't want to lose and never have been hit once..........that's just
If I am going to lose a tournament I at least want the privilege of feeling like I got the crap kicked out of me..........if ya know what I mean.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
I was actually discussing this via email with Patrick McCarthy a couple of days ago.

To which I stated and he pretty much agreed:

Just something about "tippy-tap crap" tournaments that bug me.
I don't want to lose and never have been hit once..........that's just
If I am going to lose a tournament I at least want the privilege of feeling like I got the crap kicked out of me..........if ya know what I mean.

Patrick is coming to our school sometime in the next month or so....
Would you like me to say hi from you?


The real test is still in Lumpinee Stadium, Bangkok, Thailand. They take on all fighters. And cash price for the winners. :asian:

BTW (just an afterthought), to those who poo-poo tournys, I suppose you must be able to win them all without hardly expensing a breath, huh? ;) For every one that dismisses tournys, there are several who wouldn't cut it if they compete but are too happy to use the sour grape fig leaf. ;)
I don't think anyone said anything against tournys, just competitions based on demonstrations like the above...
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
Sure, and you guys have some V.B. for me.

You'll have to settle for orange juice or water......
I don't drink alcohol.

Sorry about that:D
