Rep. King VS King of Pop

We should all follow his example and speak ill of those who can't offer a rebuttal. Look out my rant of Mickey Mantle later.

Does the fact that Michael Jackson can't rebuke the statement make it any less real?

Do you disagree that in many cases of celebrity we place them on higher pedestals, regardless of their character, than we do those that sacrifice for others?
Not only do I agree with Rep King that they are lionizing the freak, and that the media are going overboard with the story, but I also agree with him that jackson was a freak, a pervert and a pedophile.

I didnt like or respect the freak when he was alive, I will not suddenly act like he was all cool just cuz he is dead.

Jackson was a freak.
He definately had an infatuation with children or perhaps childhood in general.

But, he was never actually convicted was he?

Granted, I don't think I'd let my kid stay over at the ranch but is it fair to demonize the man being he was never actually convicted of anything?

Are they mourning the loss of a pop-icon, or the man? There's plenty of unreleased music to keep him "alive" for years to come... but no more live performances.

I do agree that King had a point in that we do not show proper appreciation for the people that put their butts on the line every day for the whole; especially when they die in service.

I hate to sound "negative" but it seems our priorities are a little screwy these days.
We should all follow his example and speak ill of those who can't offer a rebuttal. Look out my rant of Mickey Mantle later.
So, then, we should only say nice things about Ted Bundy, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, et al?
Michael Jackson's death is the epitome of Celebrity Worship in the United States, and it's spread to the rest of the globe.

To many: one of the God's fell/ascended.

However, no one wants to call it worship. Infatuation might suffice.

On a personal level, I'm not going to go out of my way to watch MJ's overpriced tribute party. But on the flip side, I'm not going out of my way to bestow honor over uniformed personnel, either. While I appreciate what public servants/military members for for their country and communities, I think it's out of place to waste their time with senseless (and possibly insincere) praise when what I, and the rest of the American public, should really vote/consume as intelligently and conscientiously as possible.

But then again, this is me distancing myself from what I deem as cliche'. Mindlessly thanking American soldiers: tacky and cliche. Why not start a real conversation about what they enjoy about being back in the States? Mindlessly crying over some musician who was pretty much dead to the American public for a decade? Why not listen to some old albums and leave it at that?

It's all a show. From the celebrity to the way we all connect to celebrity. And I think that's a huge problem in our society, but that subject should be left for another thread...
Does the fact that Michael Jackson can't rebuke the statement make it any less real?
Do you disagree that in many cases of celebrity we place them on higher pedestals, regardless of their character, than we do those that sacrifice for others?

There was swirling controversy around the guy but he was never convicted of it. From what I know of the man he was a good musician and did many great works where it came to helping the less fortunate, cancer and AIDS research and environmental issues.

This King himself is just using the moment to bask in MJ's reflected glory, even though he's on the other side of the love him or hate him fence. His contributions to people's lives as a whole in infinitesimal when compared to MJ's and he's just a small angry man it seems.

Yes the media coverage is crazy, but this King is just adding to the noise. Besides, the death of a celeb always attracts attention, MJ was without a doubt a star.
The ridiculous amount of coverage of MJ's death is completely overboard, but this d-bag King is just using it to get himself in the spotlight.
OMG I already present the case of Michael Jackson

He did not molest any children no proof that he did except for one case where the mother tried to get money and the second case as a revenge plot by a jealous father.

IMO Michael was living out his childhood or felt his role as a protector of children due to his own child abuse. He view of children was more of a deified personification and it would be sacrilegious to soil it if that metaphor makes sense.

So before we put Jackson on a stake lets get the facts about him straight.
here is a fact

he slept in a bed with children that were not his

thats un-natural and plain old not right
OMG I already present the case of Michael Jackson

He did not molest any children no proof that he did except for one case where the mother tried to get money and the second case as a revenge plot by a jealous father.

So before we put Jackson on a stake lets get the facts about him straight.
I'm gonna believe the kids with the sore butts...
If you can produce a single child with a sore butt I'll listen too. But the evidence was on MJ's side and he was dragged over the coals because of a bunch of accusations.
here is a fact

he slept in a bed with children that were not his

thats un-natural and plain old not right
So? It may be a bit odd but sharing a bed with a child is not the same as labeling someone a child molester. None of the parents objected to it noone had any problem with it.

I'm gonna believe the kids with the sore butts...
There are no children that were molested. The one kid said so because his mother made him she already tried to Blackmail J.C. Penny's and George Lopez. The other case involved the father being jelaous over Jackson and giving his son truth serum and asking his son in an altered state.

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