Pool anyone?


Master of Blades

Interesting......I spent all last night in the Accident and Emergency centre of the Hospital last night after getting attacked with my friends by two guys with Pool Balls wrapped in a sock! Talk about ghetto!

I'll just tell you it in a short form. Apparently I had been stalked by these two for about an hour or so (Which I personally feel is pretty damn sad). Anyways, we were outside making our way home carrying two of our friends who were VERY drunk when these two guys come up and grab me. Before I could do anything mis amigo Jason came over and was like allow it blah blah. So they left me and went onto my other friend....Jason again got involved and they left it. But the smaller of the two guys grabbed Conors camera from out of his pocket and Jason got angry. He started to go forward and pretty much lost his temper. The guy swung at him with the Pool Balls, hit him just next to his eye. Jason then REALLY lost his temper and beat the crap out of the guy, disarming him and stuff (By this point the little guy was gone). But Jason lost his footing and the guy took his chance and ran........right into me lol. I managed to take him again but then the little guy showed up and booted me before they both ran off. We went back to someones home and sat in the Hospital at 3 in the morning :D

Anyway......back to the point of this thread.....Whats the weirdest thing you've ever been attacked with?

On a lighter note......someone tried to mug me and my friend with a water gun......Boy did he regret that! :rofl:
A ceramic crock stick...the one's used for sharpening knives.

First if you where stalked by these guys for an hour you had better start learning to pay better attention to your surrondings . and sharpen your awareness of thoses near you.
Your friend is lucky if he did not have a fractured obital socket.

I've been hit with a hot iron frying pan (disagrement with wife-I lost) other than that the most unusal weapon to be used against me was a trown cow patty.
Oh, to be young again.....ahhhh!

I haven't been jumped like that in many years and I seriously doubt I would have emerged so happy-go-lucky at my age. Your buddy did get lucky if he didn't get his orbital broken....those things HURT and take forever to heal.

Anyhow, the strangest thing I was ever attacked with was a very long, how can I put this delicately, sexual device. It's a long and not that interesting story, so don't ask, but what was really weird is that the thing was still running after at least a minute of hard beating against my forearms and shins (again, don't ask).

OK! Got two bones to pick with you........

First,You know we gotta ask about it......

Second, Now my wife wants one of them that takes a lickin and keeps on tickin

Thanks a lot pal....:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Befor we get into the last request remember there are KIDS that read this forum. Lets just use our imagination that might be more fun anyway.
Originally posted by lost_tortoise
Oh, to be young again.....ahhhh!

I haven't been jumped like that in many years and I seriously doubt I would have emerged so happy-go-lucky at my age. Your buddy did get lucky if he didn't get his orbital broken....those things HURT and take forever to heal.

Anyhow, the strangest thing I was ever attacked with was a very long, how can I put this delicately, sexual device. It's a long and not that interesting story, so don't ask, but what was really weird is that the thing was still running after at least a minute of hard beating against my forearms and shins (again, don't ask).


Thanks for sending this on a winding Spiral into nothingness :rolleyes:
A lightsaber... One of those plastic ones. It was for the Empire Strikes Back, when it was in theaters. You know of those people who camp out and do pretend sword fighting. Well, my wife and my kids were with me, and all was standing in line. One camper got out, packed his things, and left for some apparent reason. Then, he came back, looking for his spot in line. I told him he could have his spot back, but then he tried cutting in front of everyone else, placing him maybe 8th in line. Well, this angered some people and they settled it over a lightsaber fight. I started laughing and Darth Vader, one of the duelists, got mad at me and struck me in the arm with his lightsaber. I didn't retaliate at all, the guy just stood there going "wooosh"
Originally posted by A.R.K.
Glad your ok partner :cool:

Bah, you know me, and we all know the say that "Sticks and Stones cant break my bones but DAMN do Pool Balls in a sock hurt" :lol:
Originally posted by MartialArtist
A lightsaber... One of those plastic ones. It was for the Empire Strikes Back, when it was in theaters. You know of those people who camp out and do pretend sword fighting. Well, my wife and my kids were with me, and all was standing in line. One camper got out, packed his things, and left for some apparent reason. Then, he came back, looking for his spot in line. I told him he could have his spot back, but then he tried cutting in front of everyone else, placing him maybe 8th in line. Well, this angered some people and they settled it over a lightsaber fight. I started laughing and Darth Vader, one of the duelists, got mad at me and struck me in the arm with his lightsaber. I didn't retaliate at all, the guy just stood there going "wooosh"
Funny stuff!!!:jediduel: :duel:

:xwing: :stoplurk: My personal weirdest attack was a hatchet!!! I thought the guy was joking around until he pulled it out his back pocket. So I dropped him like a bad habit!!! Bet he didn't expect that huh? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
clock radio

PS work on your situational awareness.