Randy Couture vs. Rodrigo Nogueira at UFC 102

Clark Kent

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Sep 11, 2006
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06-15-2009 03:34 PM: The UFC officially announced that Randy Couture will headline it’s first every foray into Portland, Oregan against former UFC heavyweight champion and Pride champion Rodrigo “Minotauro” Nogueira.

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Is the UFC getting so bad they need Randy once more, let it go dude you are getting to old for this ****.
I have to agree. At this point it would be about money for Couture and does Randy really need the money? Is it worth watching Randy get beat up yet again?

My answer is no. And I'd also pick Nog by either arm bar or rear naked choke.
Is the UFC getting so bad they need Randy once more, let it go dude you are getting to old for this ****.

Yea, I agree. However I still pay to watch the dude fight, he's entertaining atleast. But I guess sometimes fighter's or people in general can't let go of the times of when they were in the Center of everything.
While Randy may be old, his cardio is that of someone half his age. The man is a cardio machine. What will the outcome of this fight be? I'd like to see Randy get the win, but, as much as I hate to say it, Nog may get it.
While Randy may be old, his cardio is that of someone half his age. The man is a cardio machine. What will the outcome of this fight be? I'd like to see Randy get the win, but, as much as I hate to say it, Nog may get it.

Actually a story about that.

A friend of mine & training partner went to a workshop for the weekend with Randy in N.Y. on submissions, takedowns etc...

He said there was probably around 100 people give or take a few and at the end of the workshop Randy rolled around with everyone that wanted to. Of course submitted pretty much everybody, but wasn't even close to being out of breath.

Even though these are probably all amateurs but still, that should be a lot of energy expended.

But either way Randy is phenomenal.
Actually a story about that.

A friend of mine & training partner went to a workshop for the weekend with Randy in N.Y. on submissions, takedowns etc...

He said there was probably around 100 people give or take a few and at the end of the workshop Randy rolled around with everyone that wanted to. Of course submitted pretty much everybody, but wasn't even close to being out of breath.

Even though these are probably all amateurs but still, that should be a lot of energy expended.

But either way Randy is phenomenal.

Thanks for sharing that! :) I've heard stories about Roy Harris and Rickson doing the same thing. The stamina these guys have is mindblowing.
Ashame that if Randy would have taken this fight before his whole thing with the UFC he would have probably had his fight with Fedor.This is the same fight that he refused to take that started the whole legal battle with the UFC.

After Mir's destruction of Nog, I will back Randy on this one. Nog didn't look like he even wanted to be in the ring with Mir.

I still think Randy can fight. I think the Lesnar fight was just bad due to Brock's size. I think there was a 60-70 lb. weight difference between the 2 men and no matter how good you are that is a lot of weight against soemone with good skills. This isn't like the old UFC days.

I think he can pull this win off.
Randy wants to fight the best and is also a fan of the sport not just the ufc, he has always expressed a desire to fight both Nog and fedor since they were/are the best in the heavyweight division.

I think this will be a good fight, and if im honest would love to see Randy try to make this a ground fight, it will answer alot of questions that MMA fans have been asking for years.
Randy will beat Rodrigo.
Randy is a master strategist, Rodrigo has a broken fighters body, and I can not see him doing anything but react to Randys gameplan.
This fight would have been great 8 years ago, unfortunately now I am afraid it will be a hollow shell of the match it could have been long ago.
I will still watch it, I imagine I will still see glimmers of greatness from both men, but I expect Randy to dominate the fight to a fairly quick end.
Randy will beat Rodrigo.
Randy is a master strategist, Rodrigo has a broken fighters body, and I can not see him doing anything but react to Randys gameplan.
This fight would have been great 8 years ago, unfortunately now I am afraid it will be a hollow shell of the match it could have been long ago.
I will still watch it, I imagine I will still see glimmers of greatness from both men, but I expect Randy to dominate the fight to a fairly quick end.

Agreed, it will be an entertaining fight to say the least.
Thanks for sharing that! :) I've heard stories about Roy Harris and Rickson doing the same thing. The stamina these guys have is mindblowing.

Agreed, definitely World class athletes.
Agreed, definitely World class athletes.

Try Helio Gracie doing it against world class athletes when he was well beyond 80...

I think it has alot more to do with technique then stamina.
Once you learn how to conserve energy, and keep an opponents weight off you, and avoid using strength to fight off another person, its not easy to get tired. These guys are great technical fighters first, I am sure their stamina is great, but thats not what is allowing them to go all day.