Poor sense of philosophy and history



Black Belt
Jan 25, 2011
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Washington, DC
I respectfully disagree. Ideas and actions together are the best formula. Ideas without support actions, of course, are empty shells; actions without ideas/words are left open to misinterpretation.


Black Belt
Jan 25, 2011
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Washington, DC
Yes, and in Greece, a person's involvement in sports was part of a larger personal journey that include studies in philosophy and other disciplines.


Master of Arts
Dec 17, 2009
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I agree and disagree with this teaching style. A teacher should spark the imagination of students and serve to orient his/her direction; however, it is up to the student to make the journey. Omitting this step reduces the teacher to a trainer.

I'm not sure what you are disagreeing with by your statement. It is the art of Zen, to lead the student to the experience. However, it has been my experience, that it is with as little talking/showing as is necessary for the student to have the experience. Some concepts/techniques require very little talking/showing, while others require more. Language is not universal. For example if I say the word posture, some may envision standing straight, some may envision sitting straight, some may imagine a yoga pose, some may envision a specific stance.. . It all depends on the individuals experience, culture, background etc.. . Obviously, context will help to lead a person to the point you are attempting to get across, but a student may still interpret your lesson incorrectly. I've seen it a million times. So why spend lengthy time talking, IF you can lead the student to the experience more quickly in other avenues?


Master of Arts
Dec 17, 2009
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Okay, I will give another example. You have were a part of the Moo Duk Kwan, I'm assuming if you practiced Tang Soo Do. How much time was ever spent explaining the meaning of Duk? I could talk about it until I was blue in the face to my students, and they RARELY ever understand until they have spent years in the art. Why? Because the concept is completely foreign to westerners. The word doesn't even hold the same western meaning as it does in Asian culture. So why should I waste lengthy time talking about a concept that they will not understand from words?

My students know the basic translation as, "School of Martial Virtue." As they advance, I briefly touch on the meaning of virtue. Firstly by asking what the word means to them. Their definition has NEVER been the correct meaning of Duk. I lead them to the answer, and by the time they are 1st or 2nd dan, they have not only heard my definintion of Duk, they have began to experience it.

It would have done me or my students no good at all, to meditate, lecture, etc.. . on it a meaning that is very difficult for most westerners to grasp. It is not that I do not speak about it, it is that I speak sparingly enough to get my point across without muddying their understanding.

In order to truly understand the meaning of Duk, it requires both an eastern philosophical and cultural context. So yes, there has to be some explanation verbally, but again, I believe that speaking too much deters from the students' true understanding.

The difference between rote memorization/ regurgitating MY definition of Duk, and the student having a true understanding by actually experiencing Duk themselves. They may have a different explanation of it, but they know exactly what it is, vs. someone not having a true idea and only regurgitating a teacher's definition.

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
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North American Tectonic Plate
Lol. So I did hit a nerve after all. Pax.

Actually you didn't..... you over rate your importance. I just state facts in order to justify to those that may read this later as to why your "thesis" is wrong. And though you may think continually saying to me that you struck a nerve is a great way to avoid the truth of the matter… it isn't...you are still wrong and have little knowledge of the topic you are professing to have knowledge of and using that to belittle others

And that is the 3rd time you have misread me.... interesting

However to continue this is pointless so I leave you to your flawed thesis, I just feel bad for those you teach this too.

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