Practical Applications of Chang Hon Forms


Green Belt
Dec 22, 2007
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If I am repeating a request please forgive me but I remember someone posting about a book written about the practical self defense applications of the Chang Hon Forms. I cannot find the title or author. If anyone has the information, Please share.
If I am repeating a request please forgive me but I remember someone posting about a book written about the practical self defense applications of the Chang Hon Forms. I cannot find the title or author. If anyone has the information, Please share.

Stuart Anslow, one of our own members. Chang Hon Taekwondo Hae Sul: Real Applications of the ITF Patterns
I got some good news (well it is from my POV anyway). The paperback version is being withdrawn as the book has done so well since its released, a second edition is coming out soon and its gonna be a hardback version.


I got some good news (well it is from my POV anyway). The paperback version is being withdrawn as the book has done so well since its released, a second edition is coming out soon and its gonna be a hardback version.



Music to any author's ears!

What kind of new material is going to be in the second edition, Stuart?
Music to any author's ears!

What kind of new material is going to be in the second edition, Stuart?

Its not a volume 2 Im afraid, just a 2nd reprint, with errors correcting etc. plus of course its hardback.


I have a copy of the paper back is worth getting the hard back. are they big corrections??


No. Its just a few typos that got through etc. + the hard back cover.

Dam.. there go my royalties..

.. erm, but I got 4 kids to feed :angel:

I have said it before on this site that the book you wrote is great!so much info loads to read. please do another one so I can help feed your 4 kids!!!Regards Chris.
I have said it before on this site that the book you wrote is great!so much info loads to read. please do another one so I can help feed your 4 kids!!!Regards Chris.

I'm 110% with chrismay on this, Stuart. Get that volume 2 out asap. The field, if I can put it like that, is hungry for careful expositions of practical fighting applications for these forms. If I had my own school, there'd be a page-long reading list for my students, along with several hours a week of reality-based street attack/TKD defense-and-counterattack training in the curriculum. KKW or ITF, the idea is for people to look at a sequence of motions and deduce from that sequence a set of plausible moves for self-defense that incorporate the deep strategic ideas on which the art rests. Your ITF stuff and Simon's KKW stuff are the bedrock of that reading list at the moment... but more is needed. People need 'practice' in decoding the forms, and the more the better. In math and physics, they're called 'worked examples', and 90% of the science people who go into those fields learn is from worked examples. So please don't let volume 2 get too far over your horizon, eh? :)