Plane with 48 aboard crashes into house in suburban Buffalo

Bob Hubbard

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Plane with 48 aboard crashes into house in suburban Buffalo

  • Story Highlights
  • Continental Flight 3407 crashes into a house in suburban Buffalo
  • FAA reports 44 passengers and four crew members were aboard jetliner
  • Officials say there are multiple fatalities; the plane is still burning
  • The plane was flying from Newark, New Jersey, to Buffalo

This is 15 minutes from me.
Updated: 02/13/09 01:01 AM

Forty-nine people reportedly died when an aircraft identified as a Continental Airlines flight crashed into a house in Clarence Center shortly after 10 p.m. last night, starting a huge fire which poured thick smoke throughout the hamlet.
Unconfirmed reports from a source at Buffalo Niagara International Airport said that the dead included 44 passengers, four crew members and a person on the ground.

Prayers and best wishes for the families... :( :asian:
Terrible news for all involved. A rather sobering reminder, after the Hudson miracle, of how many air crashes end.
It is times like this, that reality checks remind us all how fragile life is. Treat every day as a gift. My heart and condolences go out to the family and friends of this tragedy.

50 killed in crash as plane hits Buffalo house

  • Story Highlights
  • NEW: Flight data and voice recorders recovered, investigators say
  • Officials say all 49 aboard the plane died; one confirmed death on ground
  • Another plane reports icing near time of crash
  • Relatives of passengers aboard flight should call 800-621-3263 for information
With Toronto's proximity to Buffalo, this has been on all the channels today. It's a terrible tragedy, though it's quite extraordinary that more lives weren't lost in the crash in a residential neighbourhood.
Gordon Nore wrote
With Toronto's proximity to Buffalo

I have been on this same flight many times; in fact I and a bunch of others will be on this same flight to attend a Systema training event occurring in Toronto this May. We always fly into Buffalo thru Newark and then drive up to Toronto.

I have included prayers for the families and friends of those that perished as well as for those that passed and will be doing so again in May. It must have been terrifying.

Brian King
Ice. This has occurred many times before: ice-buildup on the wings is the kiss of death for a plane. It's unusual for it to happen during a flight, but that seems to be what happened... I'm not sure that enough attention is paid to the dangers of this happening. The focus is usually on ground conditions (wind shear and so on) at the departure and arrival airports, but I suspect more could be done to guard against this kind of horrible thing.... :(