Royal Wedding Photo's


Have the courage to speak softly
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Sep 15, 2006
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Staffordshire, England
I know that as descendants of traitors and terrorists against the rightful and lawful Royal authority over our colony of America, you fellows probably aren't interested in the recent mariage in the House of Windsor.

But I'm going to post up a link anyway :lol:.

In particular because amongst these pictures is a shot of a trio of Spencer's caught my eye ... can't think why :D - most specifically Lady Eliza ... oh my!

Sometimes, even in the relatively closed circles of noble lineages, the genes just line-up right I reckon :).

You would be surprised at all of the Royal Wedding hubbub that went on across the pond. There were people that got up early appx 3am just to watch the festivities. I am guilty of watching the Royal smooch on the balcony. One of the photo's that I saw that I liked was that included the kids in more candid shots.
British Royalty… I’m and AMERICAN... we had enough of their Imperial oppression over 200 years ago and kicked them thar Red Coat out of our country…. And I AIN’T no TORY… so sayeth a descendant of Frederick the Great of Prussia :D That somehow my ex-wife linked to the current royal family of England… and you know what... I didn't even get an invitation :uhyeah:

Actually I was rather amazed at the amount of interest that the royal wedding generated in the USA. There were Tea Parties at 3:00 AM in NYC just to watch the wedding. And I wish them luck and congratulations :asian:
I guess wedding are something positive in the news for a change.

If all goes well, you won't see blood and gore, or hear a bad word uttered. Just nice and relaxing.

(any reason why they had to do it on Friday, not Saturday?)
In particular because amongst these pictures is a shot of a trio of Spencer's caught my eye ... can't think why :D - most specifically Lady Eliza ... oh my!

I'll see your Eliza and raise you a Pippa! :D
I guess wedding are something positive in the news for a change.

If all goes well, you won't see blood and gore, or hear a bad word uttered. Just nice and relaxing.

(any reason why they had to do it on Friday, not Saturday?)

The Monday was a Bank holiday so they thought it would be cool to have it on Friday so we could have a longer weekend off. It was cool actually and it was nice to have some pleasant news for a change.
I thought the wedding was absolutely lovely. :)

One of the photos that touched me the most was this one:

A policeman checks his camera before the wedding -- Yahoo News
Wedding Crashers 2?


Pippa Middleton, the sister of Kate Middleton, in that dress.


The view from behind Pippa that has drawn in so many admirers. (Picture: Getty)

I will confess, she's my type of gal. So sad there is such an age difference! Mmmm!
Unfortunately it seems I'm not alone:

Pippa Middleton's bottom gets its own 'appreciation day'

Pippa Middleton is set to have a day dedicated to her bottom after fans decided her derriere needed some form of recognition.

On September 9th, the Friday after Pippa's 28th birthday, the tens of thousands of people who have joined Facebook societies dedicated to her bottom will be devoting a day to admiring her curves.​

Such a pity ....:p

Wedding crasher? No. I'd rather be there when she kicks off her shoes and lets her hair down!

I would think that you would be grateful that we left.

Just imagine your House of Commons being turned into "The Study" by a bunch of Colonial rabble.

Take a deep breath and let that sink in.

SUKERKIN, SUKERKIN !!! put down that cup of hemlock, I'm just kidding.

Oh Dear God, he's up on a ledge now,
[Pleadingly] Don't Jump!!! Don't Jump!!!, we're just teasing !!!

Depending upon perspective......
:tsk: Now that was silly enough without adding the cat! :lol:.

Regardless, still a pretty princess {head-gear being pointedly ignored :D}.
Princess Beatrice is absolutely stunning. I swear she hand-picked her own genetics, selecting the best attributes from mum and dad.

For those on Facebook, there is an appreciation site for Pippa Middleton's bum, honestly! Seems a few thousand have already joined it.

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