Protecting The 2nd or 3rd Person.


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Jun 21, 2003
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This is really a two part question. The first part is as follows:

When you're out with your wife, girlfriend, family, kids, etc., and trouble were to arise, what do you do to protect them?

The second part is:

If you're by yourself, and you saw someone being assaulted, mugged, etc., what would you do to aid them?


Senior Master
Nov 18, 2005
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If it were my wife or other family member (with the possible exception of my youngest sister) I'd defend them without hesitation. Same with most friends. How depends on who it is, the attackers and the totality of the situation. My wife and I have protocols already. With her and some of my friends it would probably be a matter of backing their play more than anything else. There are others who can not defend themselves. That would require a different set of responses. Of those, some can run. I'd try to get out the words "Run. Call the police," if I had time. Others, like my mother, can't. I'd try to move the fight at least a couple feet away from her.

For strangers it really depends. If I don't know them or what's going on there is a lot of potential for getting the wrong person, ending up somewhat dead when stranger #2 pulls out a weapon or accidentally helping beat up the undercover cop. Still, there are cases where it's pretty obvious. And a lot of time just showing up and making your presence known can resolve things.


Senior Master
Jun 16, 2005
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If it's my family or a freind, without question. there is no 'if', 'ands', or 'buts' about it.
If it's someone else, call the cops, and just try to break it up. thats about it... If I think someone is about to die, do my best to keep the other person from finishing them off.

Kembudo-Kai Kempoka

Senior Master
Mar 9, 2004
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Dana Point, CA
This is really a two part question. The first part is as follows:

When you're out with your wife, girlfriend, family, kids, etc., and trouble were to arise, what do you do to protect them?

The second part is:

If you're by yourself, and you saw someone being assaulted, mugged, etc., what would you do to aid them?

When I was in executive protection, we would pre-inform the client to sit down in the event of any issues. Anyone standing is a target, and will be treated appropriately, so make sure you sit down, and tuck up.

I've informed ladyfriends to do the same over the years, and had it work nicely. The one who didn't sit down, but rather stood there and gawked, ended up posing a liability; bad guy starts fomr me (with his buddies) toward her, weapon in hand. I had to take some shots to close to her assailant. Had she been sitting, he would have stayed focused on me. I would have gotten less hurt in the fray.

In non-combative situations, but still out for the day, I've just taken instinctively to evaluating the environment on a low-level continuous basis, and keep between my company and any potential threats. Have steered off some purse snatchings and such that way.

As for a problem keeping to myself when others are in trouble...think I read too many Marvel comics as a kid. How I intervene depends on many things. The most important part, in my pea-little brain, is to intervene.



Senior Master
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Jul 6, 2003
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middletown, CT USA
I am careful not to put my family in dangerous situations.

A friend of mine came upon a man beating a woman one time and as he attempted to subdue the attacker, the woman attacked my friend! It turned out to be boyfriend and girlfriend and the girl jumped to her boyfriends aid despite the fact she was being beaten by him!

We are holding a seminar on defending the 3rd person by Prof. Wedlake in September. Should be enlightening as I haven't had formal training on this subject.


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Apr 13, 2005
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Saint Cloud, Florida
When you're out with your wife, girlfriend, family, kids, etc., and trouble were to arise, what do you do to protect them?

It really depends on the entire situation and where the safe spot is or whether I need to create one. I have had a situation occur where I had positioned myself between someone and a potential danger, creating a shield. That combined with the appropriate timing created a rather disturbing surprise for the criminal. Needless to say he scurried off like a roach. In a very general sense, I would try to move them to a safe spot or somehow make where they are safe by redirecting the trouble elsewhere.

If you're by yourself, and you saw someone being assaulted, mugged, etc., what would you do to aid them?

Again, it would be difficult to say. I would think the first thing would be to make myself visible as I was calling the police. I guess I could get physically involved, but it really depends on my proximity, timing of things, and my gut feeling.

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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This is really a two part question. The first part is as follows:

When you're out with your wife, girlfriend, family, kids, etc., and trouble were to arise, what do you do to protect them?

Well when I used to Bounce I would spend some time explaining to my girlfriend of the time what was expected of them when a situation was at hand. i.e. I created a plan before there was a problem. The plan was for them to get away and get to a vehicle or store or somewhere safe. I could get out once they were out.

As to the immediate tactics. I always placed myself between the protected and the bad guy(s). I would move so it would be easier for those with me to get away.

Today's tactics have changed to include the use of a cell phone and 911 and the open line. I have not used the following but by calling 911 and placing it on speaker phone and then reattaching to my belt they phone would allow for some pick up (* yelling helps *) and also for tracking if unable to get clear positions to thsoe on the phone. The second person would also be dialing 911. From experience they seem to react better when multiple people call. This then allows for the person moving to safety to also give information.

The second part is:

If you're by yourself, and you saw someone being assaulted, mugged, etc., what would you do to aid them?

I have helped in the past. Many times just letting the bad guys know there are witnesses and others around stops or delays their actions. I would also use the cell phone for 911.

I even helped a police officer once. I asked him while rolling on the gorund with a bad guy on drugs if he needed help. He siad yes. I then asked if he wanted me to call for back up or assist him. Still his call. He said assist. IN the end, I had to partially restrain the guy while he called for back up. When back up rolled in hot, I was barely missed by one vehicle (* I was on teh ground with the officer and the bad guy *) I rolled into a ball and started yelling "I was helping the officer. " Since I was not moving and not a threat they helped with the bad guy. It took many officers to restrain the guy as he felt no pain.


2nd Black Belt
Aug 24, 2005
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my house
I'm extremely protective of my friends and family and am far more likely to physically hurt you if you come after them than if you come after me. Just the way I've always been as long as I can remember. This tickles my wife as she is a LEO and quite capable of "ruining somebody's day" as she calls it.

If I see a stranger getting attacked I'm the guy that calls the cops and then tells them the cops are on the way - from a secure distance. I've never been in a situation where the victim looked like their life was actually in danger so I don't know what I would do in that case. I'd like to believe that I'd intercede in some way - but I'm not really interested in dieing for a stranger that may have brought it on themselves.


Green Belt
Jan 19, 2007
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Los Angeles
The first part of the question everyone is going to answer about the same way.

The second part I guess is the hard one? If you were walking down the street and heard an old lady screaming for help you would do nothing? How about a kid, I mean an eight or ten year old? How about a young lady screaming for some guy to take his hands off her? How about a young man laying in the street getting his head kicked in? How about a guy laying on the ground bleeding and his wife is screaming for the attackers to stay away and not come back?

Now think of this....... your son, daughter, mother, grandmother, or maybe even you are laying on the ground and unable to help yourself or loved one......... I hope someone is around who would come to your aid and it might even be better if that person was a skilled martial artist!


Master Black Belt
Jan 10, 2007
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First part...I would die for a loved one.

Second the past I have broken up fights between guys. I have never been in a situation where another person's life was in immediate danger. I would probably get someone to call 9-11 while I go tell the assailants that the cops are on the way and get in between the assailants and the victim. Until this actually happens I am not sure how I will react for a stranger.


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