SciFi and Anime Fans!


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Terre Haute, IN
Bob Hubbard's other site, Nephrite's Citadel, suffered worse damage than MartialTalk--they lost their entire member list and all posts and are starting over from scratch. Any scifi geeks who want to help repopulate it would I'm sure be appreciated!
Greatly apreciated, to say the least. Atmosphere is intended to be very relaxed.

Originally posted by arnisador
Any scifi geeks who want to help repopulate it would I'm sure be appreciated!

Who you calling a "Geek"! :p
I'm not sure where we're taking that forum at the moment.... Original intent was a sort of 'virtual convention'...but right not, its sorta turned more media oriented. We've got a few Play by Forum games starting back up, and in the past had lots of industry news, reviews and humor (like the secret diaries of the LOTR characters).

Got a favorite show, movie, character or genre? Toss it out n see what happens. (Note for TOS fans, Green Orions welcome) :D
