revenge of the pink panther

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i don't know if this is the right place to post this??
and i don't know if the younger people in the arts would
know this or not,,the other night i was watching tv and a great movie came on
"revenge of the pink panther" i can't seem to fine this anywhere
but there is a great part with MR Parker and if you never seen this you have to watch it,great kenpo moves.
KenpoTess said:
Hey George :)

Oh yeah, gotta love the Pink Panther movies ~!

You can get the entire collection on DVD here on

Mr. Parker did the 'bad guy part' to a 'T' ;)


thanks tess, i have been looking for a long time for them,
but not online, we have a video store that told me that they are not out on dvd, now i know.
like we say up here in jersey "u the bomb"
thanks again
ps,, also i have (when it frist came out) "kill the golden goose"
thats on video, i have a friend on the coast that has them on dvd
i called Mrs Parker to see if she has it on dvd and she told me that she would never have that movie,she hates it, i think it is called "kill the golden nija".
hey tess u r something else, look next week i'm going on "lets make a deal" i need to know if you can get me an old coke bottle cap i may need it(lol)
only having fun, but thanks again, now i know where to go if i'm really looking for something thats hard to fine,keep in touch.
Nothing like turnign to a friend and sayin "Yup, theres the founder of American Kenpo falling through the celling" HEHE Great movie, and EP rocks!
I never knew that was Ed Parker... ya really can learn something new every day. Cool. :)
Yeah, who'd thunk?

Kato?? ...... Kayy-toe??

Hmmph... it would sim that he's not hear....


(gotta love it!)
Yep - good stuff. Even though he played a bad guy (wearing the IKKA crest on his jacket :) ), my favorite part is when he broke the desk in half after fighting 3 guys at once. I taped it from cable & watch it at least once a year. :D

Tess - thanks for the Amazon link! :supcool:
It's been a long time since I last seen that movie. I have to get that movie and the rest of the movies on DVD soon. I too didn't know that was SGM Ed Parker at first. I wasn't that into martial arts when I first saw it. All I know was he was one tough son of a gun. 8-) In my opinion, Peter Sellers is the only one who can ever play that role.....Steve
never heard of that one, is it any good, and what about the kenpo?
lonekimono10 said:
never heard of that one, is it any good, and what about the kenpo?
Think of the worst movie you've ever seen. Then, make it worse. Cross it with a fifth-rate ripoff of "Billy Jack". Add a liberal dose of poor editing. Combine that with fight scenes which Mr. Parker must've cringed at when seeing. Add Rod Sacharnowski.

In other words, a movie so incredibly bad, it's great.
Buckstone County Prison
thanks i'm going to get it now ,and see how bad it is(lol)
Uh oh... Im gonna show my age... I watched most of the Pink Panther movies when I was a kid. Kato is my hero! HAHA!

Check too, I love my subscription! Im pretty sure they would have ALL the Pink Panther movies... They have about 99% of all the movies Ive wanted to see, and I go back in time for classics (The Green Berets, A Bridge Over River Quay (Sp?), etc.. etc.. Even Arsinic and Old Lace!) Yeah, Im a big AMC and TCM fan. :ultracool

ok andrew way to go, now i have another person i can talk to ,i to love the old movies and nusic.

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