They're coming... the robots are coming.


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
The Big Picture brings it home again... This time a photo-essay of the latest in robotic technology. The things are getting better all the time.
I'm sorry but I worry about when they get TOO good.
Yes, they'll help out but will it make us lazier? Will they increase our dependence upon them? Will the wrong decision be made by one of them determining life or death.
Maybe a lot of the fears are nothing more than science fiction... but then again... I keep having this dread whenever I think about it the realistic possibilities.
I believe there was a thread before (probably started by me :rolleyes: ) on the potential for harm over good these mechanical human imitations will have.
It was agreed that the machines can't spontaneously generate malevolent intentions towards humans ... but a malevolent human can program malevolent intentions into the machines with the right know how. Such things could be hard to stop or much damage could occur before it is stopped.
Couple of choice photos out of many that is on the link.
One of them is ironic ... don't you think?


  • $robot 01.jpg
    48.9 KB · Views: 89
  • $robot 2.jpg
    35.5 KB · Views: 89
I am NOMAD. Defective carbon based unit MA Caver has been sterilized.
You can say that again... my supportive membership has expired... :( but don't worry... I'll pay up when I get paid. :uhyeah:
The Big Picture brings it home again... This time a photo-essay of the latest in robotic technology. The things are getting better all the time.
I'm sorry but I worry about when they get TOO good.
Yes, they'll help out but will it make us lazier? Will they increase our dependence upon them? Will the wrong decision be made by one of them determining life or death.
Maybe a lot of the fears are nothing more than science fiction... but then again... I keep having this dread whenever I think about it the realistic possibilities.
I believe there was a thread before (probably started by me :rolleyes: ) on the potential for harm over good these mechanical human imitations will have.
It was agreed that the machines can't spontaneously generate malevolent intentions towards humans ... but a malevolent human can program malevolent intentions into the machines with the right know how. Such things could be hard to stop or much damage could occur before it is stopped.
Couple of choice photos out of many that is on the link.
One of them is ironic ... don't you think?

That second Pic you posted has a very lifelike robot. I could almost imagine it getting elected to say, the Governership of California.