Register Your Hands - Only 19.95!

Maybe a good mini-series??? Some training sequences maybe???

Hahaha yessss.... and feel free to take artistic liberties as to what might have been going through my brother's head when I said I'd knock him out... i.e. pan to a scene where a guy gets punched in the head, which explodes, etc.
Hahaha yessss.... and feel free to take artistic liberties as to what might have been going through my brother's head when I said I'd knock him out... i.e. pan to a scene where a guy gets punched in the head, which explodes, etc.

Speilberg to direct and Industrial Light Studios to do the special effects...
Think I'll register lol! I'll pay the extra and get the wallet card too because that's really going to impress anyone who tries to attack me!
I think everyone who has ever done martial arts has been asked this about their hands. Do you have to register them with the police? Don't you have to warn someone three times before you hit them? Oh dear!
Don't you have to warn someone three times before you hit them? Oh dear!

Kind of like us having to say Taser, Taser, Taser before we zap them..
Think I'll register lol! I'll pay the extra and get the wallet card too because that's really going to impress anyone who tries to attack me!
I think everyone who has ever done martial arts has been asked this about their hands. Do you have to register them with the police? Don't you have to warn someone three times before you hit them? Oh dear!

ROFL I can see it now.

black belt: "I warn you, I'm a black belt"
Joe Blow: [punches blackbelt]
Black belt: "ouch. Stop it. I said i was a black belt, i don't want to hurt you."
Joe Blow: [punches black belt harder]
Blackbelt: [spitting out teeth] "OUCH, I warned you i don't want to....urgh" [passes out]


I think it's brilliant marketing. This guy is going to make alot of money for doing NOTHING! People are paying him almost 20 dollars a pop just to give them a piece of paper and add their name to a list that means NOTHING!
It's like an episode of Futurama...

Bender says "Hey I have an idea! Everybody throw in 5 bucks!" and then keeps everybody's money and doesn't do anything.
I think it's brilliant marketing. This guy is going to make alot of money for doing NOTHING! People are paying him almost 20 dollars a pop just to give them a piece of paper and add their name to a list that means NOTHING!

Yep...Same as the people on E-bay that sell black belt certs...
It's kinda stupid if taken at face value, but actually kinda cute if taken as fun with a strong streak of sarcasm.

I mean, it would be a great gag gift for someone you know.

Can you imagine people seeing your certificates on your wall "This is my second dan from kukkiwon... and this (voice lowers in mock(?) seriousness) is my certificate for registering my hands as a dangerous weapon"

I mean, there's always the urban myth you hear about "black belts have to register their hands as dangerous weapons with the police". This just pokes fun at the idea
Awww... I wanted to buy a T-shirt from them, but they're out of stock!

Oh well, I suppose I can improvise by going to Wal-Mart, buying a 4-pack of Fruit of the Loom cotton t-shirts, a couple of Sharpie markers, and a bit of crude artwork...

On another note, I wonder how many people actually think it's real, despite the small print on the front page?
Speilberg to direct and Industrial Light Studios to do the special effects...


Michael Bay so we get some good explosions in there for some reason..
M. Night Shyamalan and we find out that the secret twist ending is that *the hand's weren't really in the pockets!!*
Roger Corman, but half the footage is from another movie he produced (probably "Battle Beyond The Stars") and it will be out the week before the Spielberg version
Fred Olan Ray - martial arts trial, with T&A!!!
Wachowski Brothers - who will take that simple premise and stretch it to two more, increasingly confusing, sequels

It will star Jet Li, who will claim it's a historical movie, not a martial arts movie because he retired from doing martial arts movies.

Michael Bay so we get some good explosions in there for some reason..
M. Night Shyamalan and we find out that the secret twist ending is that *the hand's weren't really in the pockets!!*
Roger Corman, but half the footage is from another movie he produced (probably "Battle Beyond The Stars") and it will be out the week before the Spielberg version
Fred Olan Ray - martial arts trial, with T&A!!!
Wachowski Brothers - who will take that simple premise and stretch it to two more, increasingly confusing, sequels

It will star Jet Li, who will claim it's a historical movie, not a martial arts movie because he retired from doing martial arts movies.

Yes to all you suggested....
Oh my g... :lfao::lfao::lfao:. phew really this.. :lol::lol::lol:..
ok the thing is.. :rofl::rofl::rofl: rah MEDIC!! I am DYING!

ok, better now.

What`s next? Register your farts as deadly biological weapons??

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