This video clip of a little girl who happens to be a political genius whiz at the age of 4 (and again at 6 yrs). She's been on Oprah and Leno's tonight show.
Not only does her political knowledge/memory totally awes you ... but her personality and natural charm just can't help but make you smile.
Proud parents indeed. Wonder what she'll be when she grows up?
Maybe a kick-butt martial artist! :uhyeah:
Oh yeah, here's a bonus video... gigglelaugh along with this cute baby...
Not only does her political knowledge/memory totally awes you ... but her personality and natural charm just can't help but make you smile.
Proud parents indeed. Wonder what she'll be when she grows up?
Maybe a kick-butt martial artist! :uhyeah:
Oh yeah, here's a bonus video... gigglelaugh along with this cute baby...