Reputation Problems?

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
A few people have contacted me concerning problems giving reputation.

If this is happening to you, please reply.

I need to know what web browser you are using, including the version. You can usually find this by going to the HELP then clicking on the ABOUT link.

If you are using AOL's built in browser, we highly recommend upgrading to Firefox.

I need to know the error message you are getting, specifically. "I got a permissions error" won't help me. I need it exact. (Google like that, y'know? :) )

You can try the following in most cases:
- Clear your browsers cache.
- Restart browser

If that doesn't work, please post here so I can get some information and try and fix this.

IE 6 SP2.

Clearing the cache and restarting the browser sometimes does and sometimes does not work. If it works, it only works temporarily.
Mine seems to be working fine..
I sometimes see those I have given in the User CP and then thsoe I have recieved then followed again by those I have given.

I also have no recent problems giving reputation.
So Carol, it looks like it is just you and I. Want to go get some coffee while Bob is working on this?
Hi Bob. As you know, this is a constant situation for me, still. The exact message I receive is: "You do not have permission to perform this action. Please refresh the page and login before trying again", which I have tried only to receive the same message. Browser info:

AT&T/Yahoo Browser
Product Ver.
File Ver. 2006.10.18.01
IE Ver: 7.0.5730.11

Thanks again....

A few people have contacted me concerning problems giving reputation.

If this is happening to you, please reply.
only problem I've had has been the limit of reps in 24 hours and repping a person multiple times, but I doubt thats what you are talking about LOL
Ok, when you login, make sure that you check the "Remember Me" box.

Might fix it.

Please let me know.

So Carol, it looks like it is just you and I. Want to go get some coffee while Bob is working on this?

You bet! :D Ahhh, you said the magic :) :) :)
Ok, when you login, make sure that you check the "Remember Me" box.

Might fix it.

Please let me know.


Nope, I'm always my computer, anyway. :D :D

I just got a new definition file for AdAware, I'll try that.
I'll have to see how this one (home PC) works..The ones at the dept are hi-speed ...This is an older one...Now someone sent me a positive "reppie" today and the box isn't green it looks blue or purple..Is this a normal thing???
I'll have to see how this one (home PC) works..The ones at the dept are hi-speed ...This is an older one...Now someone sent me a positive "reppie" today and the box isn't green it looks blue or purple..Is this a normal thing???

Drac—are you sure it wasn't greyish? The effect of rep from someone who doesn't yet have any rep influence? Those are grey, but sometimes they do look kind of slate-blue... I'll bet that's what it was. Don't know that there's any way to check, though :(
Drac—are you sure it wasn't greyish? The effect of rep from someone who doesn't yet have any rep influence? Those are grey, but sometimes they do look kind of slate-blue... I'll bet that's what it was. Don't know that there's any way to check, though :(

You are correct, it is grey..I gotta start wearing my reading glasses more often
I'm not finding anything on this on any of the support sites, and it only seems to be effecting a few people.

This error message ""You do not have permission to perform this action. Please refresh the page and login before trying again"" says the board thinks you're not logged in.

Based on the few samples, the base browser effected seems to be IE.

3 things to try:
- Make sure you've checked "Remember Me" on login
- Set to a trusted zone
- Clear cache, restart browser.

Sorry, need more info to move forward. :(
Thanks Bob, hitting the "remember me" button has made it work. Gonna go wild!!!!!!!!!!!!! Snzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz