I cannot post anything. Keeps asking me to key in my user name and password. I enter it, go to post, hit send and BOOM! Up comes the request for my user name and password. i type it in again, and then it comes up with an OTS Forum Message : No thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the Webmaster.
The above is 1 of several emails I've gotten in the last week concerning a problem with MS IE6 and the vBulletin software we run on.
To fix this issue, please try the following:
note: I pulled these from a similar issue posted on the vBulletin support forum, so there is some repeats.
1- Try accessing the forum from a different PC, and/or browser. This will determin if its your account or web browser that is at fault.
2- Clear your cache and cookies - "However based on what I've read, I do believe that cookies tend to get corrputed easier with IE 6 than with earlier versions of IE. The only way I know to 'fix' this is to manually delete the cookies. Using vB's 'clear cookies' and IE's 'Delete cookies' functions aren't enough sometimes. When these don't work, the only option is to locate the specific cookies and manually delete them."
2- "tell them to lower their privacy setting in internet tools to accept all cookies.."
3- "Try having them set their options to save their username/password in a cookie."
4- "Clear your cookies!!!! This is important! If using IE6 go to Tools > Internet Options > privacy and select to accept all cookies for this site. "
If anyone continues to have problems, please email me with the following information:
-Martialtalk username
-Operating system
-Web Browser (include version. IE 6.0 IE 6.1 IE6.2, etc)
Bob Hubbard
MartialTalk Admin