Scenes From The (WORLD) Recession


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
In pictures... showing how the recession is not only limited to the U.S. but to many other countries as well. All the better to put in perspective that WE are not the only ones hurting in these tough economic times.

These photos do bear discussing ... makes you wonder just how all of this will turn out... what wars will crop up from it out of desperation to create better opportunities for those starving for work and just plain starving.

Look over, read the captions and please lets discuss. This is far too important to ignore. :asian:
Well, #33 made me smile. Hopefully that project stays dead.
Here's part of the problem. People think they need a job. They think they need to work for someone else. Wrong. More people need to go and start businesses. Why? Because, as they grow, they will then need employees, creating jobs!
Yeah? Not a supporter of the new casino?
Yeah? Not a supporter of the new casino?
Lets see, it takes land off the tax rolls, will hurt any surrounding businesses (not that there are many), creates a drain on the local economy, was given to the nation illegally and in violation of numerous laws, regs, etc, will create numerous health issues due to being exempt from local anti-smoking regs, and removes a number of the environmental safety restrictions and employee safety restrictions others are bound by.

They can water the gravel with fresh gas and oil, poisoning the groundwater, and all we can do is watch.

Yeah, not a fan of them at all.
Lets see, it takes land off the tax rolls, will hurt any surrounding businesses (not that there are many), creates a drain on the local economy, was given to the nation illegally and in violation of numerous laws, regs, etc, will create numerous health issues due to being exempt from local anti-smoking regs, and removes a number of the environmental safety restrictions and employee safety restrictions others are bound by.

They can water the gravel with fresh gas and oil, poisoning the groundwater, and all we can do is watch.

Yeah, not a fan of them at all.
Me either... never did like gambling... (look at my casino cash).
Here's part of the problem. People think they need a job. They think they need to work for someone else. Wrong. More people need to go and start businesses. Why? Because, as they grow, they will then need employees, creating jobs!

Exactly what My Wife and I have been discussing at length. It has been my dream to have my own gym for a long time and i am thinking it is time to follow through. I am tired of working for people who don't truly know how to make a business grow.
There are numerous low and no cost options for health care. When I had no insurance, I went to county clinics, or found affordable care. Today many places like Walmart and Target have common generic drugs for $4. It's not much, and you might nd up sitting next to an unwashed street bum, but you have options to use until you can get more and better ones.

With start up funds limited, credit in short supply, and the odds against you, moving smart, fast and lean looks to be this decades winning strategy. Work from home, clean out that garage or basement or spare bed room.

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